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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Can't find any exercise I like!

    @@sarahb309 Winter can be challenging to find motivation. Read exercise/health and fitness websites. They give me motivation and ideas of things to try. Here are a few. http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/fitness http://obsessionfitness.com/top-25-fitness-blogs-best-exercise-health-websites/ If you can't afford a gym a few things to try: Walking the mall or a museum. A set of free weights or resistance bands.. Look up weight lifting routines to enhance your sport ( @@BigViffer suggested) A few videos to try just for fun. You may be surprised on how you can get your heart rate up from a chair. Love her she is so positive. Seated sweat fest: https://youtu.be/y0XILoKK3jQ Seated cardio and dumbbell workout https://youtu.be/V4SabtnOsZY Quick and quiet cardio HIIT - https://youtu.be/zoZOpORbZUQ
  2. Healthy_life2

    Is This Thing Working?

    @@ava32 Everyone's body physiology is different. Some of us will lose slower. Your not alone. Its not how fast you lose weight it's the fact you are loosing weight. Stop comparing with other people. Ignore the statistics...... It will mess with your mind You will be healthy. The weight loss is going to continue for you. We know you will get what you want out of your surgery. You got this!
  3. Healthy_life2

    Personal trainer

    @@LittleBill Oh my! I love the photo and the background story. Made me smile.Thanks for posting it.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Personal trainer

    @@LittleBill That's why your littleBill at 6'1" I'm 5'5" Yep, you win. I'm intimidated. Fear me! lol
  5. Healthy_life2

    Personal trainer

    @@LittleBill I'm a regular now. No intimidation to be on the weightlifting side of the gym. Is it bad for me to wish I intimidate people with my muscles? lol I don't but I can dream.
  6. @@NWJill Dinners have been great. I love to cook. I just don't eat carbs. I will make chicken fajita's. The family has the tortllias..I don't My kids are older. They have picked up better eating and physical activity habits. My husband and I now ride bikes to a coffee shop on Sundays when the weather is good. He has done a few 5Ks with me. He not obsessed with nutrition and the gym like I am. It's good to have my own interests in life.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Negative Nellies!

    @@Wonder WomanNJ You will encounter people that will try to talk you out of it. Some for genuine concern for your health. Some out of fear you will succeed. You don't need anyone's approval or validation for your decision to have surgery. Keep supportive people around you.
  8. Healthy_life2

    REAL TALK - mental hunger - cpap

    @@stephenmarksarro Not sure what type of surgery you had. congrats on your 90+ loss! The further out from surgery the more food you can get in. This is what works for me with hunger... (1) I have increased my Protein goals to 100g / 130g. I add a good portion of vegetables with my meal. The Fiber and protein helps me to feel full. I can easily get in a cup of salad with 4oz of chicken. (2)Keep busy to avoid head hunger. (3) ask yourself if its emotional/stress eating hunger or eating because your board. (4) I brush my teeth ..For some reason it sooths my stomach and I don't feel the need to eat. 2 months stall: See if you can get an appointment in with your dietician. Reevaluate your food log and exercise program. CPAP: I'm thankfully off mine! Make an appointment. See if they can make an adjustment so you don't have gas pains.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Fear of Failure and a New Goal..

    @@Ruth1ess You have done amazing. I love your attitude. Get what you want out of your surgery. You are Fearless!!!!
  10. Healthy_life2

    My Butt.....

    @@Djmohr Shar pei 's are dang cute .
  11. Healthy_life2

    From size 22 to 10 !

    Congratdulations! I bet you feel fantastic. Happy NSV
  12. Healthy_life2

    Diet Coke

    Be willing to accept the outcome of your choices. If you want to listen to friends and not the professionals is up to you. Best of luck Jenn Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  13. Healthy_life2

    Personal trainer

    @@LittleBill Lifting at the gym was intimidating to me when I started two years ago. Working on your form then adding weight is a great way to start out. I'm an old fart in comparison to many at the gym. I love seeing results. I'm amazed in how far I've come. You can take this to any level you want. Own your bad ass self. Always a group of the high five meat heads at every gym. You will also meet some great supportive people. 17 kinds of people you will recognize at the gym: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sallytamarkin/runners-yogis-mansplainers-oh-my?utm_term=.it3oBBy56#.efew661VG Gym wildlife: https://youtu.be/n1GUQVo1Lps
  14. Healthy_life2

    Lost 120 pounds, Now what?

    @@diana89131 You look fantastic. Your my hero for keeping your weight maintained for 3 years. I knew I would never be a bikini model after surgery. I cant afford plastics. Maintenance gets to be a norm..No excitement from seeing the scale move down. I have fitness goals. I distance run. I got into weight lifting more seriously the last 6 months. I cant believe how its transformed my body.( it will never be perfect) My new years goal is to up my squat game...I need a booty:-) Having new experiences in life may give you that high again. I also eat more. I now eat like an athlete. I still eat healthy but more calories and healthy fats to burn. I also work out hard at the gym. Its all about balance
  15. Healthy_life2

    WOW- a glimpse into why others have left!

    @@mi75 The topic of this thread said it all....The continuing post are more evidence of why people don't stay. The negative attention seeking is getting to a creepy level. My hope is If you ignore them they will go away.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Weight gain

    @@mandapanda112200 Could be a stall or plateau. They are common. Your body wants to hold on to the weight. You can look up the thread embrace the stall. It has great information on how to break them. Up to you...but think about reevaluating your exercise.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Weight gain...getting depressed :(

    Now that I am drastically better and the complications have lowered, I just can't get on track. I went from eating basically nothing between 11/22-11/30 to "cheating" and eating real food right now. I am still supposed to be on a liquid diet but I'm eating eating solids. I've eaten a pancake, Soup, a cookie, and I'm getting so frustrated! I know that it's my own fault but I just don't know what to eat! Protein shakes taste disgusting to me and I have hunger pains! What can I do? Help . I do not want to fail at this and cannot fail! Time to reevaluate and commit. No need to beat yourself up. Get back on the horse. Eating solid may hurt you stomach after surgery. Missing meals will up the hunger and put you in starvation mode (@@Babbs explained) The goal is to do this in a healthy way and heal. Concentrate on getting your Liquid Protein in. There are options. Protein Water, Protein chicken broth. (Google to find more). The protein will help with the hunger. Liquid stage wont be forever. Just hang on..It will get better as your stages progress.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Have you tried a Simply Fit Board

    @@Treadmillwalker Any exercise and activity is better than sitting on the couch.. If you thinks its something fun and will keep you motivated to do it. I say why not...
  19. Healthy_life2

    Changing My Strategy

    @ My inner fat chick had a chip on her shoulder. Society is judgmental about our weight. When I was heavy I had a lot of negative feed back from people. Now its positive. Most people compliment with no intention of offending us. I just say a quick thank you and move on. I can't change social norms.
  20. @@RJrocks People are always excited to know how quickly they will lose weight. It's will be unknown until you are working your program. I agree with @Babbs. Its not how fast you lose weight, it's the fact that you are losing weight. I was sleeved June 2014. I had a required insurance weight loss before surgery. It put me in the lower BMI category. 5'5" and 234 the day of surgery. I am in the 130's. I lost my weight in 6 months. Yes, I had stalls, But he weight loss was quick now that I look back at it. Myself and other sleevers have lost weight differently than what @@James Marusek described in the above post. Results of surgery will be different for each of us. All I can say is concentrate on your own journey to get what you want out of it. SIDE NOTE: Slower weight loss will not guarantee the outcome of lose skin.. People are going to talk negative and positive about your weight loss if it's slow or fast.
  21. Healthy_life2

    People are starting to say stuff

    @@ryan_86 Congratulations on all your hard work! People are just judgmental. Some feel free to comment when your heavy. They will also talk about you after goal. The attention around your weight loss feels a bit uncomfortable right? Even positive attention is an adjustment. I went from invisible to attention. I didn't know how to respond. I had to give myself a compliment scale.( I have no Idea why this helped me) (1) Appropriate- I give a quick thank you and move on. (2) Hilarious - Makes a great NSV story. (3) Creepy - Need I say more. The attention will fade after your weight loss stops. People will accept that this is just you. Keep supportive people around you and ignore the rest.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Insure Nutrition

    Thanks Alex...lol
  23. Healthy_life2

    Insure Nutrition

    Are we talking insure off the shelf in walmart? Ignore this if it does not apply to topic Have you seen the macro nutrients? Lots of sugar and carbs. They are used for weight gain for senior citizens. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  24. Motivation Monday! Post them if you got them
  25. Healthy_life2

    Any long time sleevers out there?

    There are many reasons people gain weight back. Try not to foucus on other peoples weight gain or weight loss. Concetrate on your own sucess and goals for surgery. The goal is healthy. ; I'm two and a half years out. I maintain in the 130's. I weigh myself every morning. If I see a weight gain I adjust my food and workout. So far so good. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
