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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About DeeSleeved427

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  1. DeeSleeved427

    Any NC sleevers?

    Dr. Dana Portenier at Durham regional hospital ???? (it's a male not female)
  2. DeeSleeved427

    Any NC sleevers?

    Hi largeininc! I'm right outside of Raleigh, had surgery with Duke metabolic weight loss center (durham) Monday 12/01/14. I started all my pre-op stuff at Bariatric Specialists of NC in Cary, NC But had to switch to duke due to insurance requirement. Loving my sleeve and progress so far. I started in May, I had a 6 month program for insurance so March will come quick!
  3. DeeSleeved427


    From what I'm seeing, every surgeons office is different. I met someone here from my surgeons office who had everything finalized (ppwk to insurance, surgery date and insurance approval) within a week. But, me-all my ppwk done 10/17. Surgery date set on 10/21...however my ppwk sat there bc there were other surgery dates before me they had to submit first so I JUST got to insurance last Thurs 11/13, approval today 11/18. I hope you can get a December date as well ???? good luck!!
  4. DeeSleeved427


    Finally got my approval from insurance. After finishing all my supervised diet visits and pre-op stuff in October, surgeon finally submitted me last Thursday 11/13/14 and I just heard it was approved today 11/18/14. Seemed like forever, especially considering my surgery date was set for 12/01/14-I was starting to freak out it'd go to medical review and push my date back. *Sigh* what a relief. It's actually happening now!!
  5. DeeSleeved427

    Surgery is scheduled for 12/8 - Yea!

    Hello ladies! I just received my date for December 1st-I'm also very excited about finally reaching this point (I had a 6 month supervised weight requirement for insurance). My pre-op appointments are on 11/20 and 11/26 so I guess I'll also be on liquids the week of thanksgiving also. I believe my plan allows one lean meal per day so I'll get some nice turkey and veggies still ???? looking forward to seeing your progress!
  6. Good question!! Just got my date 12/01 and I don't have a plan to follow until just before surgery. My natural plan was to cut caffeine so I won't be withdrawing while in pain-lol. Going to start reducing carbs more and sweets (hopefully cold turkey before the surgery). Looking forward to seeing the other responses ????
  7. DeeSleeved427


    Hello all! Excited to join this group as I received my date: 12/01/14!! Looks like we'll have a great holiday season!!
  8. Hello all! I hope you'll have me as I just got my date today, 12/01/14!! I thought I would be in Nov but due to the holidays and my surgeon only doing surgery 2 days a week I was pushed into December. Not bad at all ????
  9. DeeSleeved427

    Cigna Insurance

    Thanks so much for all your help! I tried getting to authorizations but the lady didn't help me, she kept saying only the surgeon could call for pre-certification but I told her I wasn't trying to get certified but just confirm the requirements. Lol. I just ended up having hw transfer me back to customer service and the gentlemen said 6 months again. Lololol. I'm a week away from that last appointment so I'm just going to give up. I am now trying to get clarification on absolutely having to having the surgery at a center of excellence. There's only one close to me that is recognized but some good hospitals closer to me that aren't "Coe for bariatric".
  10. DeeSleeved427

    Waiting for approval - Cigna

    Congratulations!! I know you're super excited hoping the same for me on 10/17 too!! Although I'm guessing they won't submit me until that following mon, tues or wed lol. Do you have the open access plus plan?
  11. DeeSleeved427

    Waiting for approval - Cigna

    Me too, open access plus ???? did you have to do the 90 days or 6 months?
  12. DeeSleeved427

    Cigna Insurance

    Sorry, hit send too fast lol. I had only been calling customer service and they keep reading my plan requirements, most match the guidelines you posted except the 6 month and center of excellence being mandatory or they wouldn't cover it 100% like my plan says it will.
  13. DeeSleeved427

    Cigna Insurance

    It's my employers hmo plan offering.
  14. DeeSleeved427

    Cigna Insurance

    I've called CIGNA like 5 times. Once just in hope that maybe the rep I got would say 3 months like the policy says, lolol. But each rep said 6 months dr sup diet, and only once did someone say center of excellence which is why I had to switch bariatric surgeons so late in the game (in month 5). What do you think I should ask exactly, maybe I'm asking the wrong questions-but the surgery coordinators for both my old and current center got 6 months from them too ????

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