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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 08/10/1960

About Me

  • Biography
    Fat child, slim teenager, fat. adult!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Used to be eating, will now have to get a hobby!!!
  • Occupation
    Company Secretary for small family owned. company. Full time carer disabled husband
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    I Ought To Be in Pictures!

    You don't look old as nd you do look great - fantastic in fact. How inspiring.
  2. Hello Anemal, don't panic. It takes a while for your body to adjust from Fluid to pureed food, maybe chicken salad was just a little heavy going for you. I personally have a bit of a problem with mayo, it gives me indigestion. Maybe this is what's happened to you. My very first day on puree I got really cocky and thought I could tolerate homemade potato Soup with cream in. I could NOT. Dumping occurred very soon after. I am 6 weeks out and bms are still only very occasional. You will settle into a new routine, but this is still so new for your system. I think maybe just still have blandish pureed food to start and get your new tummy used to it. Hope all goes well with your NUT and all the best in your new life.

    Hello again UK sleevers

    Hello Lblondon. Hope all is good with you. Yes it was a biggish pot of yogurt, but when I thought about it I had actually that had it over the course of a day. It was divine. Anywho I do seem to be able to eat more of some things than others. Yogurt, cottage cheese, sugar free jelly etc slip down very easily. I do worry sometimes that I'm having too much, but trying to keep around 800 cals a day. I am quite stressed tonight due to my husband's ill health problems, I have to look after him 24/7. Normally I would be cheating like mad, but not today - so something is working. I have no regrets about this surgery, just hope I don't screw it up.

    Hello again UK sleevers

    Sorry Lblondon predictive text keeps catching me out.

    Hello again UK sleevers

    Hi IN London funny you should ask about food tonight............... I have just eaten an entire pot of Rachel's gooseberry yogurt. I feel like I am going to explore. First time I have cheated but it was so lovely. Anywho I am doing OK about 27lbs down from mid May. I have no doubt that this is the right thing for me. I just want to be slimmer all at once!!!!! The post opening thing definitely seems much more laid back over here. I was just sent home with a diet sheet and a 6 weeks appt. The USA people seem to be having appointments all the time. How has your post op experience been? Sounds like you are doing really well. It's good to talk to someone close to home.
  6. Hi everyone. Got some very random replies when I posted this last time. Just wondered how everyone is doing over here in Blighty. Any new people joined, if so hope you are all doing really well.

    Disturbing Email

    I don't know if this applies to the person who emailed you - at the numerous slimming clubs that I have been to there was always one type of person. This person always said I can't loose weight no matter what I do, it's my metabolism, it's God's fault etc etc. When they stuck to the diet for the first week and lost several pounds it was a miracle. The second week they lost more pounds and suddenly their husband liked them fat and didn't want them to come anymore. What I'm getting at is some people simply won't make the commitment because they haven't got it in them. I don't know but maybe this person isn't sticking to the rules. Please don't let them distract from having a new and fantastic life.


    That should say sleevers contingent. Damn predictive text!


    Just a quick note to see how the UK sleepovers contingent are. Hope you are all OK and enjoying your new lives.
  10. Thank you everyone, that is reassuring to know you are out there with a full compliment of locks. My weight loss is super slow so fingers crossed.
  11. Thank you Truck8595 that does give me some hope. Perhaps I should follow your lead and go for a short haircut anyway. Thank you.
  12. Hello. I'm just wondering if there is anyone who has not lost any hair at all. It seems from reading posts that most people do. Just intrigued to who if anyone has escaped. I have this joy to come in a few weeks I suppose. Thank you.
  13. MOLLSY


    Thank you BGP, I appreciate the help. I am a little impatient and I want everything to happen at once. Huge well done on your weight loss. Can't wait to be where you are (there I go again)!
  14. Hello Gammy10. I must say I have never heard of anyone having this surgery as an outpatient. You will definitely need really loose pants and tops to be able to sit comfortably. Also I would take a receptacle in case you feel queezy, you may not but just in case. Plenty of fresh water to sip at, and maybe a water spray and some wipes to freshen yourself. I would take some prescribed meds for pain before you set off so they are working as you go. Rectal analgesia works really well and lasts for a good 4 hours. Take something to amuse yourself, but I would make it light, not War and Peace! Are you traveling by car, if so I would just stop and have a little stretch from time to time. Good luck with your surgery and have a wonderful new life.

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