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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. @@VSGAnn2014 @@LipstickLady many people (out of shame) don't reconnect with support after weight gain. They feel they failed. Mistakes are made. My hope is they get back on the horse. I don't want them feel that they will be beat down for mistakes on this site. @@LipstickLady I would miss your slaps to the side of my head. I got my big girl panties on. No need to block you.
  2. @LipstickLady So, click on the profile of the person/people you don't like, look over to the right and click BLOCK. It's magical. Absolutely magical...
  3. @@PatriotFan You posted "I've learned a lot from reading here everything but I don't like what you call hard love. It's more sarcasm and str out rude at times." So here it is...We are not talking about personal attacks. Don't respond to trolls. If people can't take being confronted on behaviors that will have harmful effects or outcomes.. That's fine...it's a personal choice. The only person that has to be happy with their results is them. tough love...Some times it may hurt to hear things you don't want to hear. Its a take it or leave it situation.
  4. @@VSGAnn2014 @ I'm ok with making mistakes. I agree we should strive to do our best to get results. If people recognize their mistake or reach out for support after weight gain. They have to do the work. If they choose to get back on the horse, I will cheer them on. People that don't want to move forward...I don't invest my time.
  5. @@Elle09 You are rocking your sleeve! We are human we make mistakes. Its ok to make mistakes. None of us have been perfect in this process right????? You will find some of the biggest cheerleaders for your sucess are on this site.
  6. @@nickisleeve I agree The real legit questions need more of our attention. Some people are attracted to the drama. My hope is people stop responding to trolling or idiot behavior"
  7. @@healthier&happier4life Congratulations on your surgery. The decline would be noticeable if you have been on the site longer. Take the helpful information given and pass on the negative posts People here are still wonderful....Keep getting the support you need.
  8. @@ssflbelle The newbies are just as valued as the vet's. When I need a high. They remind me of the honeymoon phase. Some days the reminder of the basics of bariatric life keeps me on track.
  9. @@BigViffer Not an @ss at all. I am selective if I'm going to respond to a post. I just posted this a few days back. Posted July 6, 2016 - 9:44 PM #18 Correct me if I'm wrong...I don't think any of the veterans feel the need to rescue people that don't want to be successful. Now that many of the vets feel they are not supported in confronting or giving an opposing perspective. We seem a bit gun shy to respond to many posts. I'm now a vet in the distance...I'm not involved like I have been in the past.
  10. @@fernandfj I agree with your statement "when a topic will be heading the wrong way and then you can just switch to the next one" My hope is more people will be selective on what they read, respond to and post on any forum.
  11. @@OKCPirate I'm not sure why you felt the need to post about the differences between women and men, I would not be confident that ALL the men agree with you. Men on this site have not been exempt from "idot troll behavior" We will just have to agree to disagree on your thoughts about women. IMHO Here it is...All of us should be accountable.
  12. @Dub I want you to know this isn't directed at you. You have been amazing. I have to be honest.....Even confrontational (see what I did there) The pointing fingers that its ALL the Newbies or its ALL the vets is ridiculous. People need to be accountable for their part of the decline on the site. I see the that the majority of members are here to help and want to succeed.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Muscle or fat?

    @TheRealMeIsHere! It was hard to switch over from bariatric weight loss mode at first. I had to get my mind to accept that weight gain with muscle mass is ok. My goal is healthy. I'm in a female weight lifting class and loving it. You many be over training working out at 7 days a week. You don't want to burn muscle. To build muscle strength, days of rest between is needed. The muscle actually builds on your days of rest...See link http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/dimaggio12.htm
  14. Healthy_life2

    My work here is done

    Correct me if I'm wrong...I don't think any of the veterans feel the need to rescue people that don't want to be successful. Now that many of the vets feel they are not supported in confronting or giving an opposing perspective. We seem a bit gun shy to respond to many posts. I'm now a vet in the distance...I'm not involved like I have been in the past.
  15. Healthy_life2

    My work here is done

    @@Kindle I have always appreciated your feed back. Even when its blunt and to the point.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Muscle or fat?

    @TheRealMeIsHere! I use my body fat percentage to see if I'm gaining muscle or fat. Your BMI isn’t directly correlated to your body fat percentage – it only factors in your height and weight. It will give you the same reading if you’re made of 180 pounds of pure muscle, or 180 pounds of pure Cheetos. Methods to track your body fat percentage can often be inaccurate.Take multiple tests with your preferred methods and understand that even then it might be off in either direction. Methods to calculate your body fat: Body Fat Calipers – Pick up a set calipers for $5 The measurement method – By taking measurements . If you have loose skin..your measurements will not be accurate..It is a good rough estimate. http://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy http://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-YMCA Body fat scales. – An electrical current is sent through your body and uses “biometrical impedance analysis. https://www.google.com/search?q=Body+fat+scale&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=Body+fat+scale&tbm=shop Water displacement – Although very accurate (within 1-3% percent), it’s expensive DEXA Scanning $50 to $150 The Bod Pod $75
  17. Not sure how many veterans are still on the site. Anyone open to checking in? (1) Any new situations that you did not expect? (2) What has worked well to maintain. (3) What triggers have given you set backs. (4) What keeps you motivated (5) Now that life is normal after goal..What is new ?
  18. (1) Any new situations that you did not expect? (2) What has worked well to maintain. (3) What triggers have given you set backs. (4) What keeps you motivated (5) Now that life is normal after goal..What is new ? - Please change my question to......Now that the honeymoon is over .....what is new? Hope that helps.
  19. @@erp Thanks for the TMI moment. Made my night.
  20. Good to hear from everyone. Thanks for the updates. @Babbs. We started around the same time. I'm right with you on balancing calories and activity. I'm in my high bounce range now. I work just as hard to maintain as I did in weight loss mode. @@OKCPirate I do miss the high of the honeymoon. My hormones still have me at a teenager level. You just burst my bubble. I hoped it would go on forever. I'm so happy to hear your relationship is still going strong. @@VSGAnn2014 I am 100% with you on tracking. Trying to guess my macro nutrient intake has never worked well for me. @@Djmohr Normal may be the wrong word for some. (Normal = life with out the high of the honeymoon phase) Its overwhelming but rewarding to be an active participant in life again. Many adventures to discover now that you are healthy. I have a bucket list of 5 things I want to experience each year. I hope with time your mind will catch up to your new appearance. @@Valentina Who is to say what is "normal" You are absolutely right. I am going to say this....Your strength in what you have experienced in life defines you as above the norm. Managing my disease is an everyday thing: I am a type one diabetic: I manage the disease with exercise, eating healthy and insulin. I have an eating disorder: I manage the disease with exercise, eating healthy, tracking, counseling and support. I will forever be vigilant to take care of my health. I want my life to be more than my disease.
  21. Healthy_life2

    What foods do you avoid?

    I try to avoid processed foods. (exception Protein shakes and bars) I stay away from white potato, bread, rice and Pasta. (I'm in maintenance I eat whole wheat and plant based carbs in small amounts) I'm not a fan of brown rice. I feel bloated afterward.
  22. Healthy_life2

    My struggles

    @@SunshyneRN Without struggles in life their will be no progress. You can absolutely grab this gift of a second chance and make amazing changes. Not only the physical changes, changes in your life. You are only 5 days out. Its normal to have a buyers remorse. Don't waste this opportunity you have been given. Might be time to change on the inside..You deserve the best in life....Fight for it! No more sitting on the side lines watching life pass you by...Its time to invest in yourself. The only validation in life you need will come from you! .We will be rooting you on.
  23. @@KindaFamiliar @esskay77 We are all adults...If this is something your interested in..give it a try. You can always get back on your plan if calorie cycling does work for your body Some things to think about. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/hugo19.htm This link was geared toward body building,weight loss and how to get though a plateau.. I never do the same workout...Your body becomes used to it and you wont make progress. I use calorie cycling method for distance running. My activity level has me burning high calories and carbs to sustain my run. It has worked well for me. My weight has not changed. It keeps me in maintenance mode. The carbs are at a higher percentage over Protein. When I'm not running, I have to detox off the carbs and go back to my baraitric plan. This helps me stop my weight from increasing.
  24. Yes, I'm working with a counselor on this stuff..lol My family is in town visiting. My husband brought out old photos. The idea was to give his daughter copies. Its been two years since surgery. I have felt no need to look back. I had forgotten these photos existed. There I was, Staring myself at my highest weight. I had a moment of clarity of how much denial I was in about my appearance. I twisted my mind to believe I looked better than I did. It was easier not to look at myself and pretend all was ok. I was so unhappy. Family comments......."oh god you look so much better!" - "I would want you to tell me if I ever got that big" I'm questioning all the work I have put into getting my mind right.. I am seeing myself correctly? My insecurities are in overdrive. I am so sad for where I was in life. I'm horrified thinking family is going to post the photo's. I want to rise above and move on...I hate reminders of my past.
  25. @@MrsKarenC2008 The work never ends.... even after we hit goal. The wight loss is fast. It takes time for your mind to catch up to a drastic change. The suggestion of a counselor/therapist is a great option. It will take time to change some inner obese person thinking and behaviors. Wishing you the best, Jenn

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