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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by smatyas

  1. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    I agree about Sanjaya, although he was not my least favorite... Least fav is the dood who sand cyndi Lauper.. ewwwww 3-way tie for favorite - blake, sundance, and the guy sho sang geek in the pink
  2. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    I've never voted. But I did text the show the other night to try and win $10,000.
  3. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    Well I'm jsut happy that I'm no longer carrying on a conversation with myself... lol I almost gave up on this thread.
  4. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    I'm really suprised that the girl who sang aerosmith didn't get booted.
  5. smatyas

    Intelligence test

    I got 9 because of the stupid widow and moses... I guess I need to slow down too.
  6. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    Why don't I know any names of the people on it?
  7. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    ummm.. the beat boxer is going to win out of the guys. I'm interested to see how the girls do tonight. I hope they are better than the guys because they really sucked last night.
  8. smatyas

    My Valentine's Day experience

    Well, I didn't pop many. She didn't actually make them to wear.
  9. smatyas

    My Valentine's Day experience

    My wife made herself an underwear set out of bubble wrap for me...
  10. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    I agree.. In fact, I would have kept the first one that they highlighted and then cut out of the first group.
  11. I was curious if any of you have ever felt like you need to confront someone in your past that may have not treated you the way you deserved when you were heavier. I remember when Jenny Jones used to have those "Geek to Sheik" shows or the like and these people that were picked on in school made major transformations and confronted the people that made them feel like shit in school. Would that actually bring closure to pain you felt in the past that may still be haunting you?
  12. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    Boy, they sure did let go of alot of people past night... I can't wait to see the top 24 tonight.
  13. Elenore Brusavelt Allison Plunderland
  14. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    well. I for one am happy that all the preleminaries are over and it is getting serious now. There were SOME funny points thus far, but all in all it was too much.
  15. My Real Life by Dusti Stratton At eight years old I was a normal little girl who just wanted to play with my friends. However, I was already gaining more weight than the other kids my age. My mom noticed and began teaching me good eating habits and exercise plans, but I always found ways to cheat to get the food I wanted. That is when my fight with my weight began. In tenth grade I became desperate and started doing hard drugs to lose weight. They would work while I was on them, but as soon as I would try to quit I would gain more than I had lost. Everyone around me was thin: my older sister, sisters-in-law, my mom, and all my friends. I envied them and wanted to look like them, so I ended up avoiding them. I tried everything to lose weight, but I would always end up cheating myself and going back to binging, which would make me even more depressed. When I got depressed, I would eat. When things went wrong, I would eat. In the meantime, I was gaining and gaining. So I started punishing myself for being so weak by cutting myself. I have permanent scars on my body as a harsh reminder of what I went through. In an attempt to help, my parents sent me to a wilderness program. For 42 days I ate healthy, stayed clean from drugs and didn’t feel the need to punish myself. We also hiked every day. It was good for me, and when I returned home, I weighed 121 pounds. In dealing with going back to school, the real world, and the same old temptations, I started eating a lot again. I was beginning to gain weight at a faster pace than ever, and within four months, I weighed 186 pounds. Kids at school started calling me horrible names like “Jenny Craig” or “piggy.” I would overhear my friends talking about how much weight I had gained, and it hurt. I started getting depressed about myself more every day. I would wear big sweatshirts even on hot days, and I quit doing my hair or caring about my looks. I stopped hanging out with anyone. I hated life and everything in it. I refused to leave my house, and, towards the end, even my room. When I left my room, I would keep a blanket wrapped around me. I would constantly eat more and more because I was depressed and unhappy. I lost all self-respect. I became distant from my family. I was failing all of my classes at school, so I would ditch and lie to my parents. My mom tried everything she could to help me but all it would do is make me more angry at her. So my life continued until September of 2003, when my mom told me about the Lap-band procedure. She explained it would be a great tool to help me to lose my excess weight, but I would have to go to Mexico and have surgery. (At my age and because I wasn’t obese enough, I would not qualify for surgery in the USA.) She explained how a band would be placed around my stomach that would help me control what I could eat. I learned about the tube that leads to a port where doctors would adjust the tightness of the band and that I could always choose for myself the amount of restriction I would have. She explained all the facts but left the final decision up to me. After about two weeks and a lot of research on the Lap-band surgery, I was willingly on my way to Mexico. I was scared and unsure of how this would affect my life, but I knew it couldn’t be any worse than what it had been. My parents and I entered a clean, modern hospital and met my surgeon. I was prepared for and underwent my surgery, which consisted of only five small incisions on my stomach. I remember waking up gagging because my body was not accustomed to what had been placed inside of me, but I received good care. After coming back home, I was struggling with not knowing what to eat, how to eat or any other details for my future life with the band. I also needed someone in the USA to perform my adjustments. Realizing that I wasn’t the only one with these problems, my mom began developing a company designed to help banded patients like myself all over the nation with their aftercare. Over the next couple of months I had to learn to eat smaller portions. I slowly learned what I could and could not eat. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I was losing weight and keeping it off, and that was a good enough for me. My life was starting to change. I was getting complements on how I looked. I started dressing like a teenager for the first time. I started to have pride in myself that had been missing for a long time. My weight has remained steadily at 135 for almost a year. It has been almost three years since I first got the band; it was hard and took a lot of work but I did it. I am happy and I now have a great life. I enjoy a wonderful job and have regained my self-respect. I still have days I want to lose more weight and be skinnier, but at five feet six inches and 135 pounds I am average weight. In looking back, I believe I have been given a second chance at life because my mom cared enough about her daughter to do what she thought was the best thing for me—even if it meant risking my anger and maybe losing my love. The band was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Because of it, even the hard times are not as difficult to get through. I have good health again, I have found how to be happy again, I’m close to my family again, but best of all I have learned to love myself again. I was headed for self-destruction, but the band allowed me to change that. I still have to eat healthy and try not to cheat the band—and there are still some days I think I weigh too much and could lose more—but I’m learning to be happy with the way I look. I had wonderful family support and help. I love my band and how it has helped me get my life back. I don’t cry myself to sleep every night anymore—now I can think about other things and enjoy life. A message for parents of overweight teens from Dusti and her mother: Please don’t ignore warning signs. Your child doesn’t have to be obese for weight to make life a living hell. Chances are they will not talk about it with you because they are embarrassed and disgusted with themselves. They are cruel to you because they are angry at themselves. Rest assured they are suffering verbal abuse and other indignities at school and other social places because of their weight that they may not share with you. They will do anything it takes to lose that weight. All the wrong things are available to them at a very young age, and they are extremely vulnerable in their desperate state of mind. They will have access to everything from prescription drugs to the hardest of street drugs. Don’t fool yourself into thinking, “My child would never do that;” it is tempting to the best of kids when they are confused and desperate. They have no fear of what these fabricated methods of weight loss might do to their bodies or health. They will discover much too easily the drugs will make the hurt go away if only for a short, dangerous period of time. Please don’t wait too long and let your child get to the point that Dusti had reached. First of all, you have to face the fact “My child needs help, NOW!” Don’t be afraid to step up and do what it takes to give your child hope. --Dusti’s Mom From a person that has been to the very bottom and was offered the help it took that saved my life: take action if you think your child is suffering because of his or her weight. --Dusti
  16. smatyas

    Do you sleep in the nude?

    I sleep naked. Even if I try to sleep only in my boxers they still get tangled up at night... Plus if yur nekkid, it's easier to rub up against and turn on your other half. :hungry:
  17. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    lmao "I wanna make David Hasslehoff cry"
  18. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    I saw something on the news this am about Paula. I guess someone will be interviewing her about possible drunkiness at idol tryouts. Maybi i got this all wrong, who knows. i was tired and getting ready for work. Anyone else hear anything like this?
  19. smatyas

    Funniest commercial

    We still get that one in AZ.. plus the other one with the black guy that sings "unbreak my heart" lmao those are funny.
  20. smatyas

    Hard Time With Pre Op Diet

    Not only is the pre-op diet designed to help you lose a little bit of weight before your surgery, it is also to help shrink your liver so they can retract it to see your upper stomache area. I would recommend you start immediately on that diet and hope for the best.
  21. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    They were both good. Make sure to look out for last nights last one. You may have to watch it over and over again. too funny.
  22. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    Wow... what did you think of Fidel Catrow on last nights episode?
  23. smatyas

    Alcohol...? How much??

    You should be careful because drinking with the band is essentially like drinking on an empty stomache.
  24. smatyas

    American Idol 2007

    Well I hope it gets better tomorrow night.
  25. smatyas

    Funniest commercial

    I like the "Life comes at you fast" commercials by Nationwide Insurance. I hear the next one they are putting out for the Super Bowl is one featuring K-Fed (Ex - Mr. Britney Spears) starring in his own rap video with a bunch of hotties running around to working in a fast food joint. lmao I can't wait to see it.

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