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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Need advice...

    @@DMH82 Are you eating anything else with your Protein? If you're doing this already, Feel free to ignore this post... Try adding some vegetables. The fibrous veggies will help fill space in your stomach. It will help to make you feel full and satisfied. What is your calorie intake at this point of surgery? Are you getting in small Snacks? Omelet with green & red peppers a bit of sweet onion and cheese. chicken with steamed broccoli. Cobb salad.
  2. Healthy_life2

    What's everyone doing for NYE

    @@Mimiof3 NYE Going to dinner with my hubby in a little black dress. New year's day. We are going to the ski lodge to snowshoe.
  3. Healthy_life2


    @@BubblesOhSoSleeved I understand her concern. It's the fear of what may happen under the knife. You don't need her approval. It would have been nice since she is your bff. Hang on for the ride. You never know about relationships.
  4. Healthy_life2


    @@TiggerFan72 I had a drain for two days. When it's time for removal, They have you take a deep breath and hold it. For me, it was a strange pulling sensation. The guy was quick. He removed it in seconds. Having the drain removed is not pleasant but once it's over it's forgotten.
  5. Healthy_life2


    @@BubblesOhSoSleeved You learn who is supportive and who has your back in life. Your friends may come back around and change to support you as you progress. On the flip side...You may encounter people that want to see you fail. You may have to cut off some relationships as you lose weight. Unfortunately, reading the boards and my own experience, people change around you. Weird that is because of your appearance and choice to be healthy.
  6. Healthy_life2

    All things cheese

    @@ML573663 Found this at walmart of all places. Wensleydale with Cranberries The only true Wensleydale cheese in the world comes from the milk drawn from cows that graze the sweet limestone pastures on farms in Upper Wensleydale, England. The cheese was first made there during the Norman invasion, when French monks from the Roquefort region were brought over to practice their cheese-making skills. The Wensleydale pastures give the cheese the unique, refreshing flavor for which it is renowned. The cheese is a fresh, young cheese taken at only three weeks old. It has a clean, mild, slightly sweet flavor with a honeyed aftertaste. The superb texture of fresh Wensleydale is perfectly complemented by the addition of all natural cranberries of the finest quality. Wensleydale with Cranberries is an innovative blend of flavors and a superb visual experience. Made from pasteurized cow's milk.Suitable for vegetarians.Photo depicts whole 2.8 lb. form of cheese.We cut and wrap this item by hand. Just reading the description makes me drool
  7. Throwing up was never a fun experience before surgery. It definitely sucks after surgery. Kicking myself for not getting a flu shot this year.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Keeping Food Warm

    @@White Sale Kind of funny. But people have used these. Use a tiny glass pyrex bowl to set on the coffee warmer https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Coffee-Warmer-Office-MWBLK/dp/B000CO89T8
  9. @@Domika03 I'm about 6 months until the dreaded three-year mark. Life's stress hit all of us. It's also one of my go to bad behaviors. I know gains can mess with your head every time you get on the scale. I gave myself 130 to 140 bounce range to maintain. What is everyone eating to maintain their weight loss? I eat up to 1600 calories. Not every day. My goal is 130g Protein and upped my healthy fats in the morning. I work out at night. I eat a small amount of healthy carbs at dinner. Here is what a day of eating looks like for me: Breakfast 1 avocado 3 oz scrambled eggs with real butter diced green and red pepper 1 tbs spoon cottage cheese lunch 4oz Pork Loin 1/2 cup Brussel sprouts 1 oz Wenselydale cranberry cheese Dinner Grilled garlic herb chicken Brussel sprouts 1/2 small sweet potato 1 cup dole chopped salad with added baby spinach Snacks 1 Protein shake with a cup of 2% milk Quest chips with melted mozzarella and salsa Beef Jerky What's a day in your life look like? Life is pretty normal ...work, home, and gym. I log food. But now it's for sports and building muscle. My gym time has become my stress and emotional eating outlet. I'm at the gym 2 hours 5 days a week. When I train my calories and the way I eat changes. Still looking to have adventures. I'm going snowshoeing tour with a group of people in January. Do you have a favorite recipe? My favorite recipe. Eggplant parmesan roll up Thin slices of eggplant dipped in egg then sprinkled with parmesan cheese: Bake it at 400 until golden brown. Filling: Ground turkey with spaghetti sauce and mozzarella cheese Roll them up top with spaghetti sauce and cheese. Bake until cheese melts not my photo but It may give you the idea of what I'm trying to discribe. Lol Do you have restrictions on what you can eat? I wouldn't call it restrictions at this point. Eating healthy is my normal life. I indulge in great foods once in a while. ( pie, cheesecake etc) I have drinks on occasion. I don't feel deprived or restricted. I'm fortunate that my body feels crappy when I don't eat healthy foods. Thanks to my sleeve
  10. Healthy_life2

    No protein choice

    @@Lema 60 to 100 grams It's hard in the first few months to hit Protein goals. Your not able to get many calories in at this point. You will be able to eat more food as your progress from surgery. Hitting your protein goals gets easier.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Pet peeve: extra skin.

    Holy hell! this is a long thread. Some people for plastics, others not so much. I looked into it, I just can't afford them. No one here has to apologize or justify the reasons they choose to have a medical procedure. Dang, how many of us have been judged for having bariatric surgery? The only thing I want to leave here for newbies..... Is the loose skin is not as bad for me as being obese. it's livable. If your fortunate to be able to have insurance coverage or afford them. Go for it if it makes you feel better about your situation.
  12. Healthy_life2

    A new year of weight loss advertisement

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch I know. $39.99 for plastic. The fun and easy way to engage your core. Dang! I've been at the gym working on my abdominals for a year and a half. I wish it was that easy.
  13. Healthy_life2

    A new year of weight loss advertisement

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch I may be a tad sensitive about targeting people that are trying anything to get their weight off. All about companies making money right?
  14. Healthy_life2

    A new year of weight loss advertisement

    @ @@theantichick I get my trashy magazine fix, reading the tabloid headlines at the grocery store register. OMG, Lose seven pounds overnight while you sleep.
  15. The veterans and my medical team have warned me about entering the third year after surgery. I appreciate the veterans 3+ years out sharing your struggles. Surgery is not all rainbows and unicorns.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Feeling Pretty Low

    @@MississippiQueen A new year and a fresh start for yourself if you want it. Most of the struggle is mental. Just because you can eat a whole bag of lemon heads does not mean you should eat them. You can get back on track. It might be a good time to empty the house of temptation. Get back to your bariatric plan. take it day to day. Without the struggle, there is no progress.
  17. Healthy_life2

    PTSD from being fat?

    I'm not ashamed to admit I went to a counselor to deal with my weight loss issues. It takes time for your mind to wrap it self around you physical changes. Working on Body image, the urge to go back to old behaviors and guilt/ shame about food. Will help you to be successful long term. I wish you the best, Jenn The urge to go back to old behaviors is something Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  18. Healthy_life2

    New normal

    @@barbbbsss Nothing happens over night. It's taking this day by day and learning your program. Once you are consistent with your program, living like this becomes normal.
  19. @@bloomie85 this is my result after 119 pounds lost. I can live with the loose skin... Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  20. @@bloomie85 I get that loose skin is an unknown outcome and a fear for some people. Some insurance helps cover plastic if your skin causes health issues. For me, the loose skin is not as bad as being obese. A few people..for a very few people..Their skin bounced back. Exercise does not change loose skin. I don't feel the need for plastics. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  21. Healthy_life2

    Favorite snacks ?

    @@NurseBec On the go..Somedays its hard to sit down. I eat on the run. I keep beef Jerky for a quick Protein snack. Some days I find myself eating it in my car on the way home from work. It's not everyone's taste.I like Quest chips. I melt mozzarella on top of them in the microwave and dip them in salsa. Google some bariatric friendly recipe sites for meal ideas. Here are a few. https://www.pinterest.com/explore/bariatric-recipes/ http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  22. Healthy_life2

    Transformation Tuesday

    @@SalOdyssey Freaking fantastic! Thanks for posting.
  23. Healthy_life2


    @@Laughkc11 First time I heard about the Keto diet was a year after surgery. I liked that it burns fat instead of using carbohydrates for energy. I eat avocados, real butter, and eggs. Pork sausage is also hard for me. I still eat turkey sausage.
  24. Healthy_life2

    What was your defining moment?

    @@Dknal2 Defining Moment: I am a type one diabetic. I went into ketoacidosis. Eight days in intensive care. My internal organs slowly shut down. My heart stopped the Dr. brought me back. What inspired me to get my crap together. My mother and father in law diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the same time. Both were placed in hospice care with three months to live . They handled knowing they were dying with such grace. They passed away within four days of each other. I knew If they could go through all of that, The least I could do is get my health back and not waste any more of my life.
  25. @@alanabee Many surgeons offices require a mental health screening. They are looking to see if you are in the right mind set to be successful with weight loss surgery. Others have suggested seeking counseling before surgery. Its a good idea. I'm two and a half years out. I still maintain my weight in the 130's. Changing your behaviors and your relationship with food is work. Just know it can be done. Your dietician will give you a maintenance meal plan. Each of our plans look differently. What maintenance looks like for me: (1)I make my food choices. (by the time you hit maintenance you will know what your healthy choices are. (I may indulge once in a while) I don't binge. (2) I weigh myself each morning (3) If I see a weight gain, I adjust my eating and increase my exercise to move the scale down to my maintenance weight. I gave myself a weight bounce range. 130 to 142 to maintain

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