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Everything posted by ladykatie_

  1. ladykatie_

    Unthinking friend

    WOOOOOOOOOOW, what a B..... Congratulations on your weight loss!
  2. ladykatie_


    I love some of the 90s stuff coming back - floral patterns and combat boots! Adorbs! Old Navy is awesome for basics and cute stuff - and actually Forever 21 has my favorite undershirts ever! I can't really say anything yet, though, my fat clothes still fit me. I enjoyed reading about coochie cutters though
  3. ladykatie_

    You're so vain...

    I cannot deny my vanity. I've been at it for years though. Since the myspace selfie was a "thing." Health and being a mama some day are my main motivations. Secondly, how my face looks for a selfie. DUH. LOL. <3
  4. ladykatie_

    What I hate about being fat list

    Airplane seats. That was the most embarrassing part for me. However, it is important to make sure you love yourself for who you are and not how much you weigh. I know there are a lot of annoyances that come with being bigger (2x-3x here) but honestly, I love me for me. Be confident because of the person you are!
  5. ladykatie_

    Plastics scheduled for July 22nd

    Is any excess skin surgery covered by insurance?
  6. So I just tried to go to the grocery store with the hubby... I say tried because I was driving up the road and I was sweaty and nauseous and just all around feeling ill... so I had to turn around to come back home. I came inside and was very shaky and panting. I know I'm probably not getting enough Protein but that was the reason for going to the store. I couldn't even make it outside my neighborhood. I have my first post-op appt with my surgeon tomorrow and now I'm uneasy about it. Any advice?
  7. Hello from sunny and dry Arizona! I honestly wish I read more people's hospital experiences before I had my surgery. It would have prepared me better mentally and physically. I had my surgery exactly a week ago and honestly had no idea what to expect either. I've never had ANY major surgery before this one. Here's my experience: I went to the hospital with my hubby in the morning and checked in. Thankfully they didn't make me wait long in the waiting room for the "pre-op" room (for lack of a better term). In that room is where they do final checks of everything to make sure you are all ready to go. So you change into your surgery gear (nothing but a paper gown and hospital socks) and they start taking your blood. Anywhere from 2-12 vials depending on what they need. They wanted me to do a quick EKG (I hadn't had one because my doc didn't think I needed it) and of course, my heart was fine. I also had to do a urine test to make sure I wasn't pregnant (rolls eyes). After tests and all that, they get your IV need stuck in your hand. To me, it was painful but I have a pretty low tolerance for pain. Sometimes they'll start your IV right then or wait until right before they take you into the surgery room. Next, you meet with the anesthesiologist, who checks you out and makes sure you are A-OK. All the while they are doing this, the hospital nurses usually are confirming your info like name, date of birth, address, etc. So depending on when you got in the room and when your surgery is, you may have a little waiting time. I brought my phone to play some games and talked with the hub. Just keep calm is my policy. The time comes to take you to the surgery room and the anesthesiologist gives you "something to calm down." Not the actual anesthesia that will put you out, usually. Then they got me into the surgery room and it's just like you'd imagine: a bunch of nurses and staff milling around, big scary machines and a table just for you, all in white. (This is when I got really nervous). They moved me onto the table and the nurse was strapping my arms down with some velcro straps "just in case." Before I knew it I was OUT cold. The anesthesiologist didn't say a word, didn't make me countdown, nothing. I was just talking to the nice nurse then out. Next thing I know, I'm becoming conscious in a different place on a hospital bed. I was so nauseous I thought I was going to throw up and I kept repeating that. I was in A LOT of pain, I won't lie. I don't really remember being wheeled around into my room or anything, so I think I passed out again either from left-over anesthesia or the pain. My hubby said I was moaning and groaning and he hated that he couldn't do anything to help (poor guy). Then in the hospital room, I am conscious and the nurse is making sure I have everything I need: full IV, pain meds and my little button I can push for pain. I'm still really out of it but it's still very painful. No one really warned me about the pain in your belly but man it hurts!! Again, my pain tolerance is pretty low. I don't remember the catheter being put in or even how it felt until many hours later. Felt like I had to pee constantly, but you have other problems to worry about so you kind of just forget it about it. Then people start visiting and it's all kind of a blur. Everyone said I had a permanent frown on my face and my eyes were slits. I hardly remember it and I think that's a good thing because I was in so much pain. I don't remember the drain at all, or if I even had one to be honest. My hubby doesn't know either, he was mostly concerned about me. The next day I just wanted the IV out of my hand because it hurt. They discharged me with liquid pain meds, Lovenox injections (to prevent blood clots) and omeprazole to take one week after the surgery. I was in lots of pain but I definitely wanted to go home. Hospital stay was about 36 hours or so. Not a full two days. I know it seems like a lot but I'm positive that you will go in better off having read at least one experience. Everyone is different. Everyone's doctor is different. Just keep that in mind and make sure you have your support group. OH and remember to be patient with your body!!
  8. ladykatie_

    Hello there

    It's easy! Just be honest and confident in your decision! You got this
  9. ladykatie_

    aborted surgery

    Ugh, so terrible. What part of AZ? If you want to message me, I'd highly recommend my doctor. He and his staff are awesome.
  10. ladykatie_

    aborted surgery

    There is a section in the forum for Surgeons and Hospitals. I think you should post in there and see what anyone says!
  11. ladykatie_

    aborted surgery

    I am so sorry you had to go through that. It is simply awful. I hate to say it but it sounds like you need a new doctor. No doctor should ever abandon a patient like that. Just keep going, everything will work itself out and you will get through it. My thoughts are with you.
  12. @@NicoleSW - that was SERIOUSLY my exact thought! I'm like, ehhh surgery but a catheter!?!? So yeah you'll either be out or out-of-it when they put it in (hopefully). When they took it out, it didn't hurt at all. It was a tiny pull down there and it was over. I guess you can always ask when they put it in, just so you'll have peace of mind! Best of luck and don't get too scared!
  13. ladykatie_

    "doin the dirty" is sooo much better now!

    All I know is... I can't wait til I can do it again!!!
  14. ladykatie_

    Trader Joes

    @@marfar7 - what's yogurt cheese? and what do you use it for/in?
  15. ladykatie_

    Im an emotional wreck. Help!

    I tend to hold my emotions in (except for that time of the month) but I have these exact same fears. Internally, I am freaking out that I won't be able to do this. I'm 8 days post-op and everything makes me nauseous and I know I'm not getting enough Protein each day. The one thing I've learned from these forums is that you have to be patient with yourself and do the best you can, taking it day by day. Also, a lot of people recommend not weighing yourself every day and limiting it to once a week or month. I can't do that right now, I'm too obsessed but there will have to be a time when I put the scale away for a bit. You can do it, I promise!!! In fact, WE can do it!!
  16. ladykatie_

    aunt flow packs a punch

    @@Mia Eck LOL you crack me up! Set a reminder on your phone then! On repeat so you don't have to remember to set it. I might try some other form of BC, taking pills is so lame.
  17. Thank you for the responses! I definitely want to try the egg Protein powder and the Torani syrups. I just ordered some unflavored protein powder so I can drink it AND eat it. I hope it doesn't taste too horrible.
  18. ladykatie_

    Im sure there is a thread out there but....

    Honestly, I just enjoyed my time with family and friends. You'll be stuck inside (or at least I am) not doing much of anything for a couple weeks. Some people get up and go from surgery though so it's just a thought for me! Also, I enjoyed my favorite junk foods I'd never be able to eat (probably) again.
  19. ladykatie_

    First post-op appt and interesting view

    @@revision in TX - Your post makes A LOT of sense. Some people do have to follow a diet but still have a "last hurrah" of sorts. I saw that on another thread that I can't remember the topic of. In my case, I went cold turkey. I don't have cravings for anything in particular. Just solid food in general. I wish I could just eat a chicken salad, ya know? Haha. I'm interested to see what others have to say about it.
  20. Doubtful. Insurance companies are picky about the whole "being supervised by a physician" thing, unfortunately
  21. ladykatie_

    Clear fluids

    Yes, if you can stand it.
  22. ladykatie_

    I stink!

    What lovely things I have to look forward to, LOL
  23. ladykatie_

    Bye bye boobies

    This made me laugh a lot for some reason.... The one thing I will miss of this weight will be the boobs... they're like my signature look! Lol. I've always been kind of busty (D cup since 8th grade) and now it's like E or something. Totally investing the avocado idea. @@Veronica.N - just curious, how did you eat the avocado? Guacamole?
  24. ladykatie_

    aunt flow packs a punch

    I should set an alarm, some days I'm so bad about taking it. @@Mia Eck
  25. ladykatie_

    Medic alert bracelet

    Hmmm, I'll have to talk to my doc about it. I understand the NSAIDS could cause ulcers but not always. And dumping syndrome couldn't be any worse than a horrible accident causing unconsciousness. I guess it's just a super extra precaution.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
