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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by a.conners

  1. a.conners

    Where are all my May Sleevers?

    I was sleeved may 5th and am down 75lbs. I did stall for about 3 weeks, but I'm back on track now. Almost out of my 12s and headed for my next goal of fitting into my wedding dress I wore 14 years ago! I don't regret a day and I'm enjoying my new found energy and active life!
  2. a.conners

    Where are all my May Sleevers?

    I was also sleeved on Cinco "goodbye old you"! I am down about 60 lbs, although I have hit a stall the last couple weeks, I am happy that I can get back into my size 14s again from the 20s I was in pre-op. Today I was even able to wear a pair of almost brand new Wranglers hubby bought me for christmas a few years back. Yippie! I have found a new confidence and excitement in so many things. I even volunteered to be team mom for my son's jr football team this year, and am excited to do more than just sit on the sidelines cheering him on...although I will be doing that too! There are lots of things I won't be just sitting on the sidelines watching anymore. I love this new life and am excited to feel like I am actually living and not just existing within the shell of my body.
  3. a.conners


    I actually found that my welbuterin was causing me to be violently ill post-op. After throwing up non-stop for weeks I was able to make some adjustments and now can keep food, other meds and even ice water down.
  4. a.conners

    Sick to my Stomach.. Normal?

    Nausea from water is very common. I have read that it has something to do with the surface density of plain water. I was told warm or room temperature water is better. Also add lemon research another flavoring can help. I find I can't drink the same thing over and over like the huge glasses of ice water I used to chug pre-op.
  5. a.conners

    Where are all my May Sleevers?

    I was sleeved on may5 and for the last 2 weeks have been throwing up almost daily. I'm on a post-op research study and clearly am not in the placebo group because when the study meds increased to 3 x/day the nausea began with a vengeance! They are having me take a couple days off from the meds and start again at one a day and see if I'll be ok. The good thing is I've lost 55lbs, and there is a definite difference in weight loss with the study meds than without them. Just not sure own want to be sick in the name of vanity! If I start to get ill again it will be slow and steady wins the race!
  6. a.conners

    Nausea & Vomiting

    I have thrown up so much the last 2 weeks that the back of my tongue is raw! It's definitely a mental thing because the moment I think of taking my daily meds the bile starts gurgling and my brain starts swimming. I would really be interested in knowing what people are taking to get over the mental nausea because otherwise I might never get over the buyers remorse!
  7. Please tell me this will pass! Every time I take my daily medication I have to fight vomiting, and it's been a losing battle the last couple weeks. I talked to the doctor on the 25th and was told to try taking mess with milk. Well that just causes even nastier vomit. It's almost to the point where just holding the pills in my hand causes the gag reflex to kick in and I dread waking up in the morning knowing it's time to take my meds. Other than this recent issue, I have absolutely no regrets and am very pleased with my results to date. I just don't want to be ill everyday. I have never been a person who vomits unless I have the flu once every few years, so this is really dreadful! Any reassurance or advise would be most appreciated!
  8. a.conners

    Need help with what to tell work.

    Nobody really said anything. All my coworkers have been very supportive and positive. I am the only person within the entire system who monitors and manages pricing for all the billable products, so it was kind of a pinch because when my boss has to fill in he is the first to admit it won't be nearly as accurate as when I do it. Regardless, I took my leave and had the surgery. If I were having a sex change and they protested wouldn't that be sexual discrimination? This surgery was deemed medically necessary and if denied leave wouldn't that be weight discrimination? That's why there are laws to protect us and ultimately we are protected, nobody knows that better than a healthcare facility!
  9. a.conners


    My BMI was 46 before surgery (I have always been the heaviest of all my brothers and sisters... 5 of us). I also have outweighed my husband the majority of our 14 year marriage. It has been emotionally rough pretending that the jolly fat girl everyone sees on the outside struggles to be free. My 6 month pre-op flew by and at 7 weeks post-op my BMI has already dropped by 8 points and hubby outweighs me now. The next few months will go quickly for you too. Best of luck as you begin your journey!
  10. a.conners

    Throw out the old in with the new

    I have 2 nine year old growing boys who have access to occasional snacks such as that at all times. I find it brings a healthier view on such foods that it's there if they want it and not a reward. Anyway, it's ok because post-op all those foods make me instantly gag at the thought! I even thought that I would try a bite of one of their Little Debbie snacks and couldn't even hold it in my mouth for more than a few seconds before spitting it out in disgust. Since sweets were always my weakness it's strange after 43 years, but I welcome it and the results!
  11. a.conners

    Need help with what to tell work.

    I also work for a large healthcare facility and had to submit a medical leave request. I just said I was having laperoscopic surgery, didn't elaborate for HR sake or anyone else for that matter. Of course 6 weeks and 46 pounds later, I am very open about it. Several people in our office have had wls and I have seen what my insurance paid the hospital and can assure you that my one week off was nothing compared to the thousands they raked in!
  12. I got my first (at least to my face) person tell me that my success from my WLS is "cheating". It didn't hurt my feelings so much as irritated me because of the pure ignorance. This is one of the hardest things I have ever done and it most certainly is not "cheating". Part of me thinks it's jealousy.
  13. a.conners

    Obese Kids

    I come from a family of overweight people. Parents, siblings, and now nieces and nephews. Due to infertility my children are both adopted and neither have the genetics the rest of us battle. Just the same, I have made a huge effort to ensure food is never a reward. The kids have a junk/snack drawer with everything from holiday candy to fruit snacks and granola bars that is just always there, so it's never really a treat or abused. They can go to the drawer or the top shelf of the fridge where their yogurt, applesauce, jello etc. is. Most times they puck the fridge. I think it's a combination of genetics and behavior. I'm not saying I am parent of the year, but in the area of nutrition I am proud of the foundation my kids have and hope they never struggle like I did.
  14. My husband noticed at 20lbs or about 2 weeks post-op. I could see it in my face by about 3 weeks out. Others noticed almost immediately after returning to work 1 week post-op and have continued to make comments about my "melting away" at about 42lbs since 5/5 sleeve day.
  15. a.conners

    one month post op

    Sweets. They were always my weakness, and now I can't even handle the smell if they are too close. My sense of smell IS SO strong that I can tell what people are eating down to minute ingredients, and many processed items smell horrible and cause instant nausea.
  16. a.conners

    one month post op

    Same here. Makes me gag, but I understand it's very common. I mix it with lemon or propel drops to make it bearable.
  17. a.conners

    Picky eater

    I have found I really like things I didn't care for pre-surgery, and things I used to crave and over indulge in make me nauseous. Makes it easy to stick to the new eating plan.
  18. a.conners


    I suffered infertility and painful irregular periods for years! Ultimately we adopted my 2 boys when they were babies and they are now 9. Before surgery I had not had a period in over 2 years. I honestly figured I was pre-menopausal. At almost exactly 4 weeks post op here she comes back to haunt me! At 43, with 2 9-year olds, I really don't want more children so I'm back on BC. I'm grateful for the lbs lost (38 sleeved may 5th) and the idea that my body is going to be healthier. I also noticed the hair on my legs is growing much slower. Yippee!
  19. a.conners

    May 5 Sleevers

    I was also sleeved on the 5th and I'm doing well. I was back in the water at week 3 and am now back to the Y about 4 times a week and trying to walk the track at the school by my house. Getting the water in is tough, I keep trying different crystal light flavors and always have to use lemon or lime to gag it down. I've been on solid foods for about a week now and it's ok. I just have to eat real slow and chew real good. The hard part is when my mouth is not ready to be done with the taste, but my stomach says NO WAY! I've only thrown up 3 times during this whole time and usually it's because I have consumed medication and food too close together. I have steadily lost with no stalls yet and am down 38lbs as of today. That part feels great, but I would definitely argue with those who declare this procedure to be cheating. I actually think it's harder than I anticipated, but I'm keeping my "eyes on the prise"!
  20. I was sleeved one month ago today and am down 35lbs. Yeah! Even more exciting are the little things like soaking in the bathtub and not having my hips touch both sides, having to adjust the seat in my car because I couldn't touch the pedals, being able to wrap a towel around my body without a big gap or having to use 2! Anyone else have any "little / big" celebrations?
  21. I have gone the last 2-3 years without a period. It was a blessing in making ways because they have always been debilitating for me. I was thinking I was starting pre-menopause. Here I am 4 post-op, at 30 lbs down and suddenly here it is again. I was just curious if anyone else's weight (gains or losses) affected them in the same or similar manner.
  22. I have a very high pain threshold, so I was off the narcotics after 2 days. I just used ibuprofen after that and except for the large incision site am virtually pain free. I found that about days 3-7 that if I wore this (not quite spanx) but like a spandex cotton blend Cami that is meant to smooth things out, the incisions were less painful because they weren't being pulled at the full weight of my belly roll. That's probably the best advice I have.
  23. I'm a may 5th sleever too. I went back to work on the12thand am doing pretty good. I have been walking and doing my recumbent bike 30 min/day. I find that walking after dinner helps to settle my dinner better since I started the puree. Tonight I made a Crockpot high protein taco soup so that I can eat with my family. It smells amazing and I can't wait, mostly because shakes are getting more and more difficult to gag down.

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