Tiffany, about 6 days after surgery, I bent down to pick up my dog's food bowl and felt something pop. Turns out I pop open some of the internal sutures at one of the incision sites. It is healing, but I sort of had to start over on the left side. It was just a benign thing that I bent over just the right or the wrong way.
I was going to the support group tomorrow night, for my first time post surgery, but with my recovery being slowed, I need to continue to rest.
I don't know if there are other smaller or more interactive groups within their practice or not. That would be a great question to ask Suzi or LaTonya.
I have already begun to experience such freedom from food as a result of the surgery, because I don't think about my next meal anymore and long for that next meal. That is one of my big issues pre-banding.
Keep in touch.