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Posts posted by bandster_1007

  1. i went a solid month with no Migraines after my sugery. the TOM came to visit and i had a Migraine for a week, now i am rebounding from it every night. let me tell you, it is hell when you have a migraine and you are on liquids only. i ground up skelaxin last night and drank it after i took a melt maxalt.

    do not depend on not getting anymore, be prepared, and be prepared to be in any stage of a diet, considering most people have to go on liquids after a fill.

  2. my son is 6, and luckily he is a very trusting child. he doesn't need to learn by experiencing, or even visually, he is an audio learner for the most part. so if i say, "do not play in the kitchen, you can get burned", he won't play in the kitchen. when he was a toddler and even younger i made it a habit not to tell him "no" just because i was too lazy to deal with him. if he wanted to touch one of the breakable figures on the shelf, i would take it down and show it to him, and then put it back up. so i wasn't one of those parents who said "no" constantly. i wanted him to understand that "no" was usually said for his safety, not for my sanity.

    now things are different. i say "no" a lot, and i need to work on that. however, my 6 year old may only get a spanking once a year, sometimes not even that often. every once in a while he does something that we ABSOLUTELY NEVER WANT HIM TO DO AGAIN, and we exhaust every other punishment first, then he gets spanked and it works.

    lately he has been being a very argumentative, ungrateful six year old, and i'm contemplating on what punishment i'm going to use, considering that it is our own fault that he is acting the way that he is.

    anyways, the best punishment that has ever worked for our son: he was 5, and he had a friend spending the night. well, he pushed him off of the trampoline (the other boy called him a name or something). of course, we wanted to spank him, but we didn't because we were so angry with him. this came as a HUGE shock to us, becuase he had not ever been a child to act out of anger. so, he was grounded from his room. we cleaned the office of anything that he might want to look at and left only bare walls and a sofa bed. every day after school he would go to the room and wait until dinner, then he would go back. this lasted for a week. he was so bored in there that he honestly peeled some paint off of the wall (we thought it was funny, so he didn't get in trouble for that), needless to say, he remembers that very clearly and whenever he does something serious again, he will receive that punishment again.

    however, if he lies, it is an automatic spanking and then he gets to choose his other punishment. i like to let him decide how he should be punished. sometimes, he wants a spanking (i don't like that), other times he is too hard on himself, but it teaches him.

  3. i would have went back to work, but my appointment was at 3:30 in Little Rock. I only live 20 miles from the hospital, BUT, when you get out at 4:00 traffic is already backed up. i didn't make it back into town until after my office had closed, and i didn't want to go in.

    do you feel bad? i wouldn't think so, they are doing anything to you that should make you feel bad. when they first put the saline in my stomach felt a little crampy (which was really weird) and my port is still sore, but i felt fine. my doctor says we have to go on liquids for 48 hours, then soft foods for 48 hours, then regular foods after your first fill.

    i have an apl band, that also holds 10 cc's. i asked the nurse about it, because i assumed i only had 3.5 cc's left until it was full. well, it turns out that the 10 cc's apparantly is not a definition as to how much the thing can hold. she said my band is "said" to explode-pop would probably be a better word- at 500 cc's. WOW!

    i haven't eaten anything yet. at 4 p.m. today i can go to softs, so i will probably have fish and potatoes for dinner.

  4. hey....in defense of arkansas (we really need it), we are in the bible belt, there are definately some fanatics here.

    ...lol..but don't ever think that someone won't call dhs on your for spanking your child. where there is fanatic one way there is always a fanatic in another way.

  5. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

    Let me first start by saying there is a fine line between discipline and child abuse. However, a slight swat on the behind can instill fear in my 6 yr old.

    Second, I find it HORRIBLE that any state would think that it is a political matter how a parent disciplines their child. I think this states politicians have nothing better to do.

    Just my honest opinion though.

    AMEN!! verbatim my thoughts. however, spanking, in my opinion, should never be first resort, it should never be done while angry, and it should always be explained and planned (not a parent just coming out of nowhere and smacking the child).

  6. i know that you posted this in the august post, and i am an october. i also know that i recently had my surgery, only a month ago.

    psychology was my major in college, although i have gone into another field. i would venture to say that everyone one of us has to deal with something on the level which you speak of. eating has become a protection and a comfort for most of us for some reason or another. unfortunately, the surgery does not fix that.

    i tell people honestly that this is the hardest thing that i have ever done. and i just got restriction yesterday. it was so hard emotionally, and you have to do a lot of soul searching to find the root of the problem. it is my philosophy that a big majority of our "problems" emotionally stem from childhood factors. many people would argue that.

  7. IF you are allowed full liquids, try putting some Beans, or your favorite side dish in a food processor. if the consistency is too thick to put through a straw try adding some broth or Water. the healthy choice Soups blend down really well. i would melt some cheese in it, and it was very filling. i also really enjoyed great northern Beans.

    make sure though that you can have full liquids or anything that fits through a straw. i would hate for you to do anything that goes against your doctor's orders.

  8. i totally agree that you should go to er. you need to get some fluids in thru iv. it may take a bit to find someone to remove some of your fill, but right now you need some fluids. you have been several days already, please do not prolong it too much. you must feel horrible. i am so sorry that you are going through this.

  9. so, you have good restriction, too!! i can't believe it, i'm really honestly shocked. i had never felt it before. i was thinking that i had made a mistake and that it was going to fall back on me and willpower, boy was i wrong. i know that feeling it got yesterday when the Water was stuck, was horrible. i will avoid getting that again.

  10. i went to the doc yesterday for my first fill. i had regained all but 4 ounces of my pre op weight back. (most of it is water). they told me to sip Water and tell them when i could feel it sitting there. well, i haven't had to sip anything since my surgery. not even right after. i could drink a 8 ounce glass of water in 5 seconds with no problems.

    so about 50 sips later (literally), and growing bored of the "sip" "wait", "ok, what do you feel?" "-nothing", "ok..sip"..lol. she put a lot in there and i took a sip, nothing, another sip, nothing, another sip, HOLY COW I THOUGHT MY CHEST WAS GOING TO BURST APART!!! Out of nowhere came this horrible burning pressure. awful... so, she took a little out and we went through it again.

    I GOT 6.5 CC'S!!!!

    needless to say, i have to sip now. this is awesome. this thing actually works. it just took me 30 minutes to drink a smoothie. the day after surgery, i could have drank 3 in 10 minutes or less if i wanted. i hope it stays this way.

    how has been for most of you so far, did you notice the fill for the first couple of days, and then it just goes away? or did you notice anything at all? i hope it stays like this, but i must admit i am a little afraid to eat. we'll see how that goes in another 36 hours...and counting..lol.

  11. now that i have posted my replies. i am HELLA frustrated. head hunger is my problem. i need to change my name to head_hunger_monster or something like that. i only got 1/4 of my monthly this month, but it left the ugly Water weight (about 10 lbs worth).

    i get my first fill today and i am ever thankful for wendell's post, or i would be beating myself up...i am almost back up to surgery weight.

  12. I have this as well. I can eat more than a few bites but have had PB's when trying to eat a sandwich on white bread. I eat less than I used to but am hungry in an hour or so too. I think we have some restriction but not enough.

    again, i have not had a fill, so please don't beat me up, but i have heard that white bread is very hard to eat because it is so doughy. have you tried a whole grain, lower carb version? my dr. told me not to ever eat white bread if it can be avoided and that more than likely we would pb on it but not on the wheat bread. ....just a thought.

  13. Hi everyone. How are you all today? I got my band 10-10-2007 and have had 1 fill. I felt restricted a few days and I guess to a point I still do, my question is this,

    I can only eat a few bites and feel full, maybe an hour and a half later I am hungry again. Has anyone else had this feeling and what did you do to control it?

    I drink a Protein drink for Breakfast, then drink Water and then a cup of coffee and by then I am hungry again.

    ok, i have not had a fill yet, i get my first one in the next hour. but, i was told that if you get to the point where you are hungry in between meals, you either need a fill, or your food is not dense enough. for instance, no matter how tight you are, the Protein Drink, Water, and coffee are likely to not keep you full very long. i'm not sure if you are still in a liquid phase from your fill or not, but maybe you need to try denser foods. my doctor's office is very adamant about not having liquid calories and they include Protein drinks in that. they want us to eat our Protein once we are to the point of getting fills.

    now that i have said that, i will probably still drink Protein Drinks because i have a lot of trouble getting my protein in, but i do not think it will make you full.

  14. i am right there with you. there have been other posts about people having this problem, also.

    here are my theories on why this is happening to me:

    1. before surgery i did not take a Multivitamin. now i do, and it has iodine in it (trying to find one without). iodine is a trigger for a lot of people who have acne.

    2. dehydration and cold weather. since surgery my skin is a lot drier than it was before. i usually have this problem in the winter, so it is more than likely coincidental. however, when my face gets dry i break out more than a child with chicken pocks. also, my skin begins to look dull and pasty. so, i bought an apricot scrub and have been using it daily for the past 3 days. (it is helping tremendously)

    3. as previously mentioned the moisture thing. some people break out from oily skin, i used to think that was the case, but it is just not so. i use makeup for dry/normal skin, and i use good moisturizers with oil. however, my moisturizers have to be pretty simple because i have sensitive skin. so pond's face moisturizer works wonders. (I use dove bar soap to remove makeup, dermatologist recommended).

    so, that is my story. broke out last week with all of these little flat bumps and like 8 actual whitheads. i have ocd with picking, and i will TEAR my skin up if it breaks out. i know that this is gross, but it is truly a problem, so i have to stop my breakouts fast, or i will scar my face up.

    so, i would look at your Multivitamin (also take into consideration your stress level, environmental & emotional), exfoliate, and moisturize.

    if that doesn't work, wal-mart and wal-greens have an off brand for Proactive called Acne Free. I used this a couple of years ago, and this is the first time i have broken out since. i did not have to continue use. (i used proactive and it was too harsh for my skin, it gave me chemical burn, but the acnefree is gentler and it cleared me up fast (not like some cleanser's where you break out and then clear up)).

    hope it helps.

    ----also another thread on here somewhere talks about hair loss and it being caused from dermatitis of the skin (her dermatologist told her to use two different types of head and shoulders and to wash her hair daily. she was told that the dermatitis is caused from the stress of the anesthesia and the weight loss on your body. dermatitis of the scalp is like face acne (as far as skin is concerned). so, both problems are connected and likely caused by the same thing..stress. proactive believes that if you have acne you must also have dandruff. i do not support this belief..but....

  15. i noticed that you can only have clear liquids, which would probably mean that most of the Protein Shakes are out. my doctor tells his patients not to worry about Protein the first few days, as you likely will not have much intake anyways. once we began full liquids, then we had to start focusing on protein more. full liquids for me was 3 days post op.

    call you doctor for guidance, especially if you are feeling weak and lethargic, which could be an effect from the anesthesia or low blood sugar, but i would call just to be sure and see what he/she recommends.

  16. geez. sounds like my office, 13 people, one man-he just moved to another position not in our office/but still half way in our office until he finds a replacement.

    so, 12 women couped up together 40 hours a week, the claws come out and the hissing starts.

    -the name on the door thing is a good way to think.....that'll show 'em.

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