Please do yourself a favor, leave well enough alone. You, IMO should only get a fill when you stop losing weight. Believe me when you first feel any one of the things you mentioned, you will regret that fill. I have been through each thing you are talking about and it it NOT pleasant. You learn very quickly, what not to do. However, each food as well as the particular time of day it is presents different results. I've had my band for 9 months approx and every day is a learning experience. I'm still trying to figure this thing out. The good news is that I have lost over 50 lbs and it is not coming back. This has been a roller coaster for me. Things like being to tight, pbing, sliming, and let's face it real pain at times. So, if you are still losing weight, leave well enough alone. Get your fill when you really need it. Hope this helps you make up your mind. Me, I'm the one who has to learn things the hard way. I wish that wasn't my truth, but it is.