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Healthy_life2 last won the day on November 30 2019

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  1. Idaho Wine run this Saturday. Wild fire 10 mile away from the race. Hazy vizion people with inhalers. Oh this should be interesting.

    1. IcanMakeit


      Breathing smoke while exerting yourself doesn't sound very good, but maybe the wind will blow in the other direction.

    2. Healthy_life2


      Just checked the news today they are asking residents to evacuate that live 10 miles away from the winery. The fire is 11% contained...No cancellation yet...Why am I so optimistic. It would be an experience to run next to the vineyards with a wild fire in the distance.

    3. IcanMakeit


      I was thinking of you today while driving north from CA to Oregon. We drove through so many miles of thick smoke from wildfires. In some places, just breathing was challenging.

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