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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ngarcia23

  1. ngarcia23

    so mad

    Sometimes you will not lose weight until after the 2nd or 3rd fill but in the beginning after surgery you go from liquids only to giving your body food. The doctor told me it was normal not to lose weight or to even gain until everything evens out. Don't worry the weight will start coming off. 3rd fill was a charm for me.
  2. I have not been able to tolerate chicken unless it is chicken thighs. The pain is probably gas and it does feel like chest pain if you get too full or something gets stuck. Walking and stretching helps alot. The hospital gave me a list of soft foods maybe you could ask the md office or call the hospital and ask the dietician.
  3. I didn't have to have a catheter or have to stay. I wore my excerise clothes home, but they would let you wear your pajamas home as long as they are easy to get on and comfortable. Good luck!!
  4. ngarcia23


    Thanks - even though there has been some bumps in the road I still believe it is the best decision I have made. I wish you the best of luck, everything will be fine. Noella
  5. ngarcia23


    I was originally banded in October 2005 and started losing weight, after one of my fills I noticed I did not feel restriction and it took 6 mos. to convience doctors something was wrong. Yep tubing punctured! Re-Banded October 2007 weight not coming off thought I had failed and started giving up. Decided to see a new doc closer to home and he found that the tubing and port had become disconnected so again surgery March 2009. I thought everything would be ok this time. Went for my first fill and would you believe my sutures came out and the port has flipped. The doctor says it is because the sutures did not hold in the scar tissue and he has faith that he can flip & fill band without surgery. I am so frustrated and do not know what to do. Going May 12th for second attempt at another fill. Has any had these complications or have any suggestions or advice? HELP!:glare:
  6. ngarcia23

    weight gain, thinking of switching dr.

    I had the same problem and it took about 6 months to convience the doc that something was wrong. When they put the dye in they could not see it leaking. Finally they did surgery and found the leak. Tube punctured during a fill. I just switched hospitals/docs and the new doctor is great. If you feel you need to do something diffrent do it. I am glad I did and the new doc is very very supportive.
  7. ngarcia23


    As an update I went to doc on Tuesday and he was able to flip the port and fill it. I am glad I stuck it out and I will keep a positive attitude and start losing the weight now!!!
  8. ngarcia23

    I Am SO Mad at Myself

    Don't be discouraged! It will be worth it I finally felt the restriction after my 3rd fill and the weight started coming off quickly.
  9. My doctor told me this would happen because of the gas/air used during the laporscopic procedure. Walking is the only way to work out the discomfort. It worked for me.

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