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yfoster 1

Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. yfoster 1


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  2. yfoster 1

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    From the album: yfoster 1

  3. yfoster 1


    From the album: yfoster 1

  4. yfoster 1

    Anyone having surgery 7-15?

    My surgery was 7/8 gastric bypass roux en y. I was very scared and nervous, I don't remember anything..lol I did have a lot of motion sickness and my blood pressure and diabetes number sored, but the doctor advise me that would go away, and it did. Before I went in to my room for pre-op, the nurse had me step on scale and it was 216lbs. The past few days I have just been really sleepy and try to take all my Vitamins and drink my Protein shakes. But I will tell you, that my CRAVING for food is gone, it use to be just the mention of a food item and I was out the door to find it and eat , now I have make a schedule to make sure I get everything it. I would tell anyone that is thinking about the surgery to pray about and then do it. I am so happy, and feel better everyday.
  5. yfoster 1

    Anyone having surgery 7-15?

    Hi, my gastric bypass surgery is July 8,2014 at 10:30am . I am so nervous and excited at the same time, just cant wait for it to be over with. I have struggled with diabetes for over 10years and decided it is time. Good luck to you. Yolanda
  6. yfoster 1

    40 and headed for Fabulous

    Hello, I am 5"1, my highest weight 256lbs, currently 220 lbs, have been fighting diabetes and up/down weight for over 10 years . I was able to get off insulin 5yrs ago, but still take these big horse diabetic pills daily.. and still have a problem with eating right, which I can feel the after effects of eating too much sugar/carbs. I am still on the fence as to gastric bypass or sleeve, because the bypass has high success rate 90 percent to put diabetes in remission, but it also in the most dangerous ..This Tuesday 5/20/14 I go for my surgeon visit ,psych eval. and nutrition visit total of 3 hours. If I am considered a good candidate they will give me a surgery date. I am really nervous about the surgery. I have been lucking enough to have had a lot of hospital stays in my 43yr old life. But, I will keep you posted on how it goes and my journey, thanks a lot for the post. It is good to know that someone else is can understand my journey.

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