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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ladykatie_

  1. ...people asking me how long it will take to recover! This isn't a surgery where I just "go back to normal" and move on with my life! It could take months to "recover"! Ugh, it's just driving me nuts to have to explain to people this process. I get that weight loss surgery is not the most well known thing out there but come on!
  2. ladykatie_

    Hunger and cravings- 18 days postop

    That's what happens to me as well. My doctor's nurse told me that right now I should be "grazing." So I eat constantly right now. Just a few bites here and there and drink my Water in between. The Protein shakes keep me full longer so if you have a job or anything, I would suggest keeping those handy. I really like the tuna salad kits. I eat one like all day and its 18g of protein! I also have cravings. Not for sweets anymore, but for savory things like chips and wings. I try to curb that by eating my tuna salad and just not thinking about it too much. I also plan on doing some cooking here soon to try out some bariatric recipes I found online. There's a lot you can eat right now, believe it or not, you just have to find what you like and what keeps you satisfied.
  3. ladykatie_


    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KXZ808/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I got this EatSmart scale and absolutely LOVE it. It goes up to 400 lbs. and comes with a measuring tape. You don't have to tap it to come on, so you just stand on it and it records your weight! AND it's only $28.95. I'm really happy with it.
  4. @BigGirl2014: I'm sorry you have been having some issues. I know exactly how you feel because I was in a ton of pain (meds did not help) and have been nauseous for no apparent reason ever since. I would suggest Emetrol (over-the-counter at any drugstore). I got really dehydrated over the last couple of days and had to go in and get IV fluids for 10 hours (ugh) because I was so nauseous. Doc won't give me meds for some reason, so I'm left to my own vices. The Emetrol really helped. I would definitely suggest taking a tablespoon of it and see how you feel in about 15-20 minutes. Take half of it, wait a minute then the other half. It hurt my stomach at first, then I felt relief. I have been fine since yesterday when I got it. Drink LOTS of Water too! The only other thing is the popsicles are sort of helpful, but that's all I've got for now. Best of luck to you, keep us updated.
  5. ladykatie_

    first before/after

    WOW Can I have your body now please? Your scars are barely there! P.S. Love your tats. Would you ever get tats over your scars? I'm definitely contemplating it when I'm all healed and stuff.
  6. ladykatie_

    4 weeks post op & scale isn't decreasing

    @2muchfun: Great article. I've seen so many posts about this issue and everyone saying it's "normal" but no one has a real explanation. Super helpful! Thank you!
  7. These past few days have been so hard for me. I am feeling like a failure because I'm not getting in my Protein and walking around/doing little things makes me so tired. I feel weak and defeated. Today I have felt so nauseous all day long, since my first sip of Water this morning. Everything makes me ill. I've only gotten maybe 10g-20g of protein today by forcing down an Isopure and half a greek yogurt. Not even close to my water goal. I'm at about 24oz of water for the day. It's already 4:30PM here. I'm feeling like a failure and very defeated.
  8. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    @@old lady pilot - thank you so much. I know I can do this. I just have to pep talk myself or sometimes I call my mom to help me feel better, since she's been through something similar. All I can hope is that this isn't leading up to a worse problem and it's just my body adjusting to the surgery.
  9. I've always thought, I am a skinny girl on the inside! I like to go out, see people, do things. I know if I wasn't overweight and out-of-shape basically my whole life, I would've been more involved in more physical activities. As a younger girl, I know I would've been more confident. In my post-college life, I am definitely more confident but my physical stature has always limited my activities. I want to dance, hike, swim, run around on the beach, walk for miles around fun places like Disneyland and Six Flags, go out with friends and not worry about being the fat one of the group. I think about this often as motivation. By NO means do I want to be "skinny," but healthy. In fact, I'd rather keep my boobs/butt and not be skinny, lol.
  10. ladykatie_

    Good Bras? $$$

    I'm a weirdo and I'm just taking my mom's hand me downs. She had weight loss surgery just over a year ago and we have similar body types so she's just saving her old bras for me if I need them, which I'm sure I will. I guess it's not too weird since it's my mom and all, but still. I can't wait until I can shop at VS again. I like Lane Bryant and Cacique but it'll feel like progress when I can buy a bra at VS!
  11. ladykatie_

    2 days post op with hunger

    My appetite comes and goes and the nausea stays for me. It may be head hunger because you shouldn't be able to handle more than 4 oz. of liquid in your pouch right now. This early after the surgery, I would just call the doc and ask what you should do. Maybe you can just handle the surgery better than most people!
  12. ladykatie_

    Lose skin removal

    Depends on your doctor, your insurance, your general health... I don't think insurance will cover this surgery unless it is causing you more health problems like rashes and infections. The question of how much weight you lose before the surgery is one for your doctor/surgeon.
  13. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    @@mtibodo2 - thank you for the suggestions. I recently got an unjury sample of their Protein chicken soup. I'll look up emetrol and check out the Special K as well.
  14. ladykatie_

    Feelings hurt bad :(

    I'm so sorry your friend has hurt you. Everything seems to hit me hard nowadays (just over two weeks post op). I'm pretty open about the surgery and my best friend in the whole world doesn't seem to know how to handle me lately. She's been supportive and saw me in the hospital, etc. but I just feel like she's walking on eggshells around me now and when I tell her about issues I'm having (because I tell her everything) she barely has anything to say. It hurts to think that she may be in doubt about my surgery and I know her so well, that I think she is. It's difficult for everyone around you to comprehend this journey. It's not an easy one and it doesn't seem like it's "socially acceptable" yet, if that makes sense. People think it's the easy way out when clearly it is not. So luckily, I haven't had anyone say anything negative to me YET but I sense it coming on and after reading these forums, I've come to expect it. I guess my point is, STAY STRONG. Like the other person said, it is your journey and you've done awesome so far. No one is perfect and no one should expect you to be. Tell them to mind their own business so that you can focus on yours.
  15. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    Oh my god, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was at my doc office for 8 hours today getting IV fluids. I was exhausted and fell asleep when I got home. I woke up and drank some Water and felt nauseated again. I'm trying the hot Soup thing. Then I'm going to try munching on some ice. I shouldn't be dehydrated right now, but I don't know how quickly you can become dehydrated. It's really hot here in AZ so that's no help. Anyways, I'm going to try some at home fixes before I call them again. I knew this surgery was huge life change. I thought it was for the better. I mean, it is for the better, but right now it's pretty hard to see the benefit.
  16. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    I guess I didn't ask directly. It was just a comment I made to the doc. I'm here again to get more fluids via IV. I do believe this is making me feel better than meds would.
  17. I just realized that's all I'm taking in a day. In between Protein drinks and Water, I rarely eat any "real" food. Still on full liquids (and hating it). Just making sure this is normal for someone 12 days post-op.
  18. ladykatie_

    Instagram ????

    Yep! I'm an RNYer but we all have basically the same train of thought, right? ladykatie___ (3 underscores, lol)
  19. ladykatie_

    Gastricbypass surgery

    Well I hope your doctor discussed the side effects of the surgery with you, as there could be many. Everyone's body is different, so the side effects are different. All you really need to look out for is "abnormal" side effects which may cause you to call your surgeon immediately or return to the hospital. Here's a website with a lot of information on the surgery you had. If you have any questions, ask your doctor. http://www.bariatric-surgery-source.com/gastric-bypass-side-effects.html
  20. @@wagnlo - Like I said, I hold my nose and choke it down, lol. I have all these drinks and it's easier to drink Isopure than the creamy stuff at the moment. I'll take what I can get, protein-wise.
  21. ladykatie_

    All Protein supplements list

    Someone in another thread was talking about Optimal Nutrition protein powders. I've never tried them, but he likes 'em.
  22. I used to like Chobani, but now there's something weird tasting about it. I'm going to try some other greek yogurt since that's always a good source of protein.
  23. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    @@Writerjennifer - I have tried Soup. But I haven't tried tea or anything. I may just chalk it up to a bad day. I don't know why I take it so hard, but when I feel like I'm failing at something, I feel horribly sad and frustrated.
  24. ladykatie_

    Nausea and defeat

    I talked to my doctor. He said if I have any abdominal pain to go to the ER. I don't have any pain, just nausea. He said that I could take some Pepto BIsmol but to try and keep drinking Water and Protein. He also said call in the morning to see how I feel. If I still feel bad, he will give me IV Fluid at his office. I'm not sure why they won't give me meds for it, but since there's no actual pain, I'm probably not going to the ER and it might just be one of those days. He said I will have days like this, where I just feel terrible and he's had many patients in their 20's react in this way. So now, I wait until tomorrow morning. Until then, I'm sipping water and Pepto.
  25. Around a couple of my incisions, the skin is numb. I know because the incisions are now itchy and I just itch around them. Is the numbness normal?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
