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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MistyAnnMoon829

  1. What's your Most Favorite thing about being sleeved? What's your Least Favorite thing about being sleeved?
  2. MistyAnnMoon829

    What's your Most Fave/Least Fave...

    I bought a Kettlebell and gym shoes, I'm ready to tone up asap. Want to start sooner, but can't seem to find my motivation.
  3. MistyAnnMoon829

    What's your Most Fave/Least Fave...

    I most look forward to shopping! I already love it, so being able to buy cutre clothes at a better price will be great! I'm worried for my poor girls too! I'm gonna have to get that plastics fund started ASAP!
  4. MistyAnnMoon829

    What's your Most Fave/Least Fave...

    I look froward to small foods filling me up! It's probably good that your stomach no longer tolerates those things. I kind of hope the same thing happens to me so I can kick the habit.
  5. MistyAnnMoon829

    What's your Most Fave/Least Fave...

    I'm totally going to miss full size meals! Just went out to dinner with a friend last night and stared at my plate and told myself that my days are numbered, lol.
  6. MistyAnnMoon829

    What's your Most Fave/Least Fave...

    I feel like I am going to miss big tasty meals, lol. I hope I get use to it. I love that this is your positive and your negative!
  7. MistyAnnMoon829

    TOM and Cravings!

    I had the same problem when i first joined here! After a little time and research I think i'm mostly figured out.
  8. MistyAnnMoon829

    Non Scale Victory yesterday

    Post a picture of the dresses that you got!
  9. MistyAnnMoon829

    Non Scale Victory yesterday

    I'm very much looking forward to that myself. Congrats!!!
  10. Just checked my patient portal, and apparently my surg has officially submitted my paperwork to the insurance even though I still have to do my endo and be cleared of the H. Pylori. That was unexpected but I am pleased. That says to me that I will get to pick my surg date on July 9th as long as my H Pylori is gone (and my insurance approves)! :)

    1. blondiebabs
    2. britk_nee77


      That's awesome! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!

    3. MistyAnnMoon829


      Hah, thanks ladies! :)

  11. MistyAnnMoon829


    I did not have this happen to me, but what I did was ask the bariatric office which dr.'s they recommended or that work "with" them and I made a appt with one of them. I was in and out of the office in 10 minutes, my paper was signed and faxed over to my surg's office in less than 5 minutes. So call your surg office and ask them to recommend a dr, make an appt and have them fill out you form for you. No muss no fuss.
  12. When I first started my antiobiotics I had so much nausea for 2 to 4 hours after each pill for the first day and a half, then I was fine. Took the body some time to get used to the pills. I like to think it was the death of the little beasties that was making me feel sick. They are being punished for causing me to push back my surgery a month. Oh I just remembered, I also had two absolutely terrible side effects of the Clarithromycin, my mouth constantly tasted gross and I got my first ever yeast infection (TMI, I know but I like to be overly honest at times). If you get Clarithromycin (though from what i'm told it can happen with any antiobiotic because they are killing bacteria, good and bad) try and offset it by eating a lot of yogurt with acidiphillus and chew lots of gum or suck on hard candy/mints. The two weeks go by quickly.
  13. My psych eval finally came in, whoop whoop. I got a call yesterday from my insurance (UHC) and they have put me in a bariatric program and I have been assigned a Nurse case manager who will call me in 2 weeks. So that was unexpected and frankly kind of cool. 1 week until my pre-endo appt! Keep on keepin' on.

    1. ProudGrammy


      so you've been approved??!! good luck - happy surgery!!

    2. MistyAnnMoon829


      I don't know that i've been approved, but I am assigned someone that will work with me so that helps! It's nice to have a name and number that I can call with any issues I may have.

  14. I don't want to be skinny per se, but I would be very happy any where from a size 8 to a 12. I was a 12 once and I looked amazeballs, so I know that an 8/10 would be even better. Other than that, what happens happens. I just want to be able to shop with my sister who is a size 9/11/13 depending. I want to wear super cute dresses and skirts and not have to pay up the ying yang for the 1 dress that looks cute on my body, what with my monster truck spare tire that I carry around.
  15. When I first started my antiobiotics I had so much nausea for 2 to 4 hours after each pill for the first day and a half, then I was fine. Took the body some time to get used to the pills. I like to think it was the death of the little beasties that was making me feel sick. They are being punished for causing me to push back my surgery a month.
  16. When I got my labs back, I also had H. Pylori. I had to take 2 different antibiotics for 2 weeks. I didn't have any problems with the pills at all. Thank goodness!! The drs. Haven't said any more to me about it. From what I read, it's pretty rare for the antibiotics to not work. My surgery date is July 14th. I see my surgeon on July 1st so I will ask him about it then.Good luck on taking the meds. I just receive my lab work back and testes positive for h. Pylori. Will I have to have an endoscopy now?I was initially told I didn't need one because I have never had problems Hmm, from what I have read some Surg's don't do an endo. Some take H. Pylori more seriously than others. Some of them will just do a breath test, others will just do the anti biotics and go with it, mine requires me to do an endoscopy. I completed my antio-biotics last week. I have my pre-endo on the 18th, and then the endo on the 26th, then on July 9th i'll find out if I can submit my papers to the insurance and get my date.
  17. MistyAnnMoon829

    You're so vain...

    I can't lie, I am mainly doing this for my looks. I'm healthy otherwise, so I'm what I call myself cosmetically obese. I know I have a crap road ahead of me if something didn't give healthwise, but basically I want to look like the Hottie McHotterson that I feel like inside.
  18. MistyAnnMoon829

    Getting Started

    My insurance requires one as well, but what I did was ask the Surgs office who they recommend or work with since I did not have a PCP and I went to see him, I was in and out in 10 minutes, paper signed and faxed over.
  19. MistyAnnMoon829

    Lions and Tigers and Planes...OH MY!

    I'm 5'8 and at 275, depending on the airline it cuts pretty close. I'm a big midsectioner as well. I can fit on all planes I think, but on Alaska or American it was a really tight fight and a small battle. So I imagine since we are similar you could do it around 250 to 260 depending on where the weight comes off of you.
  20. My documentation of Morbid Obesity came in finally, I'm waiting to hear if I passed my psych eval, but honestly not worried. I have my endoscopy at the end of June and then on July 9th I should be able to get my surgery date!! This is going quickly i'm sure, but it feels like it is taking forever.

    1. MistyAnnMoon829
    2. ImOnMyWay61


      In February when I first seen my surgeon, I received all these things that needed to get done. I was quite over whelmed and I am in the medical profession. But as I made appointments, one after the other, it did go very quickly. All should go well for the both of us. Congrats on getting it all done.

    3. MistyAnnMoon829


      Thanks PFarmer!

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  21. MistyAnnMoon829

    Before and after pictures!

    You look gorgeous!! I really love your tattoo as well!! Peter Pan is my favorite and I was considering getting that exact tat.
  22. Turned in my psych eval yesterday, as well as my PCP approval, and my oximetry machine. No sleep apnea, yay!! All that's left is my proof of fat for 2 years and my endo on June 26. :)

    1. ImOnMyWay61


      My new friend, I know we can do this. I promise you, when this is all over, when we reach or exceed our goals, we will never be big again. Well, maybe a big hit at the party. Or a big voice for those following in our foorsteps, but never big in size.I have fpught with weight issues my whole life. I was 12 yrs old, I was only 95 lbs and my mom put me on a chicken broth diet. My mom and sister were thin, I was not, I had stuff in all the right places, therefore I was fat. In that next year I shall we say went from AA - C and 20 lbs more. I was built like a brick shit house as they put it. However, I was still thought of as being fat. I tried all kinds of diets.Not successful of course. When I married @ 15 I had a son and I was 126 lbs after he was born. Once again, I was fat and my husband (ex) let me know it. I left his ass and went home, back to school and once again I was on a diet. When I married the man in my life I weighed 124. # children later I was 170, each year I put on 2-3 lbs. In 2007 I quit smoking and gained 30 lbs. My husband loves me for me and I mean ALL of me. He supports what I am doing. But I am doing this for me and no one else. Im sorry, didnt mean to give you this much information, but I just wanted to tell you why I will never be big again... Thanks for listening.

    2. MistyAnnMoon829


      I am more than happy to listen! We all have a journey that got us to this point and everyones journey is important. I think that your goals are attainable with the tool and that it is wonderful that you have such a great support system at home!! If he loves all of you now, just wait and see what his reward will be when you get to where YOU want to be! :)

    3. ImOnMyWay61


      I believe he would love me if I were 600lbs. But it does make a huge difference with his support. You are right, we all have our journey both then and now. Im really liking my future journey. I am getting a bit impatient waiting for things to fall into place. Good luck on your journey. I will be here for you.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  23. Why is soy a big no no??? Pertaining to VSG, I do not know. It was a lot of information to take in when she was talking, but here is something I found via google :http://wellnessmama.com/3684/is-soy-healthy/ I think i'll shoot my NUT an email and ask her to clarify why it is bad.
  24. Hm that would make sense. I've never had Almond milk before...how do you like it? I'm a big milk lover, I have managed to love skim milk over 1% or 2%, so I am worried I will hate it.

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