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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catdaddy

  1. catdaddy

    Have surgery date

    Hey Phil, welcome to the group and congratulations on your decision. Keep us informed on your progress and best of luck.
  2. catdaddy


    I guess it's true that we're all different in how our bodies react to the surgery. I can eat only small amounts of sugar if I don't want a dumping episode. Just this weekend I didn't pay attention to the sugar content of watermelon and I had dumping. I try to stay at no more than 5g of sugar at a time.
  3. catdaddy

    Apple juice

    I had a bad experience when the hospital also gave me apple juice and it quickly came out the other end.
  4. I started weighing myself ever day but quickly found out how stalls were so disappointing and worrysome. Now I weigh myself once a week and really makes it exciting to see my weight loss progress.
  5. My doctor's WLS booket states,(Important: All supplements should be in chewable or liquid form for 3 to 6 months after surgery). I would suggest also to get your doctor's guidance before you buy anything.
  6. I just got my ID bracelet from Lauren's Hope. My wife picked it out and she chose I nice one. I'm happy
  7. catdaddy

    Back pain- will it get better?

    I feel your pain. I have Degenerative Disk Disease and the pain is always there. My doctor told me that's one of the things WLS won't cure. Best of luck
  8. catdaddy

    I'm new

    Best to you Eli. Keep us informed on your progress.
  9. catdaddy

    gastric bypass surgery issue's

    What does her doctor say? I am not a doctor but yes this can be all part of weight loss surgery. My doctor says I have to take 36 to 45 mg of iron everyday for the rest of my life. If I was a woman menstruating or at risk of anemia take up to 100 mg of total elemental iron per day. This is a quote out of my weight loss surgery guide. Other doctors could recommend different quantities but I'm sure all doctors tell all their patients they have to take iron suppliments. This is one of the many vitamine bariatric patients must take.
  10. catdaddy

    What Causes Appetite Loss after WLS?

    Funny, but i disagree. I never had episodes of sickness and my pre-surgery diet was like all the other diets I've done. I'm now just full with just a little food because of my small pouch.
  11. catdaddy

    How Do I Track My Progress Here

    On the Internet web page go to tools (it looks like a gear) and then go to my ticker.
  12. catdaddy

    First timer

    RNY stands for Roux-en-y and that is what I had. I'm very happy with it. You should read everything you can about weight loss surgery to know what to expect. Don't just use the web. I bought several books on the subject to help me. A good one, The Big Book on the Gastric Bypass, was co-authored by the host of this web site.
  13. catdaddy

    First timer

    I live over one hundred miles from the hospital and the doctor wanted me to stay that long in case of complications. Still, after three days at home I was having internal bleeding and went back to the hospital for three more days. The emergency room, medical transport, and hospital stay was all covered by Tricare and I ended up paying $50.00.
  14. catdaddy

    First timer

    That's the strange part. Tricare covered everything. I spent four days in the hospital and I ended up paying $25.00.
  15. catdaddy

    First timer

    Hi Tiffany, I have Tricare too. If you filled all the requirements it doesn't take long at all for approval. Mine was around a week. Check your Humana web site to follow the progress. Tricare seems to be less of a hassle than some of the other insurance companies. As for a young child I just know I couldn't carry anything over 5 pounds for around six weeks. I was moving around really good after I got out of the hospital and I think I could of handled a two year old.
  16. catdaddy

    Surgery pain

    My pain upon waking up from surgery really sucked. But I was soon on pain meds for about three days and had very little pain after that.
  17. catdaddy

    Coworkers lunch smell amazing!

    I'm sorry happymama2014 I didn't realize you already had your surgery until after I sent my last post. Good luck with your progress.
  18. catdaddy

    Coworkers lunch smell amazing!

    I don't like seeing TV food commercials and driving by the cooking smell of food from restaurants. It's easy to close my eyes during the commercials but I can't close my nose. You'll deal with your problem some way that works for you. After your surgery the smells will still be there but some day your foods will smell just as good but far less quantities. Best of luck and persevere.
  19. catdaddy


    Jonathan, I've been following your forum replies and seen your web site and you truly are an inspiration. Congratulations on your progress so far and thanks for your contributions to BariatricPal.
  20. catdaddy

    Scared of missing comfort foods!

    You're not going to want to eat for a while and then very little after that. Then self control is what you have to stay away from your comfort foods. It's not to hard to do, I just stay away from it. Out of sight out of mind kind of thing.
  21. catdaddy

    My bypass is tomorrow

    Good luck with the new you.
  22. Do a search for medical bracelets on the web. There's devices that can hold all your medical history.
  23. Go down to the Food and Nutrition section on this site to find out about vegetarian and vegan foods.
  24. catdaddy

    Abdomen pain

    Pain isn't normal. You should contact your doctor's office with advice.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
