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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. @@Babbs Winter has been brutal. But, I'm motivated. I received my high school reunion invitation after I posted this...Now it's serious..*game on*
  2. @@Freeb Six years! you're my hero.
  3. @Babbs@gustavio Uggg. I miss the days when it came off easier. Seems like its harder to loose your final 15 pounds and now that I'm further out from surgery......slower the weight loss.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Cpap machine nightmare

    Yep. CPAP machines suck. They can get it adjusted. It takes time to get used to things. They will do another sleep study after you lose weight. At that time they will determine if you still need the machine. I'm thankfully off mine. Hang in there. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  5. Healthy_life2

    The need to eat until stuffed

    @@nnagle323 Understand there is no way I could have known your recipe for low carb meat loaf and enter every detail correctly. It was a guestimate. My intention was not to upset you. It was to get you instructions that you did not receive. I call that support. Take what you want from the site that is helpful...Wish you the best. moving on.
  6. Healthy_life2

    The need to eat until stuffed

    @@nnagle323 Wow! Relax and take it down a notch. I get it..You are new and this is your 3rd post on this site. I'm not calling you out or personally attacking you. I am coming from a place of concern...You did not list your meal accurately in your original post....All I did was enter what you listed you ate for the day, It was a guestimate at best. Bottom line, you did not get what you needed from your dietician right? You are winging it...trying to do this on your own. Negligence on their part.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Endurance sports post-op

    @@ryan_86 Can you look up the cafe menus online? It will help you to pre-plan meals. Most restaurants slap the carbs on with your meal. I just eat the Protein and veggies. I was inspired by bariatric patients that got into different sports. My first local bariatric meeting I met a woman that rode her mountain bike across the state of Iowa....Who does that? lol She's in her 60's she's amazing~! I'm a stress eater...I changed that bad behavior into taking my stress to the gym. I started jog-walking. My goal was 5K in memory of my mom...I haven't stopped since. It's my best stress relief and I get runners high. I'm older. It takes more time to bounce back from injuries. My goal is to continue this into my 60's and beyond if possible.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Color analysis input (aka failing at girl-fu)

    @@theantichick My step-daughter sent me some of the tutorial videos after I hit goal. I was surprised myself. Who knew how much makeup had changed since I was in my 20's. I keep mine simple. Lotion, foundation...Nude eyes shadow.( I like urban decay) Mascara. brow gel. Bit of blush I'm out the door.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Endurance sports post-op

    @@ryan_86 You did this hike before surgery. Out of curiosity...What did you take/carry for food on your last hike? What do you do for Water?
  10. Healthy_life2

    Losing fast after surgery

    @@Babbs It's not how fast you drop weight. It's the fact you are losing weight! ( oh my corny statements over and over *wink*)
  11. Healthy_life2

    The need to eat until stuffed

    @@nnagle323 Surgery and following our plan is not easy for any of us. "everything I try to eat is low in carbs and high in Protein or sugar-free" Not according to the day you listed above. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings...I'm saying this out of concern. If your surgical team/dietician didn't give you instructions. Call them. It's negligent to perform surgery and not give you nutritional information/instructions you need.The goal is healthy, not malnourished. If your surgeon's office/dieticians office do not have instructions for you...Any of us here can give you our surgeons office number to get what you need to be successful and healthy.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Losing fast after surgery

    @@hannah0101 doing great! No such thing as a normal amount of weight loss. some lose slower than others. Feel fortunate that you are a quick looser! Trust me, It will slow down as your progress further out from surgery. Enjoy the first few months of restriction and quicker weight loss. Get your nutrition and Vitamins in. See your Dr for your follow up appointments. This is not a race...It's not how fast you drop weight. It's the fact you are losing weight!
  13. Healthy_life2

    Endurance sports post-op

    @@ryan_86 Congrats! how long is your hike? My disclaimer* I'm not a medical professional. I am into distance running. Always check with your dietician. Increasing your calorie intake is an all day project with a tiny stomach. You also have to consider waiting a half hour to drink after you eat.(you don't want to get dehydrated) Bariatric dietician suggested low carbs while in weight loss mode while competing up to a 10K race. Sports medicine dietician suggested low glycemic carbohydrates with extended distance runs. I eat more carbs three days before a race. then back to my normal diet after training. Half marathon last year. Full marathon this year. Honestly, it's hard for me to get 2100 calories in. I eat from 7:00am until midnight. I keep a small cooler with me. I eat in my car, at work, at home..at the gym. Never thought eating would be a chore.
  14. Healthy_life2

    The need to eat until stuffed

    @@nnagle323 you haven't lost more than 2lbs in 3 months. You might want to call your dietician's office to reevaluate your diet and exercise. Check your dietician's instructions that you were sent home with. Make sure you are eating and getting the correct nutrition in. Check your protein goals 60 to 100grams. check how many carbohydrates you are allowed on your plan. Carbs can trigger hunger and cravings. Carbohydrates will slow and can stop your weight loss. Extra carbohydrates will cause weight gain. In food stage, there is no need to get Protein by drinking shakes. Fish, chicken, turkey cheese yogurt eggs..etc...Only supplement with a shake if you're not hitting your protein goal for the day. Are you tracking your food and hitting your protein goals? Here is a link to my fitness pal to help you track. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android 4 oz Ruftys low car meat loaf = 243 calories string cheese = 80 calories Steal cut oatmeal = 152 calories 1/2 subway multigrain flat bread = 110 calories Fruit roll up = 80 calories PROTEIN = 36G (you didn't hit your protein goal of 60g to 100g) Protein will help you to feel full. CARBOHYDRATES = 73Grams. (Your getting more carbs than protein.) Calories = 665. hitting 800 calories is pretty normal in the first few months.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Color analysis input (aka failing at girl-fu)

    @@theantichick Wow hun. Take a deep breath *smile* Be your own awesome. Some suggestions to bring out your inner girly girl. find what works for you. Keep it simple. Clothing: The professional work clothing section. Try things on. It's about the fit, comfort and how it flatters your body. You can keep it classic don't buy too many trendy pieces. Trends fade. Make up: Before you go to your consult with Sephora - Here are a few makeup tutorials to watch. It may help you get familiar with products and terms--Makeup has changed a lot since I was younger. These just give you Ideas for women in their 40's (lol no false eyelashes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fYNhngeAhY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL6JOFUVcOI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X1MgFTNaws I have invested in a few expensive products (gifts to myself) But the majority drug store I use loreal true match Lumi foundation. Great for moisture on mature skin. It lights up you face. Does not cake. I use a sponge beauty blender and elf brushes- (purchased at Walmart cheap) When they talk about primers.You can just use a good moisturizer. The high-end cosmetics have better pigments wich will last all day. Find what you want to invest in. Best of luck. Try to have fun with this stuff.
  16. @@gustavio Your dietician will give you your instructions for maintenance. You will be instructed to add healthy carbohydrates back into your diet in a limited amount. It will slow or stop your weight loss. Once you add them back you crave them. Healthy carbs are plant based, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa and whole wheat. . Carbs are a slippery slope. Evaluate how much time you invest in your workouts. If you are on the low end of the spectrum you will need to keep a basic bariatric maintenance diet plan. If you are in the moderate category you may need to increase calories and protein goals. The high fitness level ( Bariathletes) Calories, Protein, and carbs are increased while training. Imagine getting in 2000+ calories with a tiny stomach. It's an all day project. If/when you gain weight, you go back to your weight loss bariatric diet (little to no carbohydrates) Increase your workouts. The work never ends after goal.
  17. Healthy_life2

    I Think I'm Having a Cracker Problem

    Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  18. Healthy_life2

    I Think I'm Having a Cracker Problem

    I also have to keep crackers out of my house. Nuts are a problem for me. The calories add up quickly. Not everyone's taste. I love Quest bbq Protein chips. I melt a bit of mozzerella cheese on them in the microwave. Dip them in salsa. 22g protein 4g carbohydrates . 130 calories. Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  19. Healthy_life2

    This little thang..

    Time to get a nice delicate chain necklace to show off your collar bones nice NSV reward Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  20. Healthy_life2

    Which part of your journey was the hardest?

    Changing behaviors the mental side of weight loss. That was the rough part for me. But the best thing out of my surgery Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App
  21. Healthy_life2

    Question for the 100+lb losers

    @@KaylaWls1216 http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/?hl=embrace%20the%20stall
  22. Healthy_life2


    @@goldenbarbie No need to ask anyone one permission for what you choose to eat. Your an adult. You have the information from your surgeon's office to work your plan. You are the only one that has to be happy with your weight loss outcome. Yes I'm cleared for all foods! ........all foods or solid foods? Called my surgeon he said it's fine, but to still focus on the Protein shakes as well. So I'll be having my pb&j shortly You have asked: Has anyone had banana pudding about 2 1/2 weeks post opp? My mom made some and I was wondering if a spoonful or two would hurt my sleeve Hi I'm about 4 weeks out and my stomach is slowly accepting different foods. Is it ok if I have a pb&j sandwich? Will it effect my sleeve? I'm a bit confuse on why you are asking if its ok -----?? Several times. You seem to already have the answers you're looking for. . No need to ask any of us permission on what you should eat. This is between you and your surgeon.
  23. Healthy_life2


    @goldenbarbie. Take this as you wish. Negative or positive Is it ok if I eat ______? You should abe asking yourself is this something I SHOULD eat? Is it on your diet progression of your plan? Is the bread carbohydrates sugar macros worth the exchange for hitting your Protein goals?
  24. Healthy_life2

    Does anyone regret surgery

    @@queenbee88 Just a point: I absolutely looked and was unhealthy before surgery. Again, it's about healthy whatever that looks like for each of us. No regrets if you choose surgery or on your own. This is not an easy decision.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Does anyone regret surgery

    Surgery is not for everyone. If you feel you would be successful doing a life change. That's great. I have dieted on my own for years. My weight yo yoed. Surgery is a long term weight loss outcome for me. I'm two and a half years out. I'm still maintaining. I'm now another person you have met that has had surgery. Let me know if you think I look sick and unhealthy. I agree with the other people that have posted about nutrition and vitaimins. working out will help build muscle instead of burning it. The goal is healthy whatever that looks like for you...

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