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Everything posted by SmilenD

  1. SmilenD

    Any May 2014 Sleevers

    I drink 1 scoop of powder in 4oz. Skim milk. You need to get in at least 60 grams of protein.
  2. SmilenD

    Costco shake prices?

    Do you all know what the first ingredient is? My surgeons office and nutritionist say that the first ingredient in the protein supplement needs to say - whey protein isolate.
  3. SmilenD

    Any May 2014 Sleevers

    Sleeved along with a hernia 5/12/14. Down 17 lbs. since surgery. There are good days, bad days and I wish I had never did this days. I do great with the sipping - though it was hard getting used to it at first. I am still uncomfortable - not in severe pain - just uncomfortable. I walk daily and just progressed to puréed food - it's not too bad. The shakes can be a little nauseating at times - I have to have 3 a day. Summer is coming and after struggling with my weight most of my life I am looking forward to the progress I am making.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
