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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catdaddy

  1. You can also read these books on Bariatric Surgery to help you decide. They're both co-authored by Alex Brecher.
  2. Yeah, not the best thing to hear especially to my wife. She was the one going in as my support and didn't know anything about what the surgery was. I did the research and knew about mortality rates. I also knew my surgeon had a very long history as a Bariatric Surgeon, plus he was my only option because of insurance. But with that said, he quickly won over our confidants and explained everything. I have no regrets choosing him as my surgeon.
  3. catdaddy

    I Need Help!

    Have you heard of the 5 day pouch test. Do a web search and see what you think. I'm to new to this game yet to try it out but I've heard a lot about this test. Good luck
  4. My doctor had no qualms about telling me. As a matter of fact while my wife was sitting there the first thing he said was I killed five patients. There's more to the story but you should know the mortality odds for your surgery.
  5. catdaddy

    Just curious

    Since Aug mine are nearly faded away. I don't know if they will be completely gone but they're so faint now I expect I won't mind going around shirtless.
  6. catdaddy

    Just curious

    RNYer and I have 6.
  7. catdaddy

    Flavor enhancers for water

    I've been using Nestea Liquid Water Enhancer since I starting solids. I just can't drink that much plan water.
  8. catdaddy

    Weight Lifting/ weight loss

    Steve, I've been with you the whole time.
  9. catdaddy

    Patiently waiting

    I have tricare prime and I looked up my approval on line. I knew my surgery date by the date of admission on the approval form.
  10. catdaddy


    Hi Maya and welcome to the site. We have a lot of support here and can answer just about anything you want to ask. Take you time and look over all the subjects and have fun. If you use the web site vs the app you'll see a lot more information. I had RNY done last August. Why are you saying you're having a rough road? The worst part of your journey is over. You should be on solid foods now or really near to it. It should be nice to be able to chew, chew, chew again. What if anything have you found you can't eat? I found out beef doesn't sit well for me. Also anything over 5 grams of sugar or fat gives me diarrhea. Best of luck with your weight loss and welcome again to the site.
  11. catdaddy

    Feeling a little down.!

    Have you had your post surgery blood work done? Maybe a vitamin deficiency?
  12. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    This is one of the HOT topics that extreme views way in. I don't like it when the innocent are hurt by the actions of someone's careless thoughts. PETA's in you face awareness policy does show though the inhuman way animals are treated throughout many venues. If not for them and other activist, people wouldn't know about the animal factory farming practices for food and apparel, the treatment of show animals, and the depletion of our wildlife, to name a few. For me I can see the good and the bad of what they do.
  13. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    Sooooo, what do you think of the new name. It's a little off yours but I think it works.
  14. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    I like your idea crittermama and went to change my username but Catman is already taken. Thanks for the thoughts though.
  15. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    Just so you know I not only support my local animal shelter. I'm an activist by heart and have not only supported my local shelter but I support the ASPCA, SPCA International and even PETA. Just say'n.
  16. catdaddy

    Hungry lately?

    I'm getting close to the five month mark and usually if I'm busy I don't even know I need food until I feel it in my body telling me I need something in my stomach. Now if I'm just watching TV my mind is always hounding me about how hungry I am.
  17. catdaddy

    Weight Lifting/ weight loss

    No thanks, that's just not me.
  18. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    It's also good to go and ask you local shelter what they need. There's big but simple needs you can help with.
  19. catdaddy

    Weight Lifting/ weight loss

    Wow, and all I want to do is enjoy my later years. You know, sit on the front porch and talk about the people going by.
  20. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    While I was overseas I was nicknamed The Cat Man because of my passion for the cats.
  21. catdaddy

    No One In The Sixties?

    Best of luck on your decision. I'm 61 too and I had RNY last August. I think age has no difference on how slow our fast you loss. If you stay the course everyone will eventually loose the weight they want. For me it shot off up until two stalls. The biggest one was three weeks long. My body decided when to start loosing again. My doctor told me there's risk in all surgery. The only difference in this case is that it's elective. As for exercise I don't go to a gym. I'm retired with a bad back. My only exercise is working in my yard. It's my passion though and many times I end up crawling back into the house because I've over worked my back. It takes a day or two before I can recover enough to start again.
  22. catdaddy

    Old and new memories.

    What a beautiful cat.
  23. catdaddy


    Sorry Pac-woman if I offended. We all have choices.

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