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About vancouvergirl74

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/13/1974
  1. Happy 39th Birthday vancouvergirl74!

  2. Happy 38th Birthday vancouvergirl74!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary vancouvergirl74!

  4. vancouvergirl74

    Here is the truth about the band

    DOCSDEB I find it very interesting that someone can say to you, "Grow some balls!" and you would be ok with that. This is a forever life changing decision that can not be taken lightly. That is not tough love that is abuse. Now everyone is clapping because you lost weight and decided on the lap band, but let's not forget how rude they were to you by telling you to get a psych evaluation. Telling you to get a psych evaluation is insulting; not uplifting. (I know I can not speak for and about everybody…) In some situations people have been an outcast and don't feel apart of anything, but now they are part of a group here (which is very good.) However, I have noticed that it seems that no one stands up and says that telling DOCSDEB to “grow some balls in wrong...and yeah I am on your side.” Nope what you said is, "this is tough love.” Personally, I find a lot of useful information on this web site, but I just wanted to stand up and say quit being bullies. If someone doesn't post exactly the right way you guys jump on them. Just like some people did with DOCSDEB. So I am standing up and saying shame on you. For jumping in and saying to the OP "well that NEVER happened to me and you should NEVER speak for ALL of us!" I am standing up and saying shame on you for telling DOCSDEB to get psych consult and grow balls. That doesn't sound supportive and nurturing to me. Now I know this is not ALL of the posts and people out in band-land, but if it strikes a cord with you and your name is on the post the that contains the information that I am referring to then I am talking to you. I am a big girl and I can take your insults in stride. I don't hide in the corner, or cry myself to sleep. I know someone will call me a bully because they don’t like what I have to say, or I was too harsh; that is ok. I am not trying to be I am simply bringing it to your attention that what I read wasn’t kind by some of the posters. Another thing in one of the very first postings the intelligence of the OP was mentioned and I feel honoured that my intelligence has been questioned also, as I feel I am in good company. So to you DOCSDEB I wish you the greatest success in life and in your weight loss. I hope no one ever tells you to grow balls again, as it is an insult and you deserve to be treated better than that, and hopefully you won’t need a security blanket that has so many holes in it. Now I am not going to post on this subject again because I don’t believe in beating a dead horse. If you would like to discuss this further with me feel free to message me. Thank you for your reading my replies and I hope you understand that I clearly was not implying that ALL of you posted negatively to the OP, (but some of you did.)
  5. vancouvergirl74

    Here is the truth about the band

    I have read ALL the posting and I have to say this has got to be the funniest posting I have ever read! It is almost 8 pages of people going off on this poor lady. Alright so she didn't have her wording right, so she was having a rough day, but come on did you all have to swarm in and beat her up? And for the people who haven't been banded yet, "...after reading this I don't know if I am going to be banded." Or my favourite, "...good thing I didn't read this before I got my band or I wouldn't have done it!" Are you serious? Wow, more people need to do more homework, because in every book I have read they have been very clear about the side effects, and you know what? They can all happen to one person. So, if one post can rock your world then maybe you should re-evaluate getting the lap band. This site is a forum of ideas and feelings, she felt like no one had informed anyone of the side effects that she was feeling. I expect to have side effects and I am smart enough to figure out that not all side effects will apply to me. I am smart enough to figure out that she was venting. I was disappointed by your rudeness and your tone, when it takes 8 pages to make your point you have gone too far.

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