Hello everyone, I wanta start by saying I had to have my lapband removed today because I could no longer tolerate the fills, every time they put some in there I had to take it right back out do to terrible acid reflux, heartburn and being nauseated, I'm now thinking about revising to the sleeve my doc don't do the procedure at the same time so I would have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to be sleeved, now I'm hearing the people that's sleeved acid reflux is bad and that's what I suffer with the most, I weight 220 pounds started at 288 so I lost 68 pounds with the band June would have made 2 years since I was banded..I have so many missed emotions but I know I'm not going to do the gastric bypass, so any opinions on t h en sleeve would be great I have to see my doctor next week and I will talk more about it with him just wanted to hear some of you all thoughts..thanks in advance.