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kari jo

LAP-BAND Patients
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About kari jo

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 11/04/1974
  1. Happy 38th Birthday kari jo!

  2. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary kari jo!

  3. Publically! Obviously, everyone on here feels the same way. I just want you to know I so apprecaite your support today with what I am facing with band issues and my pregnancy. I took my meds again and bought some Mylanta at lunch .... am hoping this helps. If not, I am so glad I found you a year or so ago after being disappointed by my surgeon (which I should mention is no longer practicing - imagine that!). I feel confident I will be in good hands to do whatever we decide necessary in the near future. Again, thank you! Thank you for your advice, quick response, willingness to speak to my OB .... just EVERYTHING! You're one of a kind. Kari
  4. I've been in the exact same situation since day 1. Others who had surgery after me are close to goal and I sit 18 months out and down 40 pounds. My surgeon even dropped me because he couldn't help me and made notes in my file that I just must not be following the program. Kinda hard when you can't eat. Like the other poster below I am pregnant and am buying time until something can be done. After having problems with my surgeon I found Dr. C who I truly trust and admire. I'm sure there will be an operation after I have the baby, I just pray I can make it until then. Some days I can eat, some nothing (like today). Just wanted to wish you luck and tell you there are others of us out there in the same boat.
  5. kari jo

    Self Pay Band ... Self Pay Removal?

    You are too darn sweet. Thanks for easing my mind .... as always!
  6. Just wondering ... of those of you who had your bands removed, if you were self pay to have your band put in, did insurance pay to have it removed? Unfortunatley, the banding has not been easy for me since day one. I am tight ... was right after surgery ... yet I'm not losing. I get sick ... alot. Luckily I found Dr. Curry to help me after I was failed (in my opinion) by my original surgeon. I feel like I have thrown myself and my problems at him and feel horrible for that. These are decisions that I never thought I would be making and I'm glad that I trust him to be there to help me.
  7. Please see the post from another site and tell me what you think! Hey there. I haven't been on this board for quite a time but I need some insight from some of you seasoned bandsters! From day 1 after surgery I had restriction ... or what I thought was restriction. I would eat and it would feel as though food was getting stuck ... but not low near my stomach .... like in my throat. I would easily throw it up. This has gone on for over a year ... I get sick alot. I was never too concerned about it (but believe me, my surgeon is aware ... no secrets here) because it wasn't voilent vomiting. Lean over and out it comes. I can also easily make myself sick if I have to ... like if I am experiencing major shoulder/arm pain when something is stuck. Lean over and out it comes. I never get that golf ball feeling that people talk about in their chest .. mine is always in my throat. OK .. now the weird part. All of the sudden for the last few days I feel EXTREMELY loose. By loose I mean that I can now eat foods that I haven't eaten in over a year with no to minimal trouble. Granted it is a bite or two, but we're talking chicken, pork, scrambled eggs. I haven't tasted them in a long time. One day this week I could eat a whole taco salad. The next day I was at Ponderosa and had a few bites of mashed potatoes and gravy and cottage cheese and a couple of grilled shrimp and it went down easy and i felt stuffed ... like I had just eaten a pre-band meal at the Outback. So what might this all mean to you? I have 1.5 cc in a 4cc band. The highest I have ever been was 2cc and at that point I vomited even liquids. I have not lost since my last fill (before Christmas) and I am okay with that because I haven't gained either. I'm still 50 pounds from goal but very happy! Only worried something is going on. I was at my surgeons office last Thursday for a fill but he couldn't hit the port so we had to reschedule for 2 weeks from now (he is going on vaca). Supposed to do it under flouro at that time. Any input is appreciated! Kari RE: 1 year out and worried ... Response from Nancy Degenmeister at 9:23 PM PST on 06/10/2006 Bergen County, NJ – Lap Band (10/17/2003) – Marina Kurian, M.D. Getting sick a lot, violent or not, is a big problem. It causes a lot of banding complications. It's never normal...it's a symptom of either being too tight or not mastering chewing, or eating too quickly, etc. A sudden loss of restriction, if it wasn't just a day or 2 (because fluctuations are normal) could be an indication of a problem. Please ask for a scoping as well as flouro because it's a possible symptom of erosion. Chronic vomiting can cause erosions, unfortunately, not just slippage. Nancy RE: 1 year out and worried ... Response from Kari C at 9:37 PM PST on 06/10/2006 Ne, IN – Lap Band (05/20/2005) – Charles Stone, M.D. Not thrilled to hear your response, Nancy, but SO GLAD you were out there. You have given me wonderful advice in the past and knew you'd be there again. NOW I'm freaking out! Erosion?? OMG! And my surgeon is out for two weeks. What if it is? What are other signs? I know the vomiting is a problem ... I've told him from day 1. The problem is I don't get the "full" signal because I stop eating because it feels like things are stuck in my THROAT therefore fills were not important. Worried!
  8. I get neck, shoulder, upper arm pain when something is stuck .... even a LITTLE stuck or if I am too tight. Time of month does it too me. I also hiccup/burp when I drink during this time. The pain goes away after it moves down, or up, whatever the case ends up being.
  9. Thanks ... I did call. I'm going for a Barium Swallow Tuesday. I'm just really freaked about the whole thing. I have had this since the day of surgery ... like I was too tight with no fill. I want the fill out to rest for a while ... I think you're right on with that. Just hope it's nothing more ... Kari
  10. Hey all ... I'm looking for anyone who has experienced what I have been. I have trouble eating ... doesn't really matter what I eat or what time of the day I eat it. I eat and it feel as though it's stuck inside my throat. Eventually I will PB ... because the saliva starts going to get it moved through. I don't get a full feeling, and I think it's because stuff is stuck in my throat. I'm really worried. There was a lady on OH whose esophogas stopped pushing food through. She had to have her band removed and had the DS. I DO NOT want to consider another type of surgery. My surgeon is new at the band and I am FREAKING OUT! Kari
  11. kari jo

    6 months and counting

    If your surgeon/pcp really wants you to have to surgery he/she can help you to not lose too much weight. They know that the chances of it staying off long term are slim - statistics show it. Get into your pcp and get the 6 month diet started asap so you can get your approval as soon as possilbe. Good luck to you!
  12. Hey all. Okay, I'm newly banded (5/20). I've had a couple of instances where I have eaten something and it feels like it is stuck in my throat. It doesn't hurt where I think it should ... like lower toward the stomach. Am I wrong? Is this where it is supposed to hurt (sounded weird, didn't it)? And I was just asked by the hubby ... can you choke? I don't know the answer. Kari
  13. Hi everyone. I just found this site today. I have been on the OH site for months and wondered where everyone with over one year post op on the band have been hanging out ... now I know. It was good to read many of the threads. Well my name is Kari and I am from NE Indiana. I was banded on 5/20 in Goshen, Indiana by Dr. Charles Stone. Things are going good at this point. I am down almost 25 pounds ... very excited about that! I had the surger because I have a five year old son that I can't keep up with and that I have missed out on doing things with ... you know, roller coasters, etc ... Anyway, things are a changing! I'm glad to have foudn this site! I look forward to learning from everyone on boardl Kari

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