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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by superbariatricbabe

  1. superbariatricbabe

    Drain question

    My doc sends everybody home with a drain for a week. It speeds healing and can provide an early alert if there's a leak.
  2. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Yikes! I'm glad you are okay. Did they proceed with the surgery?
  3. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Yeah my doc's post-op diet has me on Clear liquids for over a week - no protein just Water and clear stuff like sf Jello, sf pops, and chicken stock. It's weird- I'm seven days out of surgery and I feel pretty great despite no real protein or calories for a week. No headaches, no weakness, just enjoying my recovery time and my walks! Wednesday I start protein powders if my doctor clears me.
  4. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    I would love to play volleyball and do horseback riding again!
  5. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    I must admit I have some fears about the whole "different person" thing. So much of my identity is wrapped up in food- both as a coping mechanism and a social prop- I worry about if how this experience will shape/influence my personality. Hopefully it will be for the better!
  6. superbariatricbabe

    tummy troubles

    The scalp itch and sores sounds a lot like hives! You may be having an allergic reaction to something or a physiological response to stress- I also get hives on my scalp and swollen itchy hands when I'm stressed past a certain threshold.
  7. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Bypassman, I'm so sorry about your mom or dad. Rest assured a lot of us shared your fears before surgery. You are going to be okay. Day Five- pain is a lot better - yesterday I asked the doc if I could increase my dose a little bit since a lot was coming through. Things are a lot more comfortable now and walking is much better. Slept lying down last night which was a nice change. Finally pooped for the first time in 5-6 days, and didn't need any benefiber or moral ax assistance. Cannot express how great it is to know everything is working. Definitely ask the hospital about drain care and bandages. Mine taught me how to empty the drain but not how to change the bandages- which became necessary last night when they got wet. I'm actually kinda pissed that they didn't change the bandages while I was at the hospital. Apparently I was supposed to get a kit with gauze and instructions but it never happened do my husband ended up doing a CVS run last night while my mom and I played M.A.S.H. in the living room. Still not getting in all my Water buy I'm really trying. Got maybe 40oz yesterday. Today my only goals are 2 walks outside and all my water. Very very stressed out from the pain- ended up being a bit of a brat to my mom whose been kind enough to come stay with us and take care of me for a few days. Ended up apologizing but still feel bad.
  8. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Just came home yesterday- and kinda wish I was still in our gorgeous comfy hospital with dilaudad on tap and no family drama. This liquid Vicodin barely touches the pain now when I walk- I'm calling the doc this am to ask for stronger meds because I want to walk but it hurts so much it's hard to take full breaths. I feel bad about how much I'm relying on my husband and my mom. Guess this is just one of those super emotional moments that is typical post surgery. On the bright side- for those of you worried about the drain- it's okay! It's not half as weird or gross as I was afraid it would be. It's kinda cool too because it helps to reduce gas pains a bit since it sucks out liquid and air! Is anyone else feeling "gurgly"? There's all kinds of sounds and sensations happening inside my body now that weren't happening a couple days ago. I keep feeling like I have to burp and then it disappears! But I can fart now which is like a blessing. Still no ????- it's been 4 days so stool softeners are next on my list. Haven't had anything but Water for 4 days but no hunger or craving at all. Missed you guys! Who's up next?
  9. superbariatricbabe

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    Feeling pretty good for day 2. No gas pains yet. Day after surgery is worse than the first day, the really good stuff has worn off, and all I've got is the pain pump. The nurses seem worried that when I fall asleep my oxygen levels drop because I'm not taking big enough breaths. But big breaths hurt!!! So they've got me back on oxygen thingies up my nose. Sleep is amazing, walking is fine, no ???? yet!
  10. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Okay! So I feel pretty great! Just did my barium swallow and I am officially LEAK FREE! My surgeon, dr Trahan at MJH is phenomenal and the whole hospital is wonderful and the staff are so kind✨ I've been on three walks total. My pain level is negligible when I'm cozy in bed, but on the walks or in a wheelchair it spikes up to a 4. The biggest incision hurts like a b***h when I do that or cough. Deep breathing is tough, and they're a little worried about my oxygen. But I'm working on sitting more upright and deep breathing exercises. No gas pains yet!! Feeling pretty great.
  11. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    I'm okay, super drugged, love you guys. Will talk more when I'm not on morphine every six minutes, which is pretty awesome. OXO SBB ????????❤️????✨????????????????????????☀️????????????????
  12. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    At the hospital! Let's do this! Goofy photo shoot courtesy of DH. Edit: almost forgot my stats! Highest weight: 321 weight at surgery: 305 (that two week diet is awesome- lost 10lbs!) Size:24us Gonna kick today's butt!
  13. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Thanks ladies! I'll take you all with me in my heart. I'm so excited to have my turn to join the losers bench. Don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight!
  14. superbariatricbabe

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    Thanks Naynay!
  15. Just found this guy at my local Heath food place. So delicious. $3.99 each, very filling. Organic, non-go, and soy free! Orgain organic Protein shake -the no sugar added fudge- be careful the other favors have added sugar!! But this one is good with just 2g sugar.
  16. superbariatricbabe

    Organic protein shake- delicious!

    Weird! My nut wants me to drink skim milk!
  17. superbariatricbabe

    Organic protein shake- delicious!

    Duh forgot the pics!
  18. superbariatricbabe

    For those on liquid diets now.

    I'm actually pretty emotionally energized by this liquid diet- before I was really struggling with my confidence and doubting my ability to stay compliant on the post surgery diet. This liquid diet has been really eye opening- it's a chance to prove you are stronger and more capable than you thought you were! And it's a chance to get a "taste" of who you are without food before surgery.
  19. superbariatricbabe

    For those on liquid diets now.

    Yeah jello was a life saver for the first 4-5 days. Now I'm settled into it and it's a lot easier. Day 4 was the hardest with hunger- and I had some emotional stuff on top of that and I totally cheated. Not pizza cheating bad, just turkey sandwich cheating bad. Now I'm in a good rhythm. Having premixed shakes is a lifesaver. As much as I prefer mixing my own in the blender- sometimes reality gets in the way. Sugar free Popsicles are a god-send when the nighttime snacking impulse strikes. Now I just wish there were more flavors besides orange, cherry, and grape!!!!!
  20. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Awesome Aurip!!! Glad to hear you're doing well. Have they got you walking yet?
  21. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Oh beni, I am so sorry this has happened. the first NUT sounds like a real nasty piece of work. But insurance companies have different ways of working so it's totally possible that your paperwork will be okay! How's everyone holding up this morning?
  22. In the hospital after surgery, and then 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 months, and a year- and I have to keep coming back once a year to check in.
  23. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Aurip- wishing you an uncomplicated surgery and a speedy recovery. You are strong and ready for this! ????????????☀️
  24. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Prediet is going okay. Less hungry during the day now. I think I'm getting about 800-1000 calories a day. Definitely sick of skim milk, but it's tolerable. sugar free Popsicles are a lifesaver. Definitely planning a Netflix Gilmore girls marathon during my recovery- never seen it and my friends won't stop talking about it. ???? also planning my walk routes around the neighborhood. I wonder how far it's reasonable to walk in the first few days home. Do they mean we're just supposed to walk around the house, or are we expected to walk outside right away?
  25. superbariatricbabe

    October Surgery Date

    Yeah Karen!!! You're an awesome tough chick. Stay strong and get walkin'! ????✨????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
