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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by superbariatricbabe

  1. superbariatricbabe


    I think nausea is a pretty common side-effect from pain killers?
  2. superbariatricbabe

    Asked to delay

    I'm sorry- when you wrote "asked to delay" I guess I assumed that it wasn't a demand, just a request you could refuse. It's totally wrong of them to demand that you work. Take fmla leave!
  3. superbariatricbabe

    Asked to delay

    I'm self-employed so I'm not totally qualified to answer this question. But I think a lot of it depends on your priorities - there's nothing wrong with putting yourself first - You are the only one who can do this for yourself. But there's also nothing wrong with putting it off til December if you think that your work is important and you feel that's the way to go. So... go with your gut. What would you be proud to tell your mom you did? Taking the high road and doing you think is right is worth it in the long run. sorry - I hope that didn't come across as preachy. I once worked for some really unethical sh*theads (shockingly morally bankrupt individuals), so work-place ethics are a passion of mine.
  4. Great thread! Thank you Veterans for your insight!
  5. superbariatricbabe

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    I'm actually pretty thrilled for an October recovery time. Going for walks when it's cool outside and the leaves are changing to their fall colors sounds like a pretty perfect day. Infinitely preferable to a sweaty hot & humid summer recovery. Plus it's just in time to keep us away from all those tempting Halloween & Thanksgiving goodies.
  6. superbariatricbabe


    You can do it. You are very brave and must just be bursting with hope and excitement to be going through with this surgery. Remember how brave you really are when temptation strikes I quit smoking a couple months ago and it was agony. But every time I'm tempted (And ohhh boy it can be tempting), I remind myself that smoking will interfere with my healing after the surgery and increase the likelihood of complications. After reading all the complications and horror stories on these boards, that is enough to keep me from lighting up.
  7. superbariatricbabe

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    Nope, I'm doing it at a local hospital that has a good reputation in central virginia. Are you in NoVa?
  8. superbariatricbabe

    VA - Northern VA

    Central VA over here!
  9. superbariatricbabe

    Todays the day!

    Wishing you an easy and uncomplicated surgery! Remember: You are your own superhero today.
  10. superbariatricbabe

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    I own a comic book shop! (And Forsythia is one of my favorite VS songs!!!!! Verruca Salt rules.)
  11. superbariatricbabe

    Anyone a smoker?

    Quit smoking on the day that the surgeon said he wouldn't operate on anyone who uses nicotine products. I gained 8-10 lbs when I quit. >_< I've had a few moments of weakness, but overall I'm staying strong. it's rough. I loved smoking. But now I love breathing easier.
  12. superbariatricbabe

    Before (I hope!)

  13. superbariatricbabe

    New York, 2012

    From the album: Before (I hope!)

  14. superbariatricbabe

    Toronto, 2014

    From the album: Before (I hope!)

  15. superbariatricbabe

    Wedding in San Francisco, 2012

    From the album: Before (I hope!)

  16. superbariatricbabe

    Anticlimactic first consult

    omg same here Tootles! I was expecting... well I don't know what i was expecting, but something more 'doctory' than a conversation. I had my first consult earlier this week, and it was basically a chit chat... We just talked about goals, he agreed that the bypass was the right choice for me, and cautioned that it's not just a quick fix. He doesn't even want me to do a pre-op diet - he said it's only for patients over 350lbs. I weigh 310 right now (gained 8 lbs when i quit smoking last month!) But I kind of want to do it anyway if it will make the surgery safer. (I am f***** terrified of complications and surgery itself.) But in the next 8 weeks, I need to get a physical, some blood work, cleared by therapist, and then see a dietitian twice. Easy peasy lemon squeezey. What is your pre-op diet regimen?
  17. superbariatricbabe

    psych evaluation!?

    Yikes! Was that your first meeting with him? That sounds pretty terrible. I'm sorry!
  18. superbariatricbabe

    psych evaluation!?

    Preface: this is not meant as an accusation or judgement about you personally. These are issues I have struggled with, and I totally understand how you feel about your psych doctors. Sometimes they can seem pretty unsympathetic. That said, I feel like its unlikely that people like us can reach our degree without mental or emotional problems. It's simple unreasonable for me to claim that my weight and my mental health are not related. Your stomach does not have arms to feed itself, your stomach does not have lips and teeth to chew, your stomach doesn't have a Visa card to buy groceries. You as a whole person do those things, so your doctors want to make sure that your whole person, mind included, are invested in making these changes. (Even if your weight has a medical cause (thyroid etc) there is an immense mental toll. Although in that case it's more effect than cause, it still usually requires therapy.) becoming mentally/emotionally healthy is a huge part of this journey- it's not enough to fix your body, you need to consider your mind as well. Depression is not as simple as feeling sad. You may feel unmotivated, lonely, lethargic, tired, and a myriad of other things. Depression can be so isolating, it feels like no one is there with you. Even when someone is literally listening to your problems it can feel like they will never understand. Being told by a doctor that you have depression seems really awful at first. If you really believe they are wrong, seek a second opinion. If even a tiny piece of you thinks that it might be true, then addressing that might be the key to a successful weight loss journey! And that is GREAT news! Because some of us never get that lucky. 3 True Things 1. You are not alone - we're all struggling with doctors and mental health. We're here for you, and we understand. 2. Doctors aren't perfect and sometimes they are wrong. If you really don't think there is any tiny smidgen of a chance that this diagnosis is true, go see someone else. 3. Therapy doesn't hurt as much as surgery. But they work pretty well together.
  19. Coming at this question from another angle: sugar is mega addictive and toxic- reducing our sugar intake is one of the most important parts of the process- and one of the reasons successful WLS patients stay successful long term. I'm pre-op but I've decided to give up sugar before the surgery to make the transition easier. it's only been 48 hours and I feel like I have the flu. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and pounding headaches. Sugar withdrawal is super real. Replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners is a personal choice. I'm wary of chemicals, (ironic since processed sugar is basically an awful chemical) so I'm using a little bit of low-glycemic but not calorie free alternatives like agave and fresh unprocessed stevia for my morning coffee.
  20. superbariatricbabe

    surgery in the morning Goodnight

    You are your own superhero! Wishing you the best tomorrow.
  21. superbariatricbabe

    WLS Blog Roll Call

    So I love reading WLS (specifically RNY) blogs during my downtime at work, but I'm looking for some new quality sites! Anyone have WLS blog recommedations? - If you want to post your own that's cool too! Here's mine: Super Bariatric Babe Summary: Pre-op, 300lbs, I have a tendency to get pretty personal. All part of my attempts to figure this whole thing out.
  22. superbariatricbabe

    Why do men do this?

    Oh gosh I'm sorry they made you feel like that. You are right; I think it's just as hurtful to be ignored as it is to get negative attention. But to answer your question:Why would people ignore someone until they become socially acceptable? People can f****ing suck sometimes.
  23. superbariatricbabe

    Do I need a therapist?

    I'm so sorry! That's awful. :/ Therapy can be rough but it's worth a shot. It's better than suffering alone and numbing your feelings with food. I hope!
  24. superbariatricbabe

    Where do you find comfort?

    Yikes. Apparently I'm alone in this. :/ Is this a bad question?
  25. superbariatricbabe

    Overreacting? I want water!

    Uhhh. It sounds like neither your surgeon nor your nutritionist are giving you the right information. A nutritionist should know that your stomach doesn't absorb nutrients. A surgeon should know that WLS is not a 3 week decision. I'd consider talking to my primary physician for an informed opinion. See what he or she recommends doing.

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