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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    @@doxaholic What do you guys think do our minds really change that much that we forget who we once were? Or is it all in oneself? I have not forgotten how far I have come. I was compassionate before surgery. I'm still a compassionate person after my weight loss. I know what its like to walk in the shoes of a morbidly obese person. I would never disrespect someone based on weight. On the dating side. I don't want to slide back. Weight wouldn't be a deal breaker if it was the right guy. The other part to this is I'm now athletic. I find other men that are athletic attractive. I would not have this type of attraction when I was obese. I would have been way too intimidated.
  2. Healthy_life2

    CAN you eat vs SHOULD you eat

    @@ShelterDog64 Amen! Any more Can I posts...I'm on board to post a BIG the REAL question, which is "SHOULD I?".
  3. Healthy_life2

    A vain NSV story.

    @@The New Kel OH HELL YES! VINDICATION When you have someone so toxic and negative in your family, You get the OK card to revel in it. Enjoy your moment! Use her as motivation to get to goal and maintain. I would love to hear more moments that you will have with her in the future. As you lose more weight the skin gets easier to hide in shapewear. If you can afford plastic I'm jealous.
  4. @@White Sale Your topic seems to be common for many of us. My invisibility was also a comfort zone What people seem to be attracted to may be your positive happy vibe and your healthy/attractive appearance. When you go from invisible to people going out of their way to help you, holding doors open for you and getting attention from the opposite sex. It is seriously an uncomfortable and a strange phenomenon to experience. After weight loss, I truly realized how society places value on appearance. Family & Friends You will find out who is supportive and positive in life. They will except this is you and life become's normal. No more shock and awe over your changing body. I have had people be unnerved by my weight loss. Unfortunately, things became awkward. The relationships faded I cut off negative unsupportive people. People that wouldn't give me the time of day, Now want to be friends....LOL they don't get to do that. Dating: I'm married. Can't wait to see posts on that Attention from the opposite sex: It's flattering but uncomfortable when your not used to it. It take's time to figure how to respond and interact in that arena again. I had to give myself a compliment scale... Appropriate - I give a quick thank you and move on. Makes a great NSV. (please post them if you have one) Hilarious - Also makes a great NSV. (again, Please post them I would love to hear it) Creepy - need we say more Here is what science has to say: Physical appearance Our society places particular value on physical characteristics. Curvy body shapes, long legs and luxurious hair are characteristics that are often seen as desirable in women. For men it might include characteristics such as muscularity, tallness and a firm jawline. For both sexes there is youthfulness, white even teeth, and facial symmetry. There is a vast amount of media coverage implicitly favoring, and in the case of the advertising industry explicitly promoting, these models of attractiveness. Films, magazines and television all contribute to what might be termed the tyranny of body shape images. There is a whole industry that aims to mould consumer preferences, and so sell products, by distorting the reality of normal into the unreality of ideals such as the so-called ideal of women being size zero. Because the ideal of attractiveness based on physical characteristics rather than personality traits (such as kindness, intelligence, thoughtfulness, sense of humour) is continually being promoted in western societies, you might assume that relationships in the west would be based on physical characteristics. This assumption has been found to be true, but only up to a point. Whether or not it is true might be to do with the reason for the relationship, short-term fun or longer-term commitment. Some psychologists suggest that in order to understand why particular physical attributes are deemed attractive we need to consider human evolution. Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection states that characteristics that give an animal or human the best chance of survival and of reproducing themselves will be prized. These psychologists would suggest that attraction based on physical characteristics is related to features which indicate healthiness and especially fertility. Viren Swami and Adrian Furnham (2006) have undertaken an overview of recent research which examined this suggested influence on attraction based on physical characteristics. Their research focused on the heterosexual male perspective. They pose the question of whether there are physical characteristics that are found to be attractive across cultures. If so, do these characteristics signal procreative potential as predicted by psychologists taking an evolutionary approach to explaining behaviour? Swami and Furnham conclude that there is research evidence to suggest that there are characteristics that have been shown to be attractive across cultures. The physical characteristics for females focus on body shape, especially the waist to hip measurement ratio (WHR). A WHR measure of 0.8 means that a person's waist measurement is 80 per cent of their hip measurement. The full article if your interested: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/health-sports-psychology/psychology/starting-psychology/content-section-4.5
  5. Healthy_life2

    Self awareness

    @@Clarevoyant Congrats on the size 10 pants! It's strange that many people don't know what a healthy BMI weight looks like. It's also hard for the people that have watched you change and even harder for you to wrap your mind around your own physical changes. It takes time for your mind to catch up to your body. Try posting a current photo on your bathroom mirror. As you get ready for the day it will remind you that this is now you. Be happy with how far you have come. If you want to lose more its ok. The goal is healthy whatever that looks like for you.
  6. @@tenseintexas My food choices are mine. I own it. I'm the only one who has to be happy with my results. I followed the rules and had slip ups here and there. I mostly make healthy choices because my goal was to be healthy. I'm 2.5 years out and maintaining. I do indulge once in a while. If the scale moves up I hit the gym harder. I trust how my body feels. I have a diet coke at the theater...I feel like crap the next day. I'm back on to healthy eating. Food/drinks effects each of us differently.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Family and friend rejection

    @@logen000 This is your decision, not theirs. You don't need anyone's approval. If you want this...Then do it. Make no apologies for living your life.
  8. Bariatrics to body building Lyss Remaly http://http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/lyss-remaly-from-bariatric-surgery-to-bodybuilding.html Not that I think her story should be anyone's goal. I'm inspired when I see what people have achieved
  9. Healthy_life2


    @@Edith#1 The loose skin on your neck is the same as any loose skin after weight loss. Suggestions? The only options are plastics or to be happy with your results. I get that this is a fear for some people. It will be an unknown outcome of your surgery. You won't know what your skin will look like until you have lost your weight.
  10. @@VivVsg Oh yes, My booty is a work in progress. Do squats my friend. It's the only thing that will grow your glutes.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Walk v. Run

    @@sc101071 Kicking up the resistance and getting my heart rate up made the difference for me to break stalls. If I don't break a sweat I don't lose weight. I'm one of the many here that love to run. Give c25K a shot. http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatist/2014/03/11/is-walking-as-good-a-workout-as-running/#fbedcea13096
  12. @@sasharbinx I agree with @@Bufflehead --first four weeks: stay under 650 calories --four weeks - six months: stay under 800 calories --six months - goal: stay under 1100 calories --do not count calories burned or attempt to "eat back" exercise calories. What calories and food intake look like for me yesterday. I eat from the time I wake up until midnight. My macros are 1781 calories 235g Protein 97g carbs 46g fat. After training, I detox and get back to my bariatric program. What is normal for one person may not be for another.....
  13. Healthy_life2

    Not losing weight..

    @@Modesta Try to be kind to yourself. You sound like you are truly struggling. Not with just the weight loss You explained some stressful life events one of your past posts http://I was sleeved Nov. 2015. Stats sw245 cw191 lw185 (gained weight back) I am not losing weight like I wanted and I know its BC of the bad choices I make. I have gained weight back and i am only a year out.Sometimes I wonder if I "broke" my sleeve BC I feel no restriction. I know better, so why is it so hard for me to do better. I have been pretty stressed the past few month not being able to find employment and sitting at home filling out applications only to her rejected every single day. I've started the pouch test but never make it to the 5th day. I really wanted this surgery BC I wanted to be healthier for my children. I had a heart attack at the age of 33 and the doctor said I needed to lose weight and then I got sleeved. I wanted this so bad but I feel like I'm sabotaging myself. Any way that's my story. Ugh... I need help. Support. Hopefully someone out there understands where I am coming from. It's a good idea to ask for help with the mental side of weight loss. Stress emotional eating does not mean you are doing this to yourself on purpose.(self-sabotaging) It may mean it's time to deal with some things and find ways to cope. The struggles are very real. My heart go's out to you.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Avoiding Hypoglycemia

    @@81Kellogram I'm a type one diabetic and now get low blood sugars after surgery. I feel your pain..lol I dilute orange juice with Water. The glucose tablets work. They're easy to keep on hand when you need them. It's an instant sugar rush.They upset my stomach a bit. Do you have a blood sugar/ glucose meter? You may want to track your sugars to find when it go's below 70. It will help you to get a better idea if low's are happening when you workout or at other times.
  15. Healthy_life2

    25 weeks post op and down 101 lbs!

    Congratulations fantastic work.Love the 80s band t shirts. Got to re buy them in a smaller size now. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  16. Healthy_life2

    A bit of female inspiration for the day

    Yes. It's the same person. The link takes you to her story. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  17. Healthy_life2

    58 pounds down and still going!

    @@paul12677 WooHoo! doing fantastic.
  18. Healthy_life2

    Probably the last quiet day at the gym for a while

    I like this. Most of the regulars are pretty friendly. I no longer try to help people using machines correctly. Some get offended and pissed off if you offer assistance. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  19. Healthy_life2

    Hi! Questions for sleeved persons

    @@Angelica Marti I'm two and a half years out. -Since the sleeve is forever, how it works once we arrive to the desired weight and go on losing is not needed? Maintaining is different for each of us. You will add healthy carbs instructed by your dietician. This will help stop your weight loss. Your maintenance plan looks different if you have health issues, mobility issues or an above average fitness level.You can indulge once in a while If I gain weight, I go back to my bariatric weight loss diet and re-evaluate my exercise effort. The work does not end after you hit goal. -Any of you thought that the sleeve can also not improve our healthy in the future? Not improve would be complications. Always a risk of complications for any type of surgery. Improve health was one of my main reasons to have surgery. Type one diabetic well controlled, No colesterol issues, No more CPAP and Improved heart health. I am off many medications. I don't see Dr's as much because my labs are all good. I mean, is a scar in the stomach that can have a problem in any point of our lives. Look up statistics and ask your surgeon. I have had no complications so far. -once the operation is done and everything's ok there will be always the risk that the clips can be broken or open and cause a problem? Look up statistics and ask your surgeon. -How is for you (for those who have the sleeve for a long time) to go to dinner with people who can eat normally? You wish to eat and can't do it? With the sleeve, you are satisfied by smaller portions. When you are maintaining your weight you can indulge. If you see the scale move back up. You go back to your bariatric diet and put more time in at the gym. Life is normal I enjoy food and socializing at dinner. Or you can just eat your very little small portion and be happy? Its' hard for you to believe right now. But you are going to be happy with smaller portions. You won't be drooling over other people's meals. The thought of eating like I used to makes me realize how bad my relationship with food was. Food no longer controls me.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Protein vs Calories what's too much

    @@Renea Glover My two cents. In the first months, it may be hard to get in enough food to hit your Protein goals. You will be able to get more food in with time. What stage are you in? Could you post what a day of food looks like for you?
  21. Healthy_life2

    Probably the last quiet day at the gym for a while

    @@LittleBill you are humerus! Don't let the new years people distract you from your goals. You might inspire some people to get healthy. Ask your gym staff when they see the best times to hit the gym. They will see the trend when the gym is less crowded.
  22. Healthy_life2


    @@craftymel I was allowed healthy carbs after 75% weight loss. It helps to slow weight loss to maintain Healthy carbs = Whole wheat, Plant based and brown rice. Nothing white
  23. Healthy_life2

    Probably the last quiet day at the gym for a while

    @@LittleBill Around February the gym will quiet down again. I'm trying hard not to get frustrated when I can't get to a machine or find equipment. This will be my 2nd year as a regular at my gym. When I was a newbie I remember being in awe of the committed regulars...It motivated me to keep at it.
  24. @@bariatrica14 I'm a bit overly enthusiastic about lifting. I'm going to leave you a few links. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/why-women-should-lift-weights.html http://www.bodybuilding.com/category/women http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-eason-livefit-trainer.html http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ This one is just for fun..She's a bad ass. Ashly Horner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp3CcMkk8Vg

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