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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AllieBB

  1. :wacko: Receiving all sort of conflicting information on air travel after lap band. I have not have my lap band done as yet. I attended my seminar and was discouraged to find that I may have trouble on my flight back to New Zealand in mid October. I was hoping to get the band done in July but everything is on stall until I get this issue resolved. Also care in the event that I do have constriction as I understand this is minimal in New Zealand. I desperately need knee replacement surgery but I am still 90 lbs away from safe surgery :o wish it was sooner and safer now. But :) I can still smile and live the day I have. If anyone can give me any insight into this situation of when it is safe for air travel, etc. Please, Please do as I am doing my research B) before I cross the option off.

  2. Thank you all for your posting. I was told by those that are suppose to know at the seminar that I would probably have trouble with tightening when I fly from USA to NZ with the possibility of not even swollowing Water. Our flight is 23 hrs as booked. Also follow up care in NZ is next to none so I saw myself in trouble if I chose to go ahead with the surgery. Your experiences are so varried I am going to reconsider talking with the surgeon. For those of you who have traveled by air long distances how long after surgery did you travel?

  3. Well I went to the seminar and got more information. It seems as though I may not have the time I need to do the proper follow up for the lap band in the time frame I have. I also found out that the change in atmospheric pressure while flying in the plane back to New Zealand may impact the band itself. Possibilities of it tightening to where I would be very uncomfortable and possibly unable to eat or drink. New Zealand has very little accessibilty thru the public health system for this proceedure which is another consideration. I scheduled to meet with my surgeon to address all these issues and listen to his information and consider th sleeve. I was told the sleeve may be a better option for me. So I will continue to leave the window open to opportunity but still am uncertain what will happen. My next appointment is on the 16th. so we will see.

  4. I go to my seminar today. My biggest self-ask question is what if I just did the pre-op and post-op diet plan, wouldn't it create the same results as the lap band? But then, I have been stuck on this plateau for over a year now so is it the surgical process that will shock my system into losing again? Or, have I been dishonest with myself about my diet for the past yr? I don't think so, it has been a miracle that I have lost and kept off 156 lbs with the glycemic index eating plan to prevent diabetes II. I just confused and a bit scared. I will see what they say today at the DeKalb Medical Center....trying to be close mouthed and open minded.

  5. plopez, When I get surrounded by stuff like that especially with kids and grandkids I always try and tell myself that those things belong to them and I can't take it without asking (which gives me time to think) or if I take it it is stealing it from them which is something I would never do. so problem solved and temptation gone. Other than that it is just poison! When offered I tell people I am allergic to it and then they don't go ..oh just a little won't hurt... but just a little always does as the scale creeps up.

    Good luck on your journey...10 days is fantastic!

  6. Thanks to everyone who has posted here. It is good to read what is ahead of me. Tuesday 6/4 I have my first seminar and schedule the doctors visit. From what I understand I qualify with my medicare so that will take care of the insurance bit. Do not know what else they will ask of mebefore they schedule the surgery. I am hoping for an early July date. My life is on hold as I need to lose 80-100 more lbs (lost 156 in past 4 yrs but have been stuck the last 12 months) before I can have knee replacements. Very frustrated today with everything! I am totally willing to do whatever I need to to get my knees fixed. I am just tired of waiting. Maybe I should start the liquid diet now even before the seminar??? But then I say what if they won't do the surgery in time before I have to travel in October for 3 months??? Wish I could just stop thinking about all of this for just a little while. Nothing else seems to distract me from this continual what if thinking... very frustrating. But thanks for writing your experiences, it helps.

  7. Good luck to you. I am just beginning to find my way through this maze of red tape to get to the surgery. Next Tuesday is the seminar after which I get to schedule with the surgeon. I hope all my ducks are in a row and it will happen quickly for me as I must travel again in mid-October for two to three months before returning to the states. I'll keep an eye out for your postings. do hope that you will be able to do for yourself what you were able to do for your daughter when you were pregnant. You won't be able to care for her as much as you like, even though she is just three, until you are able to care for yourself first regardless of her age in life. It is and was a hard lesson for me to learn and from the ripe old age of 66 I sure wish I had done better. My granddaughters are 5, 10 and 10 and it is so difficult for me. My weight cost me my knee joints and if I can't get this last 100 lbs off I won't be able to safely get knee replacement surgery done and will be looking at all the important days in their lives in a wheelchair or on a m scooter. So do it for you now so you can be there for yourself and for them later.

  8. Did you have difficulty finding a bariatric center? Did you have private insurance? Sorry about all the questions. I live half the year in NZ and half in the USA as I am retired and my husband is a Kiwi. I was told by my PCP that the list is long and the chances rare that public health will provide the surgery. When researching on line I discovered only two procedures had been done in our area of the south island and they were working on raising funding for two more. If I can't get it done in NZ I am looking at Australia or the US. Any info you can give me would be helpful. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

  9. Friends can have different opinions. Friends don't abandon each other but seek to understand their differences. Your reasons for seeking surgery to save your life and your health are sound ones. Believe in yourself, your doctors and supporters who have your best interests to heart. If your friend was/is your friend she will support you in your endeavors and love you through it. It is your life to live so live it well !!!

  10. I am looking for information on peoples experience with presurgery requirement for diets, liquid and other. What was the length of time you were required to diet before you were able to schedule surgery?

    I have read posts that range from no presurgery diet to up to 6 months on Optifast. Having lost 156 lbs on a glycemic index diet and maintained that loss for over a year looking at another diet is daunting. With one hundred more to go I am having the surgery to break through this plateau so I can have total knee replacement surgery on both knees. I am hoping to have my surgery by the beginning of July. I am traveling to New Zealand for a few months leaving in mid-October and that would give me a good 3-1/2 mo post surgery before traveling. Am I just dreaming that this can happen that quickly?

  11. Bandarella, Thank you for your reply. Posting is new to me and it isnice to know that there are people out there reading and helping others to travel this journey. I am hoping that the getting to surgery process will be expedient. I have my initial seminar and post seminar doctor appointment scheduling on June 4. I would like to have the surgery in the beginning of July. I have read mays about liquid diets for weeks to months in length before surgery was scheduled. I don't even want to think about that being a possibility. I understand the two week for liver cleansing before surgery but the gastroenterologist tells me my liver is fine and not fatty. It is just a wait and see time I guess. Maybe I will post about that liquid diet and see wht other peoples experience has been. Thanks again for your reply and best words and thoughts for your encouragement and success.

  12. Hello ! This is my first posting. I am 66 yrs old. Same old, same old story off weight and diet yo-yo history for as long as I can remember. I am just beginning my journey with lap band surgery.

    Here is my history: My top weight ws 412. I am currently 256 on 5/20 at the orthopededic surgeons office. For the past 12-18 months I have battled with the same 5 lbs and no weight loss. I NEED TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENTS IN BOTH KNEES ! ASAP !!! My food program for the past four years has been a rigid glycemic index diet to ward off diabetes 2. That dietary switch changed my life's eating probably forever and took away 156 pounds. Once I was stuck on this plateau with knees that couldn't get exercise and do only limited walking I became more and more frustrated. At 412 my BMI was over 60. Now it is 47. My surgeon in New Zealand where I retired with my husband told me they will not do the surgery until my BMI was below 40. I was given access to the SWIM program in Januray. I decided to return home to the USA and consult with an orthopedic surgeon. Setting a new goal of the USA I staid off the scale and went swimming 5 days a week, two to three hours a day, worked with the aqua-orthopedic therapist every Wednesday and waited for the answers and progress report on 5/20. The result: My muscles got stronger. I got total relief of weight bearing pain in the Water. I started unable to swim even on lap because of the knee problem and three months later was swimming 15 laps and 1-1/2 hrs of aqua therapy and I was so hopeful. BUT NO, NONE, NADA change in my weight or BMI. And the surgeon explained that with a BMI of 30 I would have 5% chance of complications with healing after surgery and with a BMI of 40 there would be a 70% chance of complications with healing after surgery successful use of the prosthetic knee. Because of the stagnation/plateau for over a year even with the exercise in the pool he recommended bariatric surgery. So here I am.

    On June 4th I have my pre-doctors visit seminar and scheduling of my doctor's appointment. I am excited and nervous at the same time. It is difficult to decide which feeling is which at this point. I am home for 5 more months before returning to NZ for a bit. Retirement is wonderful with spring/summer in the different hemispheres. All my ducks are in a row with what is needed for insurance/medicare but I am wondering how long the approval process takes. I would like to be able to schedule my surgery hopefully for July. Does anyone know how long the approval process takes?

    I would like to join a support group with others in my age group to travel this journey. Any suggestions as to chats, forums, etc.?

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