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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cj033185

  1. I was banded in Fl. too by Dr. Grossbard, his office is in Zephyrhills Florida. I think it's the same practice. Where do you live? I'm in Orlando Your weight loss is very good.
  2. cj033185

    Feel food going through your band?

    I totally feel this same sensation. I can't wait to talk to my doc on the 5th of dec to see what this is. It almost hurts for a few seconds and then it seem as the food pushes through the band and then the pain goes away. I've only had one fill, what about u?
  3. cj033185


    Just wondering, do you follow ww points or core?
  4. cj033185

    What doctor did your banding?

    Dr. Grossbard Tampa, FL I live in Orlando Banded 9/25/07 1st fill 4.5 cc's (10cc Band)
  5. cj033185

    I must be stupid

    hi everyone
  6. cj033185

    No bread???

    Thank you!!!!!
  7. cj033185

    No bread???

    I read alot about people not being able to eat bread. Is this after you've reached your sweet spot? What exactly do you mean (anatomically speaking) In other words, what do you experience physically when you eat bread. I personally can eat anything as long as I take small bites. I've only had one fill though, probably not at my sweet spot. I will PB if I eat too fast. Also, I do feel some pain when eating certain things, as if the food is going through the band. Does anyone else feel this slight pain that lasts for a few seconds and then goes away? What is this? Cindy
  8. Mutilated your body???? What about the tons of fat we are or were carrying around on our bodies? What about that mutilation??? Your friend does not seem to be thinking about you whatsoever. I agree with want2beme, your friend is jealous as hec and also very self absorbed. She needs some very serious counseling, not to mention compassion. I think you are better off not having that kind of "friend" in your life. o on with your success and continue your journey. Not everyone in our lives are going to be supportive or happy for us. We need to surround ouselves with POSITIVE influences. Best life journey to YOU. You deserve it.
  9. cj033185

    Where are the Maryland Bandsters?

    Hi Molly, My name is Cindy, I'm from Md. but now live in Florida. I spent most of my life there. I went to high school in Glen Burnie. what part of Md do you live in? I really miss it there sometimes, like the leaves changing and the waether getting cooler, but this is my home now. I was banded on 9/25/07 and have lost around the same amount as you. It's still pretty difficult to get this thing under wraps (the band that is). I still feel like I want to eat very fast and also a whole lot, but I'm quickly reminded that I can't do those things with any success. Have you had your first fill yet? I'm guessing no since you were just banded on the ninth. I've had one so far. I'm kind of afraid to get on the scale, but I can sure tell you, I CAN NOT eat as much as I could before the fill. I had actually put on 7lbs between surgery and my fill. I really felt like such a loser, but my doctor said that I haden'tt even had any help yet. He said to give him some time to give me the adjustments, and then we would see where I was at. I had even asked him if he thought I should seek counseling LOL. He is also a lap band patient, so he really understands this whole process. I really felt better after I left his office. He looked directly into my eyes and reassured me that this thing works. Actually I could just look at him and see it works, he lost around 120 lbs and I believe he has kept off 100lbs for 5 years. I'm looking forward to food not being such a huge part of my life, It has really controlled me at times. How about you? Anyway, I'm looking forward to chatting with you and hearing about your struggles and TRIUMPHS!!! We can do this. Cindy
  10. cj033185

    Protein shakes?

    Hi everyone, I see alot of people writing about having protein shakes for breakfast. What kind is everybody having? Any feedback would be great. They sound like such a good idea. Also what about some with lower sugar. Cindy:hungry:
  11. cj033185

    My first fill

    Dear Enzochief, I had surgery on (9/25/07) also. How much weight have you lost in pounds? What size band do you have? I have a 10cc band and my first fill was 4cc, close to yours. My doc said to do clear liquids first two days followed by full liquids for two days then on to regular food. I've had some issues with sudden pain that lasts for a few seconds then it alleviates. Just wondering if you are experiencing anything like this. I'm wondering exactly what is happening anatomically. Cindy
  12. Me too. I gained back 7 lbs after healing until my first fill. I haven't gone back to get weighed yet, but I know the fill has sure slowed me down. I was always and I do mean always finished eating before my BF, but now he is always finshed before me. So when we take longer to eat, our brain has the time to register that our tummy is full. I'll be very excited to go back to the doctor's to see what I have lost. He said it should be 8-9 lbs for the first month. (Crossing my fingers) I reamber crying when I got on the scale at his office. I felt like such a failure. He asked me why I was crying and I told him, he said you haven't even had any help (fills) yet that I need to give the process a chance. So that's what I'm doing. All of these physical feelings I'm experiencing are very different for me. It's really making me stop and analyze what I'm putting in my mouth. Stay focused, your help is on the way. Cindy
  13. cj033185

    My surgery is canceled- I'm so so :(

    If you want this bad enough, you will find a way. I was a self pay & I had to take out loans and then take on a part time job to pay for the loans. I think every time I'm tired and do not feel like going to the other job, I have to remind myself, this is going to get easier as the weight keeps coming off and the second job is not going to last forever, but my band will. This is not an easy solution, however when we want something bad enough we WILL find a way to make it happen. Make the decision to find a way to have the surgery (if you really want to).
  14. cj033185

    Sudden Pain?

    It's when I eat but not everytime or everything, that's why I'm puzzeled
  15. cj033185

    Sudden Pain?

    I'm pretty newly banded, had my first fill 2 weeks ago. All of a sudden I will feel sharp pain in my chest. I know it has to do with the band, but what exactly is happening. The pain goes away very quickly. Also I hear small gurgles in the back of my throat. What is this?
  16. cj033185

    Just banded on Friday!

    To Hannnah, I was in alot of pain too for about a week. Went back to work after that but it was too soon. Should have waited at least a week and a half. Call your doctor for pain medicine if you need to. I went to liquid Tylenol but I could only find it in Children's. It seemed to work after all the medicine I got from the doctor was gone. You are going to be in some pain but everyone is diffferent. If you are really concerned though, call you doc. The're the professionals. Best of luck to you
  17. cj033185

    How Long Before You Felt Normal?

    I have a physical job and I went back to work after a week. I really should have wiated at least a week and a half. I think I had port incision problems because of it. It's pretty much better now. I do remember really feeling a lot better at about two weeks. I truly remeber the pain and gas associated with everything. I'm 6 weeks post-op now. I really didn't even feel anything for the last few weeks until yesterday. I had my first fill yesterday, yeah!!! Nothing feels anything different except I do feel some pain from drinking or eating soft foods. I'm going to listen to my band talking to me though. Good luck, your pain and discomfort will pass soon.
  18. cj033185

    Depressed and Dialated

    Hi wisegirl, it's ok to vent. I do that sometimes on here too (also in real life, truth be told) I think it's wonderful how much weight you have lost so far. What an amazing gift to only have 20lbs left to go. What does you doc say about all of these fills and unfills? Does he have any advice for you? How about seeking the advice of another doctor for your complaints. Just let them know the whole story and maybe they can help. I know from reading so many of these posts that there are many personalities to all of the different doctors out there. Just think of it like buying a pair of pants, if they didn't fit, woulnd't we take them back for a pair that fit? I just want to say to you, you have been through alot, so don't give up. Keep on moving ahead. You have come a very long way,85 lbs to be exact. No one said this was going to be easy, but anything worthwhile usually takes everything we've got. Best of luck to YOU. You're worth it.
  19. Thanks for the info Penni, I'm going to try it. I'll let you know how it turns out. i'm so excited that I get my first fill tomm ( if all goes well) I had trouble with the port incision so I'll let you know how that goes too. Write back soon
  20. I'm a server, we like to be called servers today:) and it's true. Our bosses do expect us to turn our tables as soon as possible. It's something to do with the ticket times and the check being closed out. Trust me, we do not like it either. We have to do what they expect us to do. I was banded on 9/25/07 and am getting my first fill on wed. I can't wait to not be able to eat alot and having to eat slow. I really wouldn't care about what any server thinks. I paid alot of money for this solution and I have gone through alot. I'm going to take my time and enjoy the food. My guy eats slow anyway, so now maybe we'll match in that area. As far as not being able to eat and drink at the same time, I plan on ordering a glass of water or unsweet tea just because I'm afraid of choking. Enjoy your meal and if you feel bad about taking a long time while eating, leave a little more of a tip (if you can afford it) Also, get to know the person waiting on you and ask for them next time you go in. They'll get to know you and they'll get used to you taking a longer time to eat. Believe me, servers love to be asked for by name. I hope you take some of this advice and I hope you enjoy your meals from now on.
  21. Hi everyone. Thanks for listening yesterday. Thanks for everyone who offered advice. You are all the greatest. I'm going to stay focused. My first fill is this Wed. I was banded on 9/25. I had forgotten about the term Bandster Hell. I feel alot better today since I read your responses. I'm hanging in!!!!! Cindy
  22. I'm a little over three weeks out of surgery and the incision at the port site is open just a little bit all the way to the left . Just wondering if anyone had trouble with this particular incision healing and what you did for it, also how long on avg it took to close. On the other hand, all of the other incisions look great. Plus I have lost about 21lbs including pre-op diet!!!!
  23. I'm not far from mushies, just wondering if you are suppossed to get full on mushies or do they slip right through the band like liquids? Thanks for any input:help:
  24. cj033185

    chew, chew, chew

    thank you very much
  25. cj033185

    NWWLS - new post-op diet?

    My doc says clear liquids for two weeks post op, and then onto mushies. I'm with you though, do what you feel is best. The better chance you give yourself in the beginning (healing) the better off you will be. This is alot to go through just to mess it up by eating too early. Best of luck to you. I'm 10 days post op. P.s. We have the rest of our lives to eat. Believe me, this is helping me too just by sharing it with you.

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