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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Goal weight?

    @@Travelher @@brather Exactly what @@Babbs said. Its the fact you are loosing weight. Not how fast it comes off. None of us really have a weight loss secret. It's do as your Dr's tell you and be consistent. What worked for me may not work for you. (If you are curious about my program..... feel free to message me.)
  2. Healthy_life2

    Oh Thunder ME ME ME

    I've been on this site for over a year. It's unfortunate to see the negativity that has driven many people away. I belive it's the change people have made a drastic impact on the sight. I don't see any other way but to not respond to the B.S. I only take what is valuable. Still hopeful that this can become a better place. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  3. Healthy_life2

    Goal weight?

    @@OhHeyMarina 254 high weight to my goal 140 in 6 months. I'm 2 1/2 years out. I maintain in the 130's.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Weakness During Workout :(

    @@jatmagg MY DISCLAIMERS (I'm not promoting any products. There are many to choose from) (I'm not telling people to do as I do) ( ignore anything that does not apply to your situation ) And YES! I realize I'm a nerd and a bit obsessive with fitness Ask your surgeon's office about low blood sugars. Your Dr. will give instructions of what to ingest if your blood sugars drop. A glucose meter might be a good investment. You can get them over the counter at Walmart or Walgreens. https://www.walmart.com/ip/ReliOn-Prime-Blood-Glucose-Monitoring-System-Blue/20752266 food bogs me down pre work out. I usually drink a Protein shake before I go to the gym. After my workout I eat a good meal with plenty of protein. I drink NUUN. It replenishes electrolytes, helps with dehydration. Its used by long distance bicyclists and runners. I drink a pre workout drink.( thermogenic stimulator)( This May not be recommended by your plan) It kicks my energy up. Check ingredients on the product for carbs and sugar and caffeine. ( sold at GNC - bodybuilding.com the Vitamin shop I sip slowly throughout my workout. If your cleared to sip from a straw, an option is a small waist cammelbak. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=waist+camelbak&view=detailv2&&id=00FD5A9EFD2A59FECE2FDA8A0E710F67ADD3F495&selectedIndex=30&ccid=jc55Bagl&simid=608024618524674753&thid=OIP.M8dce7905a82528881136621413fbc0f1o0&ajaxhist=0
  5. Healthy_life2


    I lost my butt with my weight loss. I've been doing squats and dead lifts. I still have hopes of a booty. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  6. Healthy_life2

    Lacking motivation

    @@lutheranian A goal without a plan is just a wish. Sounds like you have some motivation to change this up due to your frustration. Many people come to this forum because they never received instructions. I would consider getting better support and instructions from another surgeons office. Even if its calling and having them send you a packet of good information. You only get out of surgery what you are willing to put into it. What motivates me may not motivate you. Try to think of all the reasons you had surgery in the first place. People have already posted the norm for diets...(sorry for the repeat info) Track (myfitness pal) Protein first 60 to 100 grams no sugar low carb 64 oz of Water exercise A few sites for bariatric friendly recipes http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ I hope you find what works for you, Jenn1 .
  7. My weight first was noticeable in my face. After my 2 month mark is when people commented about my body changing.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Bariatric Adult Diapers

    @@Alex Brecher Is there certain types of surgery that may cause you to need an adult diaper?
  9. This was a great question to ask. You will get many different perspectives on any topic on this site. Take only what is valuable to you. @@katragina My post about buyers remorse/regret being normal in the first stages was directed to new people on this forum. @@GinaCampbell I absolutely understand anyone with complications after surgery having regret. No judgment from me. You have the right to feel the way you do.
  10. @@katragina Its normal to have buyers remorse/regret when you are in the first stages after surgery. This is hard and it takes work. You will progress to new stages. It will become easier and be a new normal for you. Think back to all the reasons of why you had your surgery. Your weigh loss and health is worth it all. Celebrate your 50 pounds gone!
  11. This will be my third turkey day 5K run since surgery. It's now my Thanksgiving tradition.
  12. Healthy_life2

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    @@bayougirlmrsc This is a big change for any marriage. An option is couples counselling. I have been with my hubby for 26 years. We have a solid relationship before and after surgery. He was very supportive. A few things happened. I do many things without him. I go to the gym, hang out with friends. I go to the coffee shop by myself as a little treat for me. He was feeling left behind. (1) I learned to invite him to come to the gym. Even if he says no. (2) We have date night. (3) When I hit a certain weight, We made couples goal reward . ( I took him to Victoria secret. Walked out with size small panties. NSV!) I went from invisible to men giving me attention. I realized my husband was also adjusting to my physical change. His fear was I going to leave him. This sounded so ridiculous to me. I would never leave him...But he needed reassurance. Having myself back. Healthy mentally and physically has improved our relationship. The sex is all for the better! lol ( you will see that topic from male and female patients) wish you the best,
  13. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    @@Dairymary 3 years..love it! living like this does become second nature. Well said. You are one of the lucky ones. No working out. I had to workout my a$$ off. Its a part of me now. I've met some great people that have the same dedication to running and weight lifting. It challenges me. Its my best stress relief. It's my high.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    @@BestDayEver Not wanting to go back to our high weight keeps us on track. I don't fear it because I live life being health conscious. I love this way of life.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    @@jane13 Congratulations on 18 months! I just don't feel the need to rescue anyone. Its really not my place. I choose what I read and respond to. I'm taking what is valuable and ignore the rest. I'm thankful to the vets here that helped me along the way. I like that the newbies still have that excitement and high from learning and seeing their weight loss. Life is just different after years out. It feels great that this is just normal life.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    @-B52 Life is day to day and normal for me. It is not how I was living before surgery. I'm thankful for that. Living with my health in mind is my daily life now. Having adventures because I'm healthy feels amazing.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    @@erp Congratulations on your marriage. I'm right there with you on setting goal. I'm trying to get my body fat percentage down. I love seeing the results I'm getting from strength training. Who knew I would be athletic at this age...lol
  18. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    @@Julie norton I get that none of us are exempt from weight gain. I've just made nutrition and working out my lifestyle. I still weigh myself in the morning. I just don't think about my surgery anymore.(the thrill of watching my weight go down is gone) I'm getting my motivation from living at the gym, I like being a bad ass at my age. lol Its become my addiction. I don't think of myself as a surgery patient anymore. I plan to participate here when I can. I just don't feel like part of the group some days...Life has just moved on.
  19. Healthy_life2

    Hello Vet's

    The confidence and being in a happy place in life is huge. You have always been great support. Nice that we started the same time. Glad your still around Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  20. Healthy_life2

    Feel like such a failure...

    @@Unhappysleever Gains can happen to any of us. Get rid of the feeling of shame. Forgive yourself. This is just a set back. You have a fresh start. You lost 100 pounds. You can defiantly lose 20. Time to get back on the horse. Go back to your bariatric diet, exercise, Water and tracking food. We are here to cheer you on.
  21. @@RJrocks Loose skin seems to be a fear for many patients. Its that unknown outcome from surgery. You will not know how your skin will look until you reach goal. Some insurance will cover plastic surgery if you have documented rashes. Self paying for plastics is an option. I can't afford plastics. I wear shape wear. I weight lift. The muscle is filling out the skin and I look healthy. (healthy is my goal) I will always have loose skin. I would not go back to my obese body just to fill out my skin.
  22. Healthy_life2


    You lost the weight before. You can get back on the horse and do it again. Get with your Dr on your Iron issue. Weight loss. get back to eating bariatricly. Log food.60 to 100gms Protein. Lots of Water and exercise Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  23. We also have no control of where the pounds come off our bodies. I was smaller in pant size and larger tops. I was a bit disproportionate for a while. But it all balance out later. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  24. Vanity sizing is crazy. As you lose weight always make sure things fit. Try on several sizes. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  25. I rationalized that I was busy. I would take my kids to McDonald's because I didn't want to cook after work. What an eye opener to learn to care about how I fuel my body now. I love that my family also is eating healthier. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App

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