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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    A Strange Change

    Kept asking my husband " Give me your hand... feel this". "what the hell is this" It was my new exposed bones that I had not seen or felt in quite some time. The weight that I held in my face no longer smoothed out the wrinkles and age lines. I thought all women were an hourglass shape. I found that my bone structure is an inverted triangle. Wide shoulders and narrow hips. I had made a mattress impression from my high weight. As I shrunk I could no longer sleep comfortable. Bought a new mattress. I was still having back pain...My husband suggested a chiropractor (never been to one) He took X rays. I had to laugh, I had scoliosis and never realized it until I lost weight...
  2. Healthy_life2

    Almost at one year anniversary

    Beautiful on the inside and out. Celebrate all your hard work! ....you earned this.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Writing this one down lol

    Actually this is fantastic. It's great that You feel the difference when you fuel your body with nutritional food. You are on the right track to being healthy.
  4. Healthy_life2

    1 year surgiversary

    Amazing work girl! How do you plan to celebrate your one year anniversary?
  5. Healthy_life2

    Gastric sleeve.

    Sorry to hear you had complications. I would suggest calling your office for any medical concerns.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Question about Post-Op Pain

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I think it's who you talk to online. Many of us have had positive experiences. An individual's pain tolerance is going to be different for any surgery procedure. You have experience with prior surgery. I believe you have the right head space with what your pain level will be. My perspective is the pain was minimal. The surgery was nothing compared to giving birth to a child..lol I was up and walking the day after surgery (helps the healing process) I bounced back quickly. No nausea. I had no appetite. When you are online at any forum, take what is useful to you.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Hello Again

    Just to get back where I'm comfortable.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    still going to the gym! You're a bad a$$ I'm so jealous you had plastics. I can relate. I did great maintaining at 130 in my first two years. Third year has been a struggle. I'm up to 147 today. I'm working hard to get back to where I'm comfortable. I seriously miss the days of fast weight loss. It takes one weekend of bad choices for me to gain. Snails pace to get it back off. Temptations - oh yeah! I had an incident where I had pie and icecream on a weekend. (I felt like crap afterward) I told my husband I'm getting rid of temptations in the house. If he wants his treats he better hide them well. If I find them they go in the trash. Harsh but I can't trust myself right now. I'm working on night snacking right now. I allow myself raw veggies or a small amount of fruit when I feel like I need to snack. When I try to tell myself I want something other than the veggies or fruit....I know it's only head hunger. I bought a large veggie tray at walmart. I use my own lite dressing or a bit of PB2 with my celery. It gives me a way to satisfy salty or sweet cravings. The bulk of the veggies satisfy the hunger. I bought a tray of pre sliced red and green apples. I have about 1.5 to 2 oz of sliced apple with a drizzle of smucker's sugar free caramel. 3 to 6 Strawberries dipped in sugar free chocolate syrup. SIDE NOTE - I'm also a cardio and lifting girl~ The weight lifting is a game changer right? BEAST MODE! lol
  9. Healthy_life2


    Happy anniversary! Look at all the work you put into this. Be proud! you earned it.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Petrified and indecisive

    No apology needed, I'm sitting here giggling to myself because your posts sound like me. I was so much the same at the beginning of this. (I'm three years out) Normal sized food? Humm you will be amazed that food does not control you. You are full and satisfied on a salad plate sized meal. food is still a joy. You don't feel deprived. I think I eat normal after surgery. I didn't eat normal before surgery. That is how I got to 254 pounds. I'm now 140. I still feel hunger at times. I can satisfy it with healthy alternatives. I also have to decide if its head hunger, eating out of boredom or emotional/stress eating. Maintaining your weight after goal will be a balance...You can indulge but get things back on track when you have a gain. If I chose to have pie. I workout extra at the gym. Big debates on stomach stretching. I'm not going to touch on that. Reality is you can "eat around" any surgery and fail. If you graze - (Eats small meals all day) It's the same as not having surgery. You can get in many calories and make bad food choices. Know that you will only get out of surgery what you are willing to put into it. None of us want to have regain. If you work your program you will be successful.
  11. Healthy_life2

    Petrified and indecisive

    Congratulations on getting a surgery date! What you are feeling sounds pretty normal. The mental part of of weight loss is a big part of bariatric surgery. Mixed emotions will surface as you go through stages of this process. Pre surgery: Is the unknown outcome of how surgery day will be. Some experience excitement, self doubt, buyer's remorse, fear, questioning your decision. It's ok to be nervous. Know that you will have plenty of pain medication. The staff will take great care of you before, during and after your surgery. First stages : The reality will hit after you wake up in the hospital. Concentrate on how much you deserve to get your health back. Know that you will be successful. Let yourself be excited about things to come. Getting sick You will get a new sensation of what full is. Follow your instructions from your surgeon's office. Chew slow, take your time eating, Wait 30 mins before you drink fluids. I have never vomited from overeating. Even though my stomach can tolerate any type of food. I still have to make the correct food choices. Going out for drinks and meals. Drinks..Once in awhile. Sometimes I'm just as happy ordering an iced tea. ( my friends love having a designated driver) Alcohol has high empty calories. I can get tipsy after one glass of wine. (I'm a cheap date) I really feel better without a drink. To each their own... Once you get to real food stage eating in restaurants is still enjoyable. I look up the restaurant menu online. I want to be sure they have Items that fit my program. (Protein and vegetables and I'm good.) You will be amazed that small meals are satisfying. You will need a takeout box for the rest of the meal..lol When wait staff look at you perplexed because you are not diving in and finishing your plate. When They feel the need to refill your glass when you are not drinking with your meal. When they continually ask if the food is ok. Just smile and say everything is great.....Enjoy the fact you feel full. This is how eating at restaurants is going to be. you get used to it.. Side note: It's strange to Look around at restaurants and reflect back at how much I used to eat. You are right, Surgery is only a tool for weight loss. You have to really want this. You have to be willing to fight for this. Without the struggle there is no change or progress in life. Whatever your decision is, I wish you the best. Jenn
  12. If you are concerned about your energy level call your surgeon's office. Your body is still adjusting two months out. Give yourself time. Don't worry too much about your sex drive...It comes back for most of us as you get further out from surgery. Some questions for you... Are you logging your food to know if you are hitting your calorie and protein goals? If you are instructed to take bariatric vitamins are you taking the correct amount? How much are you exercising?
  13. Healthy_life2

    Favorite Post-Op Recipes

    Congratulations on getting to soft foods. Once you get into food stage you will learn how to eat differently. The only way I know if I hitting my calorie and protein goal is logging my daily food into myfitnesspal. It will calculate recipes as well myfitnesspal computer https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/logout myfitnesspal cell phone app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en how to use myfitnesspal https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorial
  14. Healthy_life2

    Favorite Post-Op Recipes

    Many favorites..lol White chicken chili 1 Tbsp olive oil 1/2 pound Italian seasoned turkey sausage (casings removed) Alfresco brand 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped yellow bell pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 3 cups chicken broth (I use Better Than Bouillon chicken base) 1 cup green taco sauce ( I used La Victoria) 1 pound diced or shredded deli rotisserie chicken from the grocery store omit skin 2 (14-ounce) cans reduced-sodium white beans, drained and rinsed 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp dried oregano leaves 1 cup reduced-fat cream cheese or light sour cream 1/2 cup fresh chopped cilantro Diced avocado for topping Heat olive oil in a large pot placed over medium heat. Add sausage and brown, stirring occasionally to break into smaller pieces, about 5-7 minutes. Add onion and bell pepper and cook until vegetables are soft and translucent, about 2-3 minutes. Add garlic and cook for another minute or two. Add broth, taco sauce, chicken, beans, cumin, chili powder and oregano. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes until heated through and to allow flavors to blend. Remove from heat and add cream cheese or sour cream and cilantro; stir to blend. Top with diced avocado and sprigs of fresh cilantro. This is my dieticians website: Note when she has omit rice/pasta http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  15. Healthy_life2

    Almost 1 year out?!

    Absolutely amazing work! What do you plan to do to celebrate one year? Any plans to try new things after goal? (fitness or bucket list)
  16. Healthy_life2

    Help needed

    Just a suggestion Cell phone food log http://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android computer food log https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/logout how to use myfitnesspal https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorial
  17. If it's' a requirement form insurance company, there is no way to make it shorter. Know this is to prove to your insurance company you can change and do this. Some suggestions: (1) Ask your surgeon's office if the dietician can give you a pre op diet consult. Ask if they have a local bariatric support group. (2) Download myfitnesspal to learn how to log your food now. You will be logging your food after surgery this makes it so much easier than writing it down. You can access it from your computer https://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/logout or cell phone http://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android tutorial videos on how to use the app https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorial (3) Be open to try new things to be active Like said above it's about moving more. If you have been sedentary, it will take time to get stronger. Start slow. Walk for 15 mins and build up to a longer period of time. Upper body work - Resistance bands, Small weights increase tham as you go. Small weight can be two water bottles. Chair HIIT cardio. Seated weight training (try it) (google more)
  18. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    Sorry for the length My weight was 254 I got down to 140 in six months. Never compare the speed of your weight loss with anyones. body physiology is unique to each of us. It will mess with your head comparing. It's not how fast. It's the fact you are losing. My lowest weight after my first year was 125. I maintained in the 130s for two years. My third year I'm 140's and I'm back in weightloss mode to get it down to where I'm comfortable. I believe a few things that made my weightloss fast: (my disclaimer - I'm not saying do as I do. We all have our own goals) Motivation: My heart had stopped in the emergency room. The doctors brought me back. Nothing like a health crisis to make you change. Perspective: Before surgery my mother and father in law passed away from cancer. Anyone in hospice care with months to live would give anything to trade us with our weight loss struggles. Third month I stalled. I had to be honest with myself and reevaluate what I was doing. I had slacked off on my activity. I sold my treadmill that I had at home (it had become a place that I hung my clothing) I bought a gym membership with that money. Exercise:My couch potato ways got me to be morbidly obese. My surgeons office contract that I signed said I will commit to exercise. He wanted an hour a day. I could only walk a half hour. At the start of WLS I wanted to run the race for the cure 5K in memory of my mother. Third month stall sold my treadmill and went to the gym. I stopped wallowing in my pity party and got to work. (my struggle with exercise was nothing compared to her battle with cancer) The gym replaced my stress and emotional eating. It's where I go to process my mental stuff. It's where I learned to forgive myself for many things. It helped me deal with the grief of losing my mother. My gym became my new addiction. I worked out 5 to 7 days a week. First hour cardio..Mostly elliptical machine ( easier on my knees) Second hour weight lifting. I completed that 5K for my mother...I'm in my third year and completed my first marathon. Don't take anything for granted! Make no apology for living an amazing life!
  19. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    I think many of us felt the same way. After your first year you will look back at this post and realize how fast the weight has come off. Be gentle with yourself and trust the process. PLEASE take advantage of your first golden year. It's your best restriction after surgery and the fastest part of your weight loss. You can lose weight after that year but it slows down for many of us. You are going to get to your other stages with food. Let your tummy heal. You are going to feel much better when you are eating real food again. So much more coming your way with this process. You will lose weight. You will be successful. Here is a bit of motivation for you: Try this website to visualize what your weight loss can look like. https://modelmydiet.com/ Wishing you the best, Jenn
  20. Frustrating when you have a gain. I'm 3 years and I'm also here getting back on track. Not saying do as I do..This is what I've had to do to get the scale to move in my favor.... I had to detox off carbs..Once I have them I crave them. I cleared out the house. Told my husband he needs to hid his own goodies. If I find them they go in the trash. (harsh but,I too tempted right now...) I trying to be more mindful of my choices : I'm recognizing head hunger, stress/ emotional eating, boredom eating and satisfying cravings. Grazing . I bought a vegetable tray pack. If I feel like grazing I allow myself raw veggies. (when my head say no, I want something else..then I know it's not real hunger) I started meal prepping on sundays. My meals are ready for the week. I broke down and bought a food scale for more accuracy with my food app log. ( I still use myfittnesspal) Working out is my therapy. I'm good in that area for now. You have lost weight before you can do this again. You still have your surgery as a tool.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Help needed

    You have worked hard to get your results. Congratulations on your weight loss. The further out from surgery the slower the weight loss. Look at all you have done already. You can do this~!!! I'm three years out getting back on track (I had a gain) Go back to bariatric basics hit your protein goals. low carb, Get vegetables in to feel full. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! log meals in myfitnesspal. (or any food log app) Evaluate your workout. Change it up. Never do the same workout over and over. Increase resistance as you go.
  22. Healthy_life2

    Progress 1 year post opt

    Congratulations on your first year out! Any reward plans for all your hard work?
  23. Healthy_life2

    Not getting full

    Here are a few resources App to log your food. (many out there just google them) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android Bariatric friendly recipes - (note omit rice etc) http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  24. Healthy_life2

    Not getting full

    Can you clarify what a day of eating looks like for you?
  25. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    Thanks, Do you have a surgery date yet? Best of luck to you.

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