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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    spray tan

    @@higher I'm old school..I use fake tan lotion.
  2. @@Marissela I hope you are enjoying researching everything to see the possibilities. You own outcome will be amazing.. Some websites to check out. http://modelmydiet.com/ Bariatric pal and youtube have videos. Below is mine from start to goal http://www.bariatricpal.com/videos/view-10-goal/ http://www.mybodygallery.com/
  3. Back to the gym...At my high end of maintaining

    1. Healthy_life2


      its a bit harder these days. I went from high calories before my half marathon. I'm getting back on the bariatric eating plan...detoxing from carbs. I'm feeling bit cranky.

  4. Goal is what you feel healthy at. I'm at a healthy BMI. I gave myself a 10 pound weight bounce range under goal to maintain. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  5. Healthy_life2


    @@NikkiRT Damn! I needed this this morning...Thanks for the post.
  6. Neighborhood block party went well....~Whew~

    1. LipstickLady
    2. jane13


      I guess you are back on the invitation list?

    3. Healthy_life2


      Back on the invite list for now....The drama in the neighborhood HOA has mellowed out.

    4. Show next comments  294 more
  7. @@Kindle Many fortunate people in the world who are healthy mentally. They have not had to change anything about themselves at any point in life. I just have not met them..lol We all have our crap to overcome in life right? I just happened to work them out during the same time frame of weight loss. Not sure if your post was sarcasm or real..But I can see the flip side of anything.
  8. @@VSGAnn2014 Some photographs memorialize so visibly our pain. Well said my friend.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Dr KindaFamiliar will be available to answer your questions...

    Dr. @@KindaFamiliar Is that a rubber glove I hear snap as you give advice?
  10. I posted in the Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Health and Wellness The reason I posted here is because this is about who I was on the inside at that time. How broken and fragile I felt.. The appearance/photos just reminded me of how messed up I was mentally. I have conquered and overcome. @OKCPirate Correct me if I'm wrong...Have any of the guys experienced traumatic events before surgery? Have any overcome depression or any other struggles while working on themselves in the process of weight loss? For me the change on the inside was the best gift I got out of my surgery. ***Laughing at myself***....Now I'm questioning if I'm the only one having this experience.
  11. Its not so much my appearance that has me a bit unraveled tonight...It's what was going on inside myself. The emotional pain and depression was overwhelming...Here is my most human moment...I really did not want to live just to get a break from the pain. The photos took me back to that for a moment. I am not that person in the photos in so many way's. @@Daisee68 Not hijacking this at all...I love to hear perspectives and see how people are doing... @@Kindle I am proud and thankful for how far I have come. It's hard to look back. Family absolutely love and support me..They have not walked in my shoes..Its hard for them to relate.
  12. My energy is up. My hormones are in overdrive. My husband and I chase each other like teenagers...Sex was good before..Just enhanced now.
  13. Healthy_life2


    @@sunshine 75 I think my body type is more athletic. I wear shapewear. I do have the loose skin issue. I have no hips or butt. I have an inverted triangle body frame. I was always an apple shape when I was heavy. It was supersizing to see what my body frame was underneath my weight.. (see link below) https://thecassiopeian.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/wpid-body-shape-chart.jpeg. I do squats...I still have hope . Toning has been weight training. I did not want to lose muscle. My goal is to be healthy at what ever weight I felt comfortable at. Results will look different on all of us. I attached a few photos (click on them). This is what my results turned out to be. I'm 2 years out
  14. Healthy_life2

    Any Mountain Bikers?

    @@Andrew0929 I have switched from running to mountain biking. Totally different muscles used. I feel the burn. My friends have invited me to do the Seattle to Portland bicycle classic.(not ready for that yet) I have much to learn.
  15. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    I have been excluded from participating in my employers weight loss challenge. The supervisor said im too small. Never thought that would happen in life. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  16. Here I sit in the nude. My air conditioner is broken 87 degrees in my home at 11:00pm.

    1. superbeast


      crazy Idaho weather!!

  17. @@Join7l7 Way to go~! You are stronger than you think you are. Its hard to get out of your comfort zone but its sooooo worth it. Good luck Wednesday~
  18. Healthy_life2

    Stomach stretching

    @@sanjumelts When I'm on any forum... I choose what I want to read and what I respond to....I'm just not that sensitive.(.I got my big girl panties on ) Much more important things to focus on in life. I honestly wish you success with your surgery, Jenn
  19. Healthy_life2

    Sugar free ice cream?

    @@NatashaSaysRawr Can we have sugar free ice cream? I know I can have sugar free jello. I basically wanted opinions an how others tolerate it. My sleeve can tolerate about anything..(The exception is brown rice. its not my friend) So it all comes down to food choices. (1) is it on my plan? (2) Am I getting the best nutrition to fuel my body with this choice? (3) Is their a healthier option? (4) Is this food choice going to cause food triggers and weight gain? (5) Be willing to except the consequences of your choice.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Stomach stretching

    @@sanjumelts It's all good. Like any forum, you may have some miscommunication at times. Some days I have received a reality check or a loving slap to the head from my bariatric veterans.I am grateful for their advice. For the most part they mean well.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Stomach stretching

    @@sanjumelts at 2 months out, You are fairly new to the forum. Take advice that is useful...The advice that doesn't apply and let it fly. Try not to take things personally..People will answer with advice from their experiences. My suggestion is to be open to other peoples perspective. All of our instructions are different. Yes, you will be able to eat more as you progress after surgery. Check with your dietician or Dr. with your concerns about stomach stretching and eating too much. I'm not a wrestler. I am a distance runner. I easily burn over 1200 calories on 13.1 mile runs. I run three days a week and weight lift 3 days a week. I use a sports medicine dietician. Best of luck to you. Nutrition Factshttp://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/subway-6-inch-turkey-on-flatbread-american-cheese-spinach-tomato-cucumber-deli-mustard-16414025
  22. Healthy_life2

    Is it healthy?

    @@Basicwitch Check in with a dietician. Your calories will increase with time. If your fitness level is above the norm a sports medicine dietician will make a big difference in what you eat. Do you ever wonder whether your ultra-low calorie diet might be unsustainable or even damaging in the long run.. You will only be low calorie in weight loss phase. In the long run mainlining look very different .Absolutely sustainable and healthy. How do you deal with straddling two different ideologies when it comes to diet and exercise? I do what historically works..I listen to my gold standard bariatric medical team How do you deal with people trying to help you by saying you're eating too little? Seriously, This is not their choice to get healthy its yours...The only input you need is from you and your team..
  23. Healthy_life2

    Struggling with my self image.

    @@HopeandAgony It takes work to wrap your head around the significant change in your appearance. On days that my mind tells me I'm fat. I put on my pair of pants that I saved from my high weight. I placed a photo on my bathroom mirror to remind me as I went out into the world..I'm a smaller package. The things that confront you after surgery can take you by surprise. My counselor has been amazing. I try to keep my sense of humor about my weight loss distortions. Here is a strange moment that other bariatric patients would understand...Walking down a narrow hallway. I moved to give people room to pass. I was giving them way to much room.... All I can do is laugh at myself some days.
  24. Healthy_life2

    When and how to start maintenance?

    @@Hello new me Make your maintenance goal what ever you feel healthy at. Give yourself about a 10 pound bounce range weight to maintain. After you reach your goal weight, Your dietician will give you instructions on how to eat in your maintenance phase. Maintenance is not a one size fits all instruction. Its finding what works for your body and fitness level. Transferring your mind set to maintenance, may be strange at first. You have invested your time and had focused on the weight loss process. Its hard to let go of that comfort zone. congratulations all your hard work
  25. Healthy_life2

    The over 40 crowd

    @@jersey0601 40's I'm having the best time in my life. After surgery I feel younger. My energy is amazing. Getting used to seeing my face after goal was interesting. No more fat to fill the age lines. My age shows. But I own my old fart self. I'm excited for all the things that will change in your life. Make every day count.

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