Thanks everyone for the support. I've been so freaked out about procedures and surgery, I've actually lost 10 lbs. My surgeon said that's normal, too. If we could stay freaked out for life, we probably wouldn't have a weight problem at all.
Met Dr. Diccicio for the first time today. Of all three of the potential surgeons I have consulted with and had to pay $45.00 co-pay, I found my guy.
Dr. Diciccio didn't talk at me and he didn't act all self important. He answered all my questions and he didn't treat me like I had no right to know the why this and why that. He explained to me why the liver has to be shrunken before surgery even though I'm not an alcoholic and I haven't worn out my liver. He said even obese people have an enlarged liver that can be reduced by a ten day liquid high Protein diet.
I have to have my legs scanned for clots (which I had in 2004), I have to have a cardiac clearance and I can have surgery in about six weeks. Yay!