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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladykatie_

  1. I hope you're okay! I haven't had anything like this (yet). I hate it when doctors can't figure out what's wrong and they give you some awful answer that just makes you worry more. Hopefully, they will figure it out or it will pass soon. You are in my thoughts!
  2. ladykatie_


    How was the surgery? Pain? Experience so far?Im really going to change how fast I eat and drink Sorry, I just saw this! I'm not going to sugar coat. Surgery was rough. I was nauseous and in a lot of pain. These past weeks have been rough and I don't get my Protein in. I've got the Water down, but I still experience a lot of nausea for no apparent reason. I actually had to call my doctor today because I've been nauseous since I woke up and have only been able to choke down about 15g of protein today. He said to wait it out, drink as much water as I can, go to the ER if there is pain and call in the morning. WLS is not an easy thing. For me, it's been very difficult and emotionally trying. Still, I don't regret my decision. My doctor says I will have days like this, where I just feel awful. I know it will get better and I just have to keep on keepin' on.
  3. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    I just called my doctor about possibly getting a nausea medication. They will probably get me something today. Still sipping Water despite the nausea. I just have to space my sips out so I don't gag. I am waiting for a call back to see what I should do. Also, I've searched the board about nausea and tried a couple different things but when sipping water makes you nauseous, I think the only thing that will help is a prescription. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.
  4. ladykatie_

    21 Days Post-op (Surgery 5/7/14)

    Try to sip every 5-10 minutes! Get a water bottle that you love that has measurements on the outside. If you don't hit 100oz every day, that's okay. Aim for a goal that is more realistic and go from there.
  5. All of the flavors taste the same to me. The smell of them now slightly sickens me, lol. I know, totally not helpful. However, I can definitely see them as an asset when I'm "back to normal." I really like the grape one. The blue one tastes pretty okay as well.
  6. Everyone's surgeon is different. I think some helpful advice would be to not "stock up" on any particular product because your tastes will probably change and you'll get sick of things fairly easily. I wish someone had told me that! Your doctor may put you on a pre-op diet. My suggestion there would be to follow exactly what your doctor says to do. Pretty much always. Read the materials he or she gives you (my surgeon gave me a binder with everything I needed) and make sure to write down any questions you have for him or her. I had a bunch of questions that I had written down. Other than that, don't be nervous! RNY is the most common weight loss surgery out there. I'm sure your surgeon has performed thousands of them! Many people are successful with this surgery and the people who are not, well, we know what they are doing wrong. So keep your head up, just focus on the upcoming journey and best of luck!
  7. ladykatie_

    PRE-pre-op diet advice?

    It's a process... for me, it was cold turkey all the way around. My surgeon didn't even put me on a pre-op diet. So I ate basically whatever I wanted up until the day of surgery. I was trying out Protein shakes, though. That's the one thing I wish I did EVEN MORE! Protein intake is really important for any WLS and a lot of times it will just make you sick to your stomach. It's really awesome that you are trying to change your mindset so soon in the process. It's probably going to be extremely helpful for post-surgery. I guess if I had to do it again, I would do Protein Shakes every day, aiming for 60g a day and a healthy dinner at night. I also probably would have the foods from the "full liquid" phase in my house constantly because I feel like I've been on this part of the diet forEVER! I also would recommend having some of your favorite foods here and there "for the last time." Basically, easing yourself into it is a good thing. After surgery, you won't be able to work out right away, so eating right will be your life saver! OH and Water, all day, every day! Get yourself a good water bottle with measurements on the side and NO straw. I have a Contigo 24oz one that I love! If you don't like plain water, try out crystal light and Mio and things like that. You absolutely have to drink tons of water post-op and for the rest of your life! I hope this helps a little! Good luck on your journey and keep us updated!
  8. ladykatie_

    Schedule tracker?

    I got MyFitnessPal right after my surgery and hated it. I can't really remember why. I got it again after reading the post yesterday and find it helpful. I guess I want it to read my weight on the main page but that's not a big deal.
  9. ladykatie_


    Maybe the numbness will go away once they're fully healed...
  10. Hello all, I am very new to this site as you can see by my profile. I had been looking into this app/site for a few weeks prior to my surgery. The iPhone app is kind of terrible (anyone else agree?) so I've finally decided to just get on my laptop and figure it all out. I'm glad that this website exists because I really have no one to talk to about this stuff and everyone will probably just think I'm complaining anyhow. My surgery was May 21st and to be completely honest, it's been pretty miserable for me. The surgery "wounds" were so painful and no one really warned me of how painful it could really be. I'm a pretty happy person so my family and friends thought it strange in the hospital when I was all down and not even a hint of a smile. Let me back up by saying, I've never had surgery in my life. I have my tonsils, appendix, gall bladder, etc., which doctors and nurses were all surprised by for some reason. Anyhooooo... Since it's the 6th day post-op, I've been feeling much better with my belly pain. However, I've had diarrhea ever since I went the first time after surgery. (I know it's gross, but I can't be the only one!?!) I also have nausea every day that comes and goes with no real pattern. My doc suggested that I try soy Protein drinks, instead of whey Protein Drinks. Thus far, it has not made a difference. I prefer my whey Protein Drink (Isopure) because it's clear so it's much easier to ingest and actually get the proper amount of protein in a day. Does anyone have suggestions as to my possibly overly-sensitive bowels? And the nausea? Thank you for reading!
  11. Today, my aunt told me this: "I hope you are getting back to normal! Remember food tends to be part of our socializing. You need to teach yourself that you can have just as much fun without eating whatever is in front of you or sounds so good. with the small amount of nutrition you can fit in your body, its important to make it count." via Facebook. She was telling me about something else and just threw this in. I thought it was a really helpful and insightful thought. I eat socially A LOT. Eating is a huge part of being with people. Food brings people together. I know it will be a huge challenge for me to overcome but I HAVE to and WILL remember that my body is the only one I've got and I have to take care of it. Tonight, my sister had a farewell gathering of family and friends. Of course, there was lots of yummy food present. I brought an Isopure Protein drink, a greek yogurt and my trusty Water bottle. It's been about a week and a half since surgery, so I'm still in recovery mode, kind of weak and tired. Everyone was giving me great feedback, saying I looked good (I looked a bit sickly during and after my hospital stay) and being very kind and sensitive to my lifestyle change. It was so encouraging. Some of my friends jokingly said they were trying to not eat if I was looking at them. I said no, please, just be normal. I need this. We talked and laughed for the rest of the evening and I had so much fun. I really needed this. In conclusion, laughter is the best medicine. I don't need food to be social and active. I am ever so grateful for the support of my family and friends. I CAN and I WILL succeed in my weight loss/health journey, and I can't wait! Does anyone have any good support stories they want to share?
  12. @@BariatricCeliac - Hold your nose and take drinks like shots. This is what I do now. Ugh.
  13. ladykatie_

    Schedule tracker?

    I'd like to know too. I've tried several apps on my phone already. Maybe I'll just use a pen and notebook. Sheesh! Hey Alex, invent a Bariatric app will ya?
  14. ladykatie_

    Insurance call / bump in the road?

    I'm sure they probably just misplace the paperwork. That's happened to me nuerous times when dealing with an insurance company and doc. Keeping you in my thoughts and crossing my fingers for you!
  15. Could you give examples of high quality casein protein, high quality whey protein and matrix protein?
  16. ladykatie_

    July Surgery Date

    There may be a July 2014 Bypass thread. I'm not sure if someone has started one yet, but maybe you can! Good luck and keep us updated!
  17. ladykatie_

    Newbie surgery date June 9 :)

    Hi Victoria! I recently had my surgery (5/21). I wish you the best of luck with your pre-op diet and your surgery! Keep us updated P.S. I think there is a thread for June 2014 surgeries.
  18. @@wagnlo - Isopure are good for not feeling full but they are made of whey protein so they probably won't help until a few months down the road. I've tried every form of protein. I'm still only getting 30g-40g a day (12 days post surgery) so I'm not much help. When I can eat food, I know it will be much better.
  19. So I've been having numbness around my incisions.... normal?
  20. ladykatie_

    dr. nowzaradan anyone?

    From watching My 600-lb. Life, I think he is trying to see if you are committed to losing weight and changing your lifestyle. I think he will really be able to help you and then you will be able to move on!
  21. @@Puppypaws57 - oh yeah. Isopure is a perfect "all day" drink. By "one shot" he means at one time, one sitting, one meal. They have those Protein shots they are 42g of protein but you should definitely not have that all at once.
  22. Ugh. Just one more thing to worry about. Lol. I was just talking to my hubby about this. He said about 20g-25g per hour. So even though I'm not meeting my daily Protein goals, it seems I'm meeting my hourly protein goals.
  23. ladykatie_

    Please help....

    I think that's for "normal" people who haven't had their insides mangled by a highly trained surgeon. I agree that you should always go with the guy/gal who went to medical school. Your body can absorb the Protein - if it couldn't they wouldn't require 60-80g of protein per day! It's just a matter of making that goal - still impossible for me at 11 days out.
  24. thank you so much! I've dealt with negative comments through the past 5 months, people have put me down with the "youre going to get too skinny!" line. it really messed with my head . but coming on here I feel like everyone understands my happiness because they are experiencing the same! so glad I can share my story... There will always be haters out there. It only matters how YOU feel anyway! I also wish I had done this surgery sooner!
  25. Congratulations! You look amazing!

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