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Healthy_life2 last won the day on November 30 2019

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  1. Anyone feel exposed and naked without your weight as a barier from people? Or is it just me?

    1. gowalking


      Be assured, you are not the only one. I feel just as exposed as you do. I can't fall back on the weight at a reason why anything might go wrong or just not as I expected. It's particularly hard in the dating world where my looks now are not what stops me from finding a companion.


    2. Healthy_life2


      gowalking. I guess I have spent years of distancing people before they can reject or be dismissive of me. I'm giving a presentation tomorrow. I'm freaking out about standing in front of people and speaking. They can see all my flaws. (inside and out) I'm afraid of shaking and acting like an idiot.

    3. IcanMakeit


      Jenn1, they always could see your flaws, but now they can also see your success. When you stand in front of the audience, remind yourself of how awesome you are and tell yourself that few in the audience could do what you have done.

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