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Everything posted by cj033185
Just wondering who in these rooms have experienced a slip? I went to the doctor last wee and they told me I have a slip. I have to go back in just a little over a week to see what they want to do, maybe a revisional surgery. I really do not want to have this as an option but I am willing to if I have to. You see, I was one of those who experienced some pain in between my shoulder baldes when I ate. The conclusion was it is referred pain from a nerve touching something (diaphram or stomach) dcotor is not really sure. So when the pain became intolerable I would vomit because I noticed when I got rid of the food out of the pouch the pain would go with it. Well needless to say some damage as occured. Now I have to pay the price. I'm just hoping I didn't let it go on for too long and I do not have to have another sureger. Please keep me in your thoughts. I am now down to 179 from 237 that's the good news.
New here - overweight army wife looking for the loosers bench!
cj033185 replied to SheriGone's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Hi Sherri, I'm sorry you're feeling so lonely. I know how bad that hurts. You're husband is our hero too!!!! I was curious by what you meant you were realized on July 14th? By my best guess since you're on this website is that you're overweight? Well if that's the case, you're in the right spot. The Lap band has changed my life. I started at 237 when I had the surgery (260 Highest) and now I am down to 179. This has not been the easiest journey for me, but nonetheless, I would do it again. I have never possesed the willpower do get this weight off. The band helps me stay in check. God bless you and your husband. I want you to know the two of you will be in my thoughts. Take care and I hope to see you again. Cindy BTW surgery was 10 months ago 9/25/07 -
Losing weight, No PBing, Slime, or Stuck
cj033185 replied to LundyLane's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Please do yourself a favor, leave well enough alone. You, IMO should only get a fill when you stop losing weight. Believe me when you first feel any one of the things you mentioned, you will regret that fill. I have been through each thing you are talking about and it it NOT pleasant. You learn very quickly, what not to do. However, each food as well as the particular time of day it is presents different results. I've had my band for 9 months approx and every day is a learning experience. I'm still trying to figure this thing out. The good news is that I have lost over 50 lbs and it is not coming back. This has been a roller coaster for me. Things like being to tight, pbing, sliming, and let's face it real pain at times. So, if you are still losing weight, leave well enough alone. Get your fill when you really need it. Hope this helps you make up your mind. Me, I'm the one who has to learn things the hard way. I wish that wasn't my truth, but it is. -
Just wondering what people are doing to stay regular since so many foods that contain fiber are hard for us to eat. Any and all suggestions would be very helpful.
Way to go!!!! I'm so proud of you. Doesn't it feel good? :thumbup: Keep going and good luck with your next fill.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I am going to put a few into motion. I just went three weeks without a bm and I finally had to use exlax. Even though I was never a everyday kind of person, I know that was way too long. In fact now that I'm thinking about it, it could have been dangerous. I really have a hard time with cereal and fruit so I think I'm going to try the benefibre. Thanks again everyone.
that is sept 07.
Also I have to add, my pain started after I got a fill to 5 cc's which was way too tight. Ever since that time I have been dealing with the pain. I believe this is when I had the beginning satges of inflammation. I've had a very difficult time since that fill, but hopefully I'm at a good fill level now. BTW I have lost 52lbs now since sept 06 which I am very happy about. Even with the difficulties I have experienced, this is the best decision I have ever made. Best of luck to you, and I hope you get rid of the pain, it really hurts if it's anything like mine. This has been my experience and I hope if nothihng of my experience happens to turn out to be anything like your experience, I hope just listening to you and understanding the pain is real, has helped.
My doctor seems to believe it is either nerve related or gallbladder. I'm going for an ultrasound of my gb very soon. Either way, I've been dealing with the pain for quite a few months. My very uneducated guess is it's nerve related. The only reason I say this is because I had a total unfill and the pain went away. Then I was filled again to 3.6 in a 10cc band and whamo, as soon as I ate anything that had a solid consistency, the pain was back. Now I am at 3cc and the pain is very minimal. Please keep me posted with your exact location of pain, when it happens, how much fill you have, what size band is, when you had your surgery, and what your doctor says about the pain. My exact location of pain is in between my shoulder blades just a pinch to the right.
Just wondering if any of you ladies experience an increase in tightness of your bands during that time of the month? If so, how far in advance do you notice it? I started noticing a tightening effect about a week before. Now this morning I could barely get down my morning cup of coffee. How do your eating habits change during this time? Any feedback would be helpful
Just wondering what DH and dd stand for also sbd lifestyle?:confused2:
Hi, just wanted to share my experience with you. I know I have restriction when I take a drink of something and I get a little return of very small belches (sp) They are like little bubbles that come back up. I also feel restriction at the top of my stomach area just above my rib cage when I eat. Mostly during the morning and daytime, I consume liquids and then by the evening I feel like I want to eat food. Also someone else said it best. The best thing we feel when we have restriction is no appetite. What a blessing that is!!!!! I have lost 44 lbs since the end of sept 06. A little more than 6 months is not bad in my opinion. The best news is that this time I do not have the impending doom of it coming back, and as long as I have my band, I believe the weight will not come back. The band (when you have restriction) will almost not let you overeat. You can however override the band by consuming things that go down very easily such as icecream and potato chips, but once you start to see the results and feel lighter who wants to do that? Best of luck to you and keep us posted.:rolleyes2:
Tee, Mine hurt too. I think it's quite normal. I believe they suture the port to your abdominal wall? If I'm remembering correctly. If you are concerned at all, please call your doctor's offfice. This is all new to you and you deserve to be comforted They will not mind answering your question. Take care and best of luck to you. I Have now lost 44 lbs so far and I am elated!!!!! :biggrin: My surgery was 9/25/07 and I have 4 cc's in a 10 cc band
Hi everyone, Just wanted to share the great news that I am now under 200lbs. You could not keep the smile off of my face today. I am so glad to be under that 200 lb mark that I could scream, (actually I did a little) :eek: I weighed myself this morning and I got on the scale a few times to be sure, but indeed I am now weighing 196.4 Just seeing that number has given me new hope. I was getting discouraged because I was stuck at the same weight for weeks. I said to myself I can't possibly eat any less than what I am eating now so what am I going to do? I decided to start exercising again and that got the scale moving. Anyway thanks for letting me share this incredible news with people who understand. Btw this makes 41 lbs now. Suregery was 9/25/07 and I have 4 cc's in a 10 cc band. Take care everyone!!!!
Hi luckylinds, Welcome to Bandland!!! Just wanted to let you know the gas will be passing. You just have to tough it out. Try some gas X and you will get some relief. Otherwise, you kind of just have to be strong. I hope just knowing that it will pass very soon is enough to help. I'll keep looking on this site for your posts to see if you have any concerns or questions that my own experience may be able to help you relate to. Best of luck to you. I'm so happy for you. Have a wonderful day, even though I know you are probably a little uncomformtable. We are all pulling for you.:rolleyes2:
Hi Luckylinds, I just wanted to share with you that I can still eat these things, just not very much and I have to take small bites. Also, I have to chew very well. I can eat these things as long as there is not any swelling going on. Pretty much though, I feel like I just want to have protein shakes and soup during the day because I am really tight in the morning and afternoon. I had an episode last week where some sausage got stuck and I had to go back to liquids for a few days until the swelling went down, but now again I can eat pretty much anything I want. The only thing that contionously causes me great distress are spring rolls. I have not a clue as to why. I refer to my band as my road block and sobriety check point (LOL). I am 5 months out and I have lost almost 40 lbs, and while that may not seem like alot, to me it is because I have lost weight many times only to put it right back on. I need this band. I wasn't able to achieve permenant weight loss on my own. I have recently began to exercise since I have been at a plataue for almost 4 weeks, and that should get things moving again. The most amazing news is I haven't put one of those pounds back on!!!!! Not one. This band really does for me what I couldn't do for myself, put the fork down. Try, and I know it's hard, to stop freaking out and really try to focus on the great decision you have made. This is not always an easy road for me or I'm sure for others, but it's working. I am still learning what I can and cannot do. I must admit I'm hard headed, like when I try to eat solids when I know there is still swelling. But I've had enough. The pain is not worth it. I had the realization one day that it's almost like someone with a twisted, swollen ankle and they keep trying to walk on it. How dumb is that??? LOL But like I said I'm hard headed. My thoughts and prayers will be with you on Thurs and I know everything will go just fine. I'm raising my water bottle to yours and my weight loss. Cheers
I too defintely had the pain between my shoulder blades after my last fill. My docotor told me it was trapped air in my stomach. I dealt with it for three weeks before I had the unfill of the one cc that he put in. Wow how amazing you lasted for a couple of months. I was also wondering was this pain normal to lose weight, but everyone in here said there was not supposed to be pain. I'm glad had the unfill, because I said I would rather fight a few hunger pains (once in a while) than feel that pain ( between my shoulder blades) every single time I ate something solid. I'm no longer in pain for the most part, but I am still having trouble keeping solids down. Some days I really have to pick my chin up off of the floor. :cursing: and some days I have just come to accept the fact that everything involving food is different for me now. No one told me this journey was going to be easy, but I know nothing worthwhile comes easy. I like the idea of using the timer to wait in between bites, although I do not believe one minute is long enough for me. I'm going to set it for maybe three minutes. I had actually come to the conclusion that I'm not meant to sit down and eat a meal anymore. I'm trying to count calories and just take bites here and there instead of sitting down to a meal. So, for some sense of normalcy, I'm going to try the timer. I'm glad you were finally able to keep some food down, and I hope you continue to do so. Btw, I have lost 37 lbs so far
Hi, Just Wondering If Anyone Has Had Problems With Spicy Foods Once They Reached Their Sweet Spot. I Always Enjoyed Hot Spicy Food Before This Level Of Really Good Restriction, But Now When I Try To Eat Those Foods, I Feel Like My Stomach Wants Them To Come Right Back Up.( And They Do )
I am freaking out!! I need advice......
cj033185 replied to findingme's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Good luck Shannon, my prayers and thoughts are with you. -
Hi, I just wanted to share my experience with you. My first fill was 4 cc's in a 10 cc band. My second fill was one more cc making a total of 5 cc's. This fill put me over the top. It was way too tight. Every time I tried to eat anything that wasn't liquid I got a horrible pain located inbetween my shoulder blades. ( weird I know) Anyhow, I suffered for about three weeks before I made the decision to have the last fill totally removed now leaving me at 4 cc's again. Well, I am no longer in pain when I eat and I do get hungry a little and I stress a little. I would much rather suffer a litttle hunger pain than I the other pain I experienced. So if I were you, I would have the fill and make up your mind as to how agressive you would like it to be. You know, I could have only drank liquids and kept the last fill, but my underlying fear was that if I lost the weight by drinking liquids would I put the weight on once I began eating solids again. This journey is a personal one for all of us and I am glad that I went ahead with the last fill because now I know that 5 cc's are too tight for me. I hope that you also find your happy medium with your journey and you are still losing weight even if it's slow. One step in the right direction is a really great path to be on. Oh, btw, thanks for listening. I know that I am not alone and I love hearing that other people need opinions also. Aren't we the lucky ones? Keep up the good work, 28lbs is really great so far!!!!
Hi, I just wanted to say congrats on the 48 lb weight loss. I do not know how much more you have to lose, but way to go so far. I really mean that. I was also banded in sept 07 and I have only lost 35lbs. I am thrilled about that though. For once in my life, I do not have to lose this weight over night ( like I ever could anyway). I had to have a unfill today and I am now at 4 cc's in a 10 cc band. It really hurt to eat solids and I dealt with it for three weeks. Ultimately I decided the pain wasn't worth it. My band was way too tight, and I also didn't sign up to lose this weight by drinking liquids. Also, I have an underlying fear if I lost the majority of the weight by drinking liquids, that I would gain the weight back once I started to eat solids again. And then I would be back to square one. With all that said, I hope you find your restriction without the pain that I experienced. I really feel like you are doing so great and my hope for you is to remember your accomplishments. Also, I am following ww points.
also, I'm going for an unfill tomorrow. I'm so happy and looking for some relief
Hi, I have been taking an antibiotic for the last week and I have noticed that number one, I have to grind it up since my last fill has me tight beyond belief, and number two, I have to also wait before I go to bed at night. Otherwise, I have reflux for a couple of hours after lying down. Not fun!!! One night I even vomited in my sleep and that's when I decided to wait a few hours after taking the medicine before I go to bed. I think you are experiencing the same thing. Can't hurt to try it. Hope my experience helps.
Tell me about the reasons you got an unfill. I went to the doctor's yesterday and I was convinced I was going to get an unfill. I am due to see the doctor on Feb 6th but I decided to go there yesterday because I have been having pain in my back whenever I try to eat anything solid. They told me it should be going away soon, and he also told me it is called associated pain, so I decided to ride it out. I'm kind of sorry I made that decision because I'm still getting the pain. I am now going to do only liquids until Feb 5th which is the day before I see the doctor. If I get the pain on that particular day I will not change my mind about the unfill. I'm at 5 cc's right now in a 10 cc band, so please tell me about your experience with unfills, I love hearing from all of you. You are all such an inspiration to me, and you make me believe I can do this.
Thank you Rharriet, I appreicaite your response. I hope everything goes well with the next fill. I have had a really bad experience for the last two weeks, and I'm looking forward to some relief. How impressive is your weight loss, Congrats!!!!!