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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About blessedandfavored

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    Advanced Member

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  1. blessedandfavored

    Need food suggestions!

    Wyler's Lite Pink Lemonade with unflavored protein powder was a lifesaver.
  2. blessedandfavored

    Experiences with Phentermine?

    I got a prescription, took one pill and didn't like the way it made me feel so I didn't take them again. But when my surgeon interview me he asked if I had taken them. I relied, "Yes, one pill." He said it was help with the process since I had a prescription for it. My first visit was April 1, 14. I was approved May 7, 14. My surgery was July 3, 14. Buy it for insurance purposes but don't take it.
  3. blessedandfavored

    African American Sleevers

    I'M SLEEVED!!!! Day 7 post op and still amazed.
  4. Tell people the truth. Tell them..."My new lifestyle requires that I limit the amount of food I eat at one setting. Portion control really works and I plan to continue until I reach my goal. I have lost 20+ lbs by making healthier choices and limiting my intake. At home I weigh my food. Here I'm just going to bag this up and eat it later." I have even said "I was really hungry so I ate a little beforehand and it has really affect my taste buds plus I came to socialize with you." Is it rude to eat before your guest arrive? Well, I do. (My friends doesn't seem to mind.) I even arrived a few minutes late and tell my guest to start without me. "I don't want you waiting on me so I will bag this up." If all fails tell them "I'm on a appetite suppress." OTC is somehow more acceptable than wls. Don't stress yourself! It's your life! Be happy!
  5. blessedandfavored

    African American Sleevers

    Congrats on the surgery. Hope you continue to do great. Do you know why you were not required to do a pre op liquid protein diet? Your liver lies in front of your stomach. So it has to be manipulated in order to perform the sleeve. The pre op liquid diet helps to eliminate the visceral fat around the liver. Plus dehydration is critical post op. If you start off well dehydrated it will lessen your chances of becoming dehydrate post op. I was obviously heavily sedated when I half read your question. The reason I didn't have to do a pre op protein diet is because my bmi was 37 (which is less than 40). I was approved for surgery bc I have really bad sleep apnea. I did the pre op diet because I gain 10+lbs having food funerals. The day of my surgery I was 216.4lbs.
  6. blessedandfavored

    Wedding Dress Shopping

    I agree with BeagleLover, lace up instead of a zipper.
  7. blessedandfavored


    I'm 2 days post op and I'm dying laughing over here. I'm not sure why I found this so funny. All I know is I couldn't (for the life of me) stop laughing. Holding on tight to my pillow laughing my butt off.
  8. blessedandfavored

    African American Sleevers

    Congrats on the surgery. Hope you continue to do great. Do you know why you were not required to do a pre op liquid protein diet? Your liver lies in front of your stomach. So it has to be manipulated in order to perform the sleeve. The pre op liquid diet helps to eliminate the visceral fat around the liver. Plus dehydration is critical post op. If you start off well dehydrated it will lessen your chances of becoming dehydrate post op.
  9. blessedandfavored

    African American Sleevers

    Oh and thanks for praying for me, ladies and gents.
  10. blessedandfavored

    African American Sleevers

    I'm SLEEVED!!! Day 1 post op is going GREAT. I'm in very little pain, a lot of belching and first sip of water was heaven.
  11. Will there be any abdominal swelling after a VSG? If so, how long did the swelling last?
  12. blessedandfavored

    African American Sleevers

    What's up Fam? I'm just finding you guys tonight and glad I did. My VSG is less than 8 hrs and I can't sleep. Excited but extremely nervous. I wasn't required to do a 7 day pre op but I did away. All the food funerals cause me to gain a few...several pounds. For the who are willing say a little prayer for me. Thank you and see you on the lighter side.
  13. blessedandfavored

    Infused water ok?

    Fruits have a lot of sugar in it. Although it's natural sugar, sugar still equals calories. My NUT recommends Crystal Lite or Mio. However, this is an excellent question for your NUT. Drinking large amount of cold Water at one time makes me nauseated so I drink it room temperature water and that prevent the nausea. Good luck.
  14. blessedandfavored

    Pre op Liquid Diet Day 1

    Thanks ladies for your response. I ordered Unjury chicken and unflavored protein. I also purchased some IsopureZero Carb at the local Vitamin Shoppe. It's not perfect but at least it's not sweet. 20 fl oz, 160 calories, 0 carbs, 0 fat, 40g PROTEIN. It's a little expensive $4.15 a bottle but less than a fast food meal.
  15. I'm not liking all this sweet stuff that is on the pre op liquid diet (Jello, Popsicles, Protein drinks...chocolate, vanillas and strawberry, crystal lites, Gatorade, powerade). I never really had a sweet tooth like that! I overeat heathy food like a pot of sautéed kale and a pound of grilled shrimp. I don't think I can make it on broth and Water. Any suggestion?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
