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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Carb Level Suggestions for Weight Loss

    @@OutsideMatchInside Thanks for the info. My dietician gave all her patients the same script of "Add carbs after 75% of weight loss" After my weight was down, I added two table spoons of whole wheat or plant based carbohydrates. I'm not complaining. I lost weight.
  2. Healthy_life2

    NSV shout outs

    NSV - Fitting inside a toddler pool with my grandson! Loving summer.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Bizzaro milestone?

    I no longer move far to the wall in hallways to let people pass.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Back to the gym

    @@karine76 Check with your dietician about adding extra calories. The important thing is that you are exercising. Way to go! If you are logging your food and exercise in myfitnesspal (many other apps available) It will calculate calories you ate and the amount of calories burned with your workout.. Myfitnesspal will calculate at the end of your day. It will say "if every day was like today..You will lose X amount of weight " Wish you the best, jenn
  5. I'm just going to say it like it is! ......so take it or leave it. I don't represent this site The members on this site helped me to be successful. I am just another bariatric patient. Most people ( newbies and vets) have been giving great support. Anyone who has been here for a while can see a definite decline on BariatricPal. Can we get this community back together? I would like to think so.... What does support mean to you? Is your participation in the negative posts working for you or anyone else? Support: to give help or assistance Enabling. Promoting self destructive behavior by denying, minimizing, or ignoring its harmful personal effects or outcomes. Confrontation. To bring together for examination or comparison.( I'm not talking personal attacks) urging him or her to commit to their program. Asserting your compassionate perception that the person is slipping into behaviors that will have harmful effects or outcomes. Without confronting personal self destructive behavior, you greatly reduce odds for long-term success.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Two months post-op

    Congratulations! You are doing amazing.
  7. @@FabFemale I understand the frustration. Here is an older thread that may help. If you have already seen this just ignore my post Embrace the Stall Started by @@Inner Surfer Girlhttp://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/
  8. @@kmorri Well said!...Thank you
  9. @Christinamo7@VSGAnn2014 @@summerset SAYING IT LIKE IT IS. I wish people would put on the adult panties and stop the us against them mentality. Be accountable if you are dividing this community! Decide for yourself what a vet is. Don't let anyone define you...You get to define yourself. I think i said vet = beginning to goal. I admit that was pretty narrow..So All of us Newbies, Vets, Revisions, People Reconnecting and anyone else in between. Are valued in sharing your experiences on this site. All of us share the experience as a bariatric patient. All of us share that we were once so unhealthy that we made the decision to change.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Veterans ONLY please. One year + post op.

    I know i have just recently came back to the site. Please tag me in.
  11. @ I wish the stats to the side could make it more clear for people that had a revision. An option is to place the date of your first surgery into your stats. I understand the frustration. I think its worth mentioning to @alexbreacher.He may have a way to change stats on the site. It comes down to sharing your experience. Its truly not a vet or a newbie conversation. We all have so much to contribute to this site and each other.
  12. @@summerset Congratulations on 15 years out! Here I am repeating the obvious. Both newbies and vet's give great support on the site. Both are valued...(even if they have a gain ) Take what is of value to you from any forum. You can always ignore posts or block user's summerset Expert Member Posts: 131 Joined:Jan 2016 Gender: Female Location: DE Surgery: Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) Surgery Date: May 2016 Height: 168 cm Weight Lost: 37 kgs BMI: 33.1
  13. @@summerset I see your surgery date is May 2016. I was hoping the us against them conversation would stop. Both newbies and vet's give great support on the site. you posted: This. A "follow your program" doesn't require (or isn't) any "vet wisdom". I'm not sure what is regarded as "vet wisdom"on here. (1) Support from vet's is simply support from others that have been through the process. They have been a newbie and now goal "I also think of it as strange that people who're only 12 months out are already regarded as vets." (2) When anyone reaches goal, I consider them a veteran. I reached goal around 6 months. Support can be: cheer each other on. give our experiences with struggles and what worked for us to overcome. refer any medical questions to professionals. Suggest resources. Confront if needed. Don't enable if behavior may cause an negative outcome.
  14. Healthy_life2


    @ I'm two years out and I still log my food. I track five days a week and take the weekend off. When I don't track, I have no Idea if I made my Protein goals. I'm a busy person. I never know when I can get small breaks to eat. Tracking helps to keep my body fueled correctly.
  15. You have achieved Onderland! Reward yourself with something special today. YOU EARNED IT GIRL!
  16. Healthy_life2


    @@magoosmom Good point. Thanks for mentioning that.
  17. Healthy_life2


    @@Toners Congratulations on a month out~! I'm not four months out. I'm two years out. I hope you don't mind my post. TRX is a new program offered at my gym. I have tried it. I have experimented trying out different exercise programs to find what keep's me motivated. I say give it a try. Feel the burn love the burn!
  18. Now I know why I'm not getting the results I want from weightlifting. I'm now in a female strength training class at my gym. Loving it!

    1. Healthy_life2


      Correct form. Some machines don't fit a woman's frame. I used a exterior oblique machine to strengthen my core. It will build muscle to make your mid section thick (straight up and down waist) Not an hourglass shape. Who knew...lol

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Oh okay. That is nice your gym has a class like that. I read this article a long time ago https://www.t-nation.com/training/sexy-female-training and talked to some trainers. It talks about how Britney screwed up her midsection overtraining her abs. It is an interesting read if not entirely accurate.

    3. Healthy_life2


      It was interesting. I have been on body building.com. I'm not sure if I'm looking for sexy or athletic workout for my body type.


    4. Show next comments  288 more
  19. Healthy_life2

    Product: Kodiak Cakes

    @@beyondgrief Its all about learning and researching. Hope the recipe link helped. Have fun and experiment with cooking.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Product: Kodiak Cakes

    @@OutsideMatchInside Everyone's plan and choices are different. I encourage following what ever plan is given by your medical professionals. I think its important to learn how to fuel your body to be healthy. Whatever that looks like for each of us.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Product: Kodiak Cakes

    @@beyondgrief please don't feel you have to be sorry about your post. All is good. It seems to have sparked conversation. Hope you don't feel anyone hijacked your topic
  22. @@Alex Brecher Your advocacy for Bariatrics is appreciated. I love your site. I believe the members can get things back on track. Thanks for all that you do, Jenn
  23. Healthy_life2

    Product: Kodiak Cakes

    @@Oak Park Lorena you are 2 years out. Your plan may look different than someone who is new to weight loss mode. My dieticians plan was to add carbohydrates after I lost 75% of my weight. Carbohydrates were added to slow down weight loss or stop it to maintain my weight. "I think that eating pancakes topped with some butter and real maple syrup would be a perfectly acceptable once in a while meal for anyone sleeved or otherwise" It's all about choices and being healthy. No one is forcing you to do anything. The only one who has to be happy with your results is you. Here is what a bariatric plate looks like after 75% weight loss.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Product: Kodiak Cakes

    @@beyondgrief Here is a link for some bariatric friendly recipes. I love cooking and trying new things. http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ Wishing you the best, Jenn
  25. @@scampbell33 As already said above..Check with your dietician. If you already track ignore this...Track your food with an app. It will help you decide if your food choices are worth the extra calories or carbs for your day. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/

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