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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Muscle Gain.

    @@Dub The other part's. I will remain silent. I would die of embarrassment to comment.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Clothing Sizes: What do they even mean anymore?!?!?

    @@OutsideMatchInside Always try clothing on. Your absolutely right. Clothing size mean nothing. just know some clothing may not fit your body type. Find what looks amazing for you. Its great when we have more options than lane bryant. Gives us an excuse to shop. I love it!. . After I reached the point of Jr's clothing, I would go to the plus size parts of stores out of habit. i still looked at myself as a larger size. Your sizes change so fast. It takes time for your body to settle into your new smaller package. I bought more expensive pieces once I reached goal. I never had a size goal. I wanted to get off my c-pap and get healthy. once I hit maintenance it took time for my mind to adjust that I was a size 2 to a 4. (depending on the designer) Enjoy Shopping!
  3. Healthy_life2

    Muscle Gain.

    @@Dub Weight loss took away my booty! Its all a work in progress. Dub I've seen your arms..They look fantastic. Woohoo well done!. Even if its girly weights .
  4. Healthy_life2

    Muscle Gain.

    @@B-52 @@Chrystee The fat marbled within your muscle. Good point B-52. In maintenance its not about the weight loss anymore. I'm not afraid of gain only if its lean muscle. I have to admit I am a bit obsessed after seeing how my body is transforming so far. Thanks for the progression Photos!@@Chrystee. I hope others share them. It inspires me that this can be done. I was intimidated moving to the guy's area of the weight room. I'm now one of the guy's after a year on the floor.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Muscle Gain.

    I'm also on bodybuilding.com. Their head office is here. Great perk for where I live. I burnt some muscle running after surgery. It was not a good look for me. My goal is healthy. Can't wait to see some gains. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  6. Healthy_life2

    Muscle Gain.

    @@BigViffer I liked that you don't focus on a deadline. Muscle gains seem to be slow for me. I need to relax. It all takes time. I had concentrated on running and neglected my upper body. I'm hitting weights with more intensity. I'm just starting to see results in my arms and upper back. @@erp No bikini contest for me 8 pounds would drop you to 15% body fat. Amazing~!! Thanks for the tip on alternating. I use a body composition scale to measure my body fat. How does excess skin factor into body fat % readings? I'm at 23% not bad for my age but I would like to have more muscle to balance my body.
  7. i do appreciate the people that have responded on this question...@julia37 Keep in mind her question at the top of the thread is.... Did anyone NOT have a miserable recovery? I do have sympathy for anyone who had/has complications... My intention is not to offend anyone with complications with this statement .A terminal cancer patient with a week to live would gladly trade places with anyone of us. There are health issues that can be manage. We get to live a much longer life.
  8. Here is my perspective. A terminal cancer patient would give anything to be in our shoes. I bounced back quickly with my surgery. This was nothing compared to child birth pain. look for statistics of complications. There are many of us that are doing fine. My mind was so focused on healing to get on with loosing weight. This choice has been one of the best things in my life. No regret.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Good morning, Squad:

    My challenge right now is finding time to eat at work. I pack things to eat on the run. Just not getting breaks. Areas of improvement. My upper body. Starting a weight lifting program. It's going well. Wins. Life is pretty much normal. Working on fitness goals. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  10. Healthy_life2

    Strength Training Apps

    I use body space. Its free. You can select a workout plan or create your own. You tube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWTw4gAjDpk Bodyspace https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bodybuilding.mobile&hl=en Google play..List of Apps to track workouts https://play.google.com/store/search?q=workout%20log&c=apps&hl=en
  11. @@sleeverv I own my old bad ass self. I can give a rats ass on other peoples comments. Wrinkles and all, I look and act younger than ever before. Why change your face to please others? Own who you are..Life is short.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Staying Motivated

    here is a link to motivation that has been posted on the forum. Hope it helps. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/373997-suggestions-and-motivation/?hl=%2Bmotivation#entry4227663
  13. Healthy_life2

    Suggestions and Motivation

    @@1Cor2:9 Give yourself credit for all that you have done. You have lost over 100 pounds! only 50 more to go. Give yourself some perspective.(Kind of a reality check) Would a person with a week to live trade to have our problems to lose weight? Experiment with some motivation...Here are a few things to try. (1) Remember the reasons why you had surgery. (2) Make a personalized playlist. Buy a good set of ear buds/headphones. (3) Walking to a place to photograph the beautiful view. (4) Give yourself a gift of workout clothing you feel great in. (5) Get addicted to the endorphin rush (6) write down how you feel after every workout. Ask yourself if you regretted your workout that day. (7) Mix it up! try new ways to be active and workout (8) Don't put away your workout equipment. (9) READ! find fitness sites to give you ideas and motivation. Here a a few http://www.operationbeautiful.com/ https://www.girlsgonestrong.com/ http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/fitness http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/?utm_source=shape.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=pubexchange_article http://fitbottomedgirls.com/ http://www.thegreatfitnessexperiment.com/ http://www.bodyrock.tv/ http://www.mindfulyogahealth.com/
  14. @@sharonintx Amen sister! Well said
  15. Healthy_life2

    No faith in myself after honeymoon phase

    @@tenseintexas Many of us have had the fear of failing another diet. I think your feelings are pretty common. If I could lose weight on my own, Then there would be no need for me to have surgery. Surgery is a tool to lose the weight. Anyone of us can gain weight. I am two years out and maintaining under my goal. Many of us have been successful. Take a look around the site. An option is counseling to figure out if this is for you Best of luck to you, Jenn
  16. @@pr_pitbullgrl I will try to give you my short answers. Weight training will give you great results and transform your body.. You can train at home using your own weights or join a gym. A great place to start your research is bodybuilding. com. (not promoting the site) How to weight train: This link is to their exercise data base. Select the muscle you want to target. It will give you a list of strength training exercises. It will show a short video on how to position your body and use the equipment. http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ nutrition: I have worked with a WLS dietician or a sports medicine dietician. Sadly they had no information on this. We have worked as a team to figure out what works for my body. Fueling your body is different if you choose to have an above average fitness level. There is no way I can eat like a athlete with my tiny stomach. Its been trial and error increasing calories and carbs.. But it can be done. Link to Non surgery weight lifting diet information. http://www.bodybuilding.com/category/nutrition A bit of information on Bariathletes. http://www.obesityaction.org/educational-resources/resource-articles-2/weight-loss-surgery/emergence-of-the-bariathlete http://www.weightlosssurgerypodcast.com/037-becoming-a-bariathlete-with-lea-crosetti-andes/
  17. @@jbokla Congratulations on all your hard work. I love the way you documented your weight loss.
  18. Healthy_life2

    What To Do Instead of Overeating

    @@Inner Surfer Girl Love this article. Thanks for sharing the link.
  19. @@PRINCESS2218 My weight stalled out when I didn't workout. It broke my honeymoon phase and I realized the weight loss is going to take more work on my part. Looking back I have no regret. I got to goal in a shorted period of time.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Gastric Sleeve Realities

    This will give you an idea of what food will look like. The link is to the local WLS dieticians recipes. http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  21. Healthy_life2

    Slimpressions Vs. Spanx Vs. Others

    @@Alex Brecher I looked up Slimpressions online. $45.00 to $ 65.00 They seem to be the same material as spanx. That type of shape wear smooths out the drapes of the loose skin. It does not pull it back to your body. The result is a smooth bulge. I found this body shape wear at Burlington coat factory. $ 9.99 Superform bodysuit. Fabric gives more support but breathable. Eye hook and zip front. dips in the front so you can wear your own size bra.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Gastric Sleeve Realities

    @@tlexius "Can someone who had surgery actually educate me on what eating is like afterwards" This attached list will give you a basic idea of diet stages.Trust your bariatric team and dietician before anyone you meet on a chat forum. http://bariatrics.ucla.edu/workfiles/UCLA-Bariatric-postoperative-diet-instructions.pdf "However I did not expect people to say they can never have an unhealthy moment again!" I have not seen anyone who is perfect at wls. If you make a junk food choice. Put in extra time at the gym. Don't make a habit of it. The goal is healthy. We are all adults here. What ever choices people make in their weight loss program. Be willing to accept the outcome.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Do you still identify as a wls patient?

    @@Kathy812 When you are in the weight loss phase, Its normal that the process take your focus and time. The compliments, shock, and weight loss victories. Its completely life changing. WLS becomes a large part of your life and your identity. Now that I'm maintaining. The compliments, shock and weight loss victories are gone. I identify as a normal healthy person, A bad ass grandmother, a great cook and a fitness/sports fanatic.
  24. Healthy_life2

    Do you still identify as a wls patient?

    @@proudgrammy @@MrsSugarbabe 17+ year cancer survivor, You should be proud you have your health. You are an amazing woman! I'm a type one diabetic. I am formerly morbid obese person. Both diseases are manageable for me. 2 years out, My sleeve does not consume my attention like it did in weight loss phase. The habits I've learned have become normal A day in the life of a healthy person without surgery:( I'm not seeing much of a difference) Take Multivitamins daily. Eat healthy Exercise Maintains weight Doctors visits
  25. Healthy_life2

    Do you still identify as a wls patient?

    @@Djmohr @@VSGAnn2014 Thanks for your point of view. I am only two years out. I can see medical issues may be specific to WLS. I have changed from my bariatric team to my family physician and dietician for care. All is normal without them. If I have a complication I would contact my team again. My weight is no longer the topic of conversation with others. The thrill of WLS is gone and its a great place to be. The only thing that reminds me that I'm a wls patient is weight gain. i don't see a difference between me and people that have been at a healthy weight most of their life. I take care of my health and my weight the same as they do.

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