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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Darilyn

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  • Birthday 07/15/1971

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  1. Here's my story, I hope this helps you out, I'm copying and pasting this because I was doing a review on Dr. Kelly and it saves me having to re type everything again, We decided to go with Dr. Ramos Kelly for our doctor in Tijuana Mexico. We decided to have the gastric sleeve. I did so much research on him and I decided on him for me and my family based on all the good reviews. Which was a awesome choice! Me and my husband and daughter decided to have surgery on May 31 2014. I might add that they ask for no money upfront, which we loved that idea. We flew in to San Diego on May 30 a day early. Dr. Kelly's (very friendly) wife met us at the airport and drove us to the hotel Ticuán where we spent the night. We had asked for this hotel because I had read that you can shop a strip mall full of Mexican vendors on the sidewalk only a couple of blocks away. The hotel was a 5 plus star in our book, we thought it was nicer than in the United States. The hotel restaurants food was off the charts, they had the best tortilla soup. The next morning was Saturday May 31 surgery day and we was picked up by Dr. Kelly's wife and Fabiola which was a coordinator that works directly with Dr. Kelly, both ladies were really sweet. We went to the Hospital Centro Medico Nova. Which was very clean and very friendly staff and the nurses were awesome! As soon as you walk into hospital Nova you can smell the clean aroma of the hospital, personally I think the hospital was better than any other Hosp. I've ever been in, its a little outdated but A plus in my book. They ran blood test, took x rays and done a EKG on us before surgery to make sure everything was ok. My husband had surgery first, then me and lastly my daughter all in the same day. My husband didn't have any pain, but me and my daughter had some pain from gas after surgery (which was our fault because we didn't follow the diet like we should have). We brought with us some gas-x strips which really helped. My advice is if your going to cheat do not cheat in the last week (like us). About a couple hours after surgery we were up walking the halls. We were told by all the nurses the more we walked the less pain you will have, and there right because you have less pains, really there's no pain from the surgery or the cuts it's from gasses only. The hospital and all the nurses and staff were all off the charts, they came in our room constantly and all through the night checking on us. I have a iPhone and I had downloaded a spanish app translator, which we only needed to use it a few times because most of the nurses spoke English and if they didn't understand they would go get someone who could. Dr. Kelly spoke perfect English which he should because he's from the United States. We spent the that night in the hospital and the next night and we was released (so 2 days all together). Before we went back to the hotel the Dr.s wife and his assistant brought us to another hospital were a second leak test was performed at a state of the art hospital which all 3 of us tested fine. We went back to the wonderful hotel. They gave us vouchers for all the free chicken broth we could eat, which wasn't that bad. The next day we were released from the hotel. Dr. Kelly's wife and assistant was so kind enough to bring us shopping. We asked them to drop us off at a car rental place in San Diego because we had plans to go to Hollywood afterwards. We felt so good once we got to hollywood we walked 2 miles roughly sight seeing and took a bus tour and also managed to walk all over The Walk Of Fame seeing all the stars on the sidewalk (this was day 4 after surgery). The next day (day 5 after surgery) we had planned to go to Lets Make A Deal game show. The producers tell you if you don't show ALOT of energy and enthusiasm you will not get picked and I didn't go there not to get picked lol. So needless to say I had so much energy and I felt so good I danced the whole time, and guess what Wayne Brady picked me on his show for a quickie deal and I got to hug him! The only reason I'm talking about after the surgery is to show everyone not be scared the pain was 0 at this point and all 3 of us did this on the 4th day after surgery and felt GREAT! We had a awesome Doctor, thank you Dr. Jaime Ricardo Ramos Kelly and staff! If anyone would like to get in touch with Dr. Kelly and his staff or just to ask questions, please call Darilyn at 337-302-4922.
  2. Here's my story, I hope it helps you, We decided to go with Dr. Ramos Kelly for our doctor in Tijuana Mexico. We decided to have the gastric sleeve. I did so much research on him and I decided on him for me and my family based on all the good reviews. Which was a awesome choice! Me and my husband and daughter decided to have surgery on May 31 2014. I might add that they ask for no money upfront, which we loved that idea. We flew in to San Diego on May 30 a day early. Dr. Kelly's (very friendly) wife met us at the airport and drove us to the hotel Ticuán where we spent the night. We had asked for this hotel because I had read that you can shop a strip mall full of Mexican vendors on the sidewalk only a couple of blocks away. The hotel was a 5 plus star in our book, we thought it was nicer than in the United States. The hotel restaurants food was off the charts, they had the best tortilla soup. The next morning was Saturday May 31 surgery day and we was picked up by Dr. Kelly's wife and Fabiola which was a coordinator that works directly with Dr. Kelly, both ladies were really sweet. We went to the Hospital Centro Medico Nova. Which was very clean and very friendly staff and the nurses were awesome! As soon as you walk into hospital Nova you can smell the clean aroma of the hospital, personally I think the hospital was better than any other Hosp. I've ever been in, its a little outdated but A plus in my book. They ran blood test, took x rays and done a EKG on us before surgery to make sure everything was ok. My husband had surgery first, then me and lastly my daughter all in the same day. My husband didn't have any pain, but me and my daughter had some pain from gas after surgery (which was our fault because we didn't follow the diet like we should have). We brought with us some gas-x strips which really helped. My advice is if your going to cheat do not cheat in the last week (like us). About a couple hours after surgery we were up walking the halls. We were told by all the nurses the more we walked the less pain you will have, and there right because you have less pains, really there's no pain from the surgery or the cuts it's from gasses only. The hospital and all the nurses and staff were all off the charts, they came in our room constantly and all through the night checking on us. I have a iPhone and I had downloaded a spanish app translator, which we only needed to use it a few times because most of the nurses spoke English and if they didn't understand they would go get someone who could. Dr. Kelly spoke perfect English which he should because he's from the United States. We spent the that night in the hospital and the next night and we was released (so 2 days all together). Before we went back to the hotel the Dr.s wife and his assistant brought us to another hospital were a second leak test was performed at a state of the art hospital which all 3 of us tested fine. We went back to the wonderful hotel. They gave us vouchers for all the free chicken broth we could eat, which wasn't that bad. The next day we were released from the hotel. Dr. Kelly's wife and assistant was so kind enough to bring us shopping. We asked them to drop us off at a car rental place in San Diego because we had plans to go to Hollywood afterwards. We felt so good once we got to hollywood we walked 2 miles roughly sight seeing and took a bus tour and also managed to walk all over The Walk Of Fame seeing all the stars on the sidewalk (this was day 4 after surgery). The next day (day 5 after surgery) we had planned to go to Lets Make A Deal game show. The producers tell you if you don't show ALOT of energy and enthusiasm you will not get picked and I didn't go there not to get picked lol. So needless to say I had so much energy and I felt so good I danced the whole time, and guess what Wayne Brady picked me on his show for a quickie deal and I got to hug him! The only reason I'm talking about after the surgery is to show everyone not be scared the pain was 0 at this point and all 3 of us did this on the 4th day after surgery and felt GREAT! We had a awesome Doctor, thank you Dr. Jaime Ricardo Ramos Kelly and staff! If anyone would like to get in touch with Dr. Kelly and his staff or just to ask questions, please call Darilyn at 337-302-4922.
  3. Darilyn


  4. Darilyn

    Any May 20th surgeries out there?

    Me and my husband and daughter are all going to Mexico May 31 for surgery. We choose Dr. Kelly from all the good reviews. So May 31 is D-day for all 3 of us.

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