I did the 4 month condensed deal to get approved.
1. Met with PC once a month
2. Met with trainer once a month
3. Met with Dietician once a month
4. Met with Psychiatrist once a month
These were all required by Aetna to hopefully get approved in 4 months rather than the 6 my plan normally requires. I did all of it and got a call from a nurse at Aetna telling me that they didn't have a weight history from 2 years ago. I had 8 years ago, 10, years ago, a few months ago and last year...all making a perfect case for me as far as weight is concerned. Thankfully, I believe this nurse listened to me, took it to her director, and consequently I was approved. Had surgery a week ago Wednesday and so far it's been awesome.
Oh ya, you cannot gain any weight during this time or you will be denied.