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Healthy_life2 last won the day on November 30 2019

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  1. This will be the first time my step daughter has seen me in a year since WLS. I pick her up from the air port tomorrow. ( she lives out of state) Everyone that lives close have seen the wight loss. They are over the shock. I'm dreading her reaction and questions. Damn I'm nervous.

    1. gowalking


      Embrace it...don't dread it. I'm presuming she has seen pictures, yes? If your step daughter is overweight, don't harp on the weight loss...it might make her defensive. If she's really happy for you..just go with it!

    2. Mountaingal


      Does she know you have had surgery? Have you prepared he in any way for your weight loss?

    3. Healthy_life2


      Gowalking mountaingirl. She is one of the many family members I did not tell about my WLS. She seen me at a family event last August. I was 40lbs down. Her first comment when she saw me was..... "what a transformation" She has never had weight issues. I now weigh less than my step daughter. Family has seen a few photos. I'm understanding of peoples responses when they have not seen the gradual change. Just don't want my weight to be a topic while she is here to visit.

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