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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by superbariatricbabe

  1. superbariatricbabe

    Crystal Light

    As long as it's sugar free, it's cool.
  2. superbariatricbabe


    Fresh Salmon sashimi is why God made fish. It's buttery and luxurious and sexy if made with quality fish, and packed with all kinds of omega 3s and protein. Great Beginner Level Sashimi, that you can eat with a little soy or fresh lemon juice
  3. superbariatricbabe

    Lots of pain!

    Fever = Call Your Surgeon Immediately
  4. superbariatricbabe

    I Don't Want to Buy New Clothes In Plus Sizes

    If it Doesn't fit: I think you just send it back and get the next on on your list. Not sure about damage- they have a great FAQ section you should check out
  5. superbariatricbabe

    What is SATISFIED?

    Truthfully eating to satisfaction takes practice for a lot of us. I'm pre-op and in therapy for my eating addiction. Those of us who eat compulsively or emotionally can get disconnected from our bodies: we're not in the habit of listening to our bodies satisfaction signals. I've made significant progress in this area by doing a couple things. I stop 3 or 4 times during my meals or Snacks and focus on my body. Really try to identify the level of hunger i am at during different points in my meal. Afterwards if i overeat and get that overfilled feeling, i can think back and say: oh next time I should stop here when my body feels like this. Next time I eat, I try to listen for that signal in my body and wait a couple minutes to see if there is any hunger there. Sometimes I fail at this. But when I succeed it's amazing and I feel pride. My meals have gotten smaller and smaller (I just hand my plate over to my husband), and I'm overfilling less and less - even during periods of stress eating. But don't forget it's okay to eat if you are physically hungry!
  6. superbariatricbabe

    I Don't Want to Buy New Clothes In Plus Sizes

    GwynnieBee.com- sizes10-32 online clothes rental Aka. NetFlix for Clothes!! Fantastic idea for post op WLS patients who are going through rapid size changes. Let's you wear super cute expensive clothes, that you just return when you are done. Free shipping, free dry cleaning!!
  7. superbariatricbabe

    Starbucks anyone?

    I think you can request sugar-free and Fat-Free versions of a lot of drinks. A latte with sugar free chocolate syrup and skim milk does sound pretty amazing right now.
  8. superbariatricbabe

    Finally feeling better

    I was thinking about you the other day and I am so relieved that you are doing better!! You should be really proud of yourself for staying so strong through this experience. Nice work! Are you still in the hospital or will you be able to recover at home?
  9. superbariatricbabe

    surgery approved for October 7th.

    Surgery Buddies! Mine will be October 6th! Have you ever had a major surgery before?
  10. superbariatricbabe

    Jeans, and winter coat

    I just posted this on another topic but I will pste it below cause I think you guys might be interested. Free shipping for this service too. ---- Sadly pre-op and still in a 24 myself - but there's this online ladies clothes service that might not be a bad idea to sign up for. (I'm definitely signing up after surgery) www.gwynniebee.com. Super cute clothes from size 10-32. It's like netflix for clothes. Pay a monthly fee, make a list of the clothes you want, and send back the clothes when you are done. As soon as you send something back, they send the next thing on your list. it's pretty fantastic if you need a few nice outfits, then you can supplement with goodwill etc. I mean look at this dress! or this one! and this adorable blouse! They even have free dry cleaning included. This whole thing is genius. If you love something you get and don't want to part with it, you can buy it from them for 50% off retail!! And you get a free trial month I've already started my wish list. "Sizes 10-32. Unlimited wardrobe. Unlimited exchanges. Starting at $35 a month. Try it free for 30 days."
  11. superbariatricbabe

    Need size 14 clothes!

    Sadly pre-op and still in a 24 myself - but there's this online ladies clothes service that might not be a bad idea to sign up for. (I'm definitely signing up after surgery) www.gwynniebee.com. Super cute clothes from size 10-32. It's like netflix for clothes. Pay a monthly fee, make a list of the clothes you want, and send back the clothes when you are done. As soon as you send something back, they send the next thing on your list. it's pretty fantastic if you need a few nice outfits, then you can supplement with goodwill etc. I mean look at this dress! or this one! and this adorable blouse! They even have free dry cleaning included. This whole thing is genius. If you love something you get and don't want to part with it, you can buy it from them for 50% off retail!! And you get a free trial month I've already started my wish list. "Sizes 10-32. Unlimited wardrobe. Unlimited exchanges. Starting at $35 a month. Try it free for 30 days."
  12. superbariatricbabe


    Nice work iceman! Congrats on your awesome results!
  13. superbariatricbabe


    Culinary school is a really difficult time to lose weight. I speak from experience. At the CIA I gained a freshman fifty instead of a freshman fifteen! The only people in my class who lost or maintained their weight were the ones who exercised consistently. I was more interested in partying than sweating, and the stress plus food what made me go from simply overweight to seriously obese. I've been fighting to get back on track for the last seven years.
  14. superbariatricbabe

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    So proud of everybody on here! Can't wait to post my own NSVs. DANCE PARTY Celebrate YOURSELVES This music video should be the official post-wls anthem. "Bring your Water bottle."
  15. superbariatricbabe

    8 Days PostOp and Feeling Horrible

    You had your procedure August 18th? I know every doc has a different food plan, but it seems early to be eating solid food only 8 days after your surgery. My surgeon's plan doesn't let me even eat pureed food until 4 weeks out.
  16. superbariatricbabe

    i lived on this after my surgery

    You can also add a couple chicken feet (I know it sounds weird) to the broth while it's cooking. It adds a boost of natural Gelatin which is chockfull of Vitamin E, amino acids, glycine, lycine, and all kinds of awesome stuff. There is some gelatin naturally present in bones, but when you use really cartilaginous parts like veal knuckles, chicken feet, or pork trotters you get a huge boost in gelatin content. It also makes the broth a bit "stickier" which gives it a rich mouthfeel and enhanced flavor. (I used to be a butcher - and pork trotters were hoarded by all the great chefs in Napa Valley.)
  17. superbariatricbabe

    This is more rant then rave!

    Shopping has always been horrible for plus size ppl. The dressing room brings me to tears (and then to Sbarros) every time - since I was 14, now I'm 30 and I refuse to enter those mirrored torture chambers. Admittedly I saved a fortune on clothes and cultivated different less traditionally girly interests (i.e. comic books!), but I still feel like I'm missing out. The rise of amazing online shopping has helped immensely. Unfortunately now I'm spending a FORTUNE on asos.com because their plus size clothes are so much cooler and well made than the usual crap you find. And it's tailored to be actually flattering on chunky people - the cut is generous - the whole "swing dress" line is phenomenal and chic when paired with good jewelry and a pair of leggings. Off Topic Girl Rant: I'm a young woman, and I refuse to wear any of those square necks short-waist-ed awful mom-tees covered in disney characters that every plus-size brand is forcing down our throats. I might be a drama queen, but if another designer tries to make me wear flax or capri pants, I'll kill myself. I don't know if plus sized men have the same issues. Do they? My husband is also the tee shirt designer genius behind this Fat Celebration tee that comes in sizes up to mens 5x (sadly it's sold out of most sizes until the next batch is finished). He made this tee while I was a size 18, now I'm a size 24. But this too shall pass. My surgery is scheduled for October 6, and like Shirley said, I cannot wait to have that 2 out of the front of my pant size! I'm dreaming of little bodycon bandeau dresses and really reaally slutty high heels that will make my husband yell. The lapband will help you get where you need to go. And if not, you can always consider a revision. My therapist says its important to hold onto hope and positivity, and to focus on the things, even shallow things, that we want out of this process. So what do you want to wear when you're at goal?
  18. superbariatricbabe

    Long term eating

    Maybe try a braise? Slow cooking meats in liquid at a lower temp should make it easier to chew and digest. Try this: saute some chicken breasts or thighs in a pan with cooking spray until browned on both sides. Then add 1/2 c white wine, and stir it so you dissolve all the brown bits at the bottom of the pan. Then pour in some low fat chicken stock until about halfway up the chicken. Add a bit of salt and pepper, chopped garlic, some herbs like thyme or rosemary. Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes. Turn the chicken over and let it braise another 15-30 minutes until you can pull it apart with a fork. Freezes fabulously, and you can shred it and put it in soups too! This stuff is great cold the next day in your lunch box!
  19. superbariatricbabe

    October Buddies wanted

    It's a lot faster if you are prepay. Let's see. I went to my first info session may 25, then first doctor consult in June. Follow ups and physicals with pcp in July. Paid for my surgery and got in scheduled in mid august for October 6 ( they offered September 20 but I have a business conflict). So it would be about 4 months start to finish, but the actual surgery was scheduled 2 months after "approval" or in my case pre-pay. My understanding is that scheduling depends on the hospitals capacity, and how popular the procedure is.
  20. superbariatricbabe

    6 weeks

    I think a lot of people in your position have some difficulty actually "seeing" the changes in the mirror. 39lbs in six weeks is good work! Maybe go pick up a 40lb weight at the gym and see how much that actually is. It will surprise you! Give your brain a chance to catch up with your body, and you'll be seeing changes everywhere soon.
  21. superbariatricbabe

    October Buddies wanted

    Gastric bypass in Charlottesville VA October 6! Let's do this!
  22. superbariatricbabe


    screw that guy. He clearly has a tiny dinosaur peanut brain and the emotional sensitivity of warthog. No offense, warthogs.
  23. superbariatricbabe

    What is your favorite form of exercise?

    Did any of you take up running for the first time after surgery? I'd like to start running - but I have literally never been a good runner. Even when I was thin in high school, running was awful for me and I was so SLOW! Running seems like a really popular exersize to take up post WLS, but I'm really nervous about it.
  24. superbariatricbabe

    Still seeing a fat girl?

    You look amazing! It's okay that you're still struggling with your self-image. Just give your brain a little time to catch up with your rockin' new bod.
  25. superbariatricbabe

    Plastics completed...need encouragement please

    You can be beautiful even with the biggest scar! Look at Padma Lakshmi, (host of Top Chef)! Nobody really cares about her scar. She did an interview with Vogue India where she talked about it: http://www.bravotv.com/blogs/the-dish/padma-lakshmi-wont-hide-her-scar-from-cameras

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
