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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    10 days post op no loss?

    Try not be discouraged, Know that you are healing and this can be water weight. Who gains fat on liquids? no one. Your body is healing and adjusting. You are going to see the weight loss soon. You have months ahead of you. Let the weight loss begin! Congrats on your surgery
  2. You are only a little over three weeks out. Try to be gentle on yourself. Only look at what you are doing for yourself in each 24 hour period. It is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out that will make you successful in this. The day after surgery I was told to walk. It will help the healing process. No aerobics! lol ... When you are released to exercise, Start slow and build up. Congrats on your weight loss.
  3. Energy levels can be low during this process. You will feel better as you progress. First stages 500-600 is normal. Once you're totally healed from surgery, you will continue in weight loss mode 900-to 1200 . Weight loss mode is not forever. Call it starvation or call it the reality of bariatric surgery. Calorie restriction is a normal part of this process. Hitting your protein goal, taking your vitamins, and hydration will keep you nourished correctly. Your surgeon's office or family Dr. Will do lab work to make sure you are not malnourished or vitamin deficient. My personal experience: I became a I'm a distance runner. I can not eat like a bariatric patient during running season. I eat like an athlete. Easy for me to get in 2200 calories to keep me healthy. I lower my calories back down to maintain my weight during off season. I also go back into weight loss bariatric basics to lose when I have a gain. Reality is anyone can "eat around" bariatric surgery. If you eat small meals all day long or eat bad food choices, You can seriously increase your calorie. You will gain weight. Hope you feel better soon, Jenn
  4. Healthy_life2

    Am I wasting my time

    Check with your government insurance and your surgeon's office.
  5. Healthy_life2

    6 months 101 lbs down w/pics

    Give yourself credit for all you have done.. WooHoo! Gain that muscle girl! You are on track, you got this! Strong inside and out.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Scared this won't work

    The "what if " scenario can preoccupy your mind a bit. I also had the fear of the unknown outcome of surgery. It's normal to have some anxiety of any surgery procedure. It can get you second guessing your decision. Know that your surgery team is going to take great care of you before, during and after your surgery. The reason I had surgery is that I failed on my own so many times. This has been a long term solution to lose and maintain my weight. Three years out I still don't regret my decision. I hope you will let yourself have some excitement about Getting your health back, Being able to do things that people take for granted and living an amazing life. You deserve this opportunity!
  7. The cookies...Warm in the center and golden brown crispy on the bottom. Love them fresh out of the oven. Meal bars are great on the run and emergency food . They also help if you are struggling with a sweet craving. They have some great flavors.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Denied Life Insurance due to VSG?

    I have been approved for life insurance. I was honest about my surgery. If you get denied. You might try researching other insurance providers to see if you would be excluded or approved due to VSG. Don't worry about a "what if situation" press on with the application. More providers out there that will approve.
  9. Healthy_life2

    6 months 101 lbs down w/pics

    six months out 101 pound loss. You are an amazing bariatric rock star!
  10. It will get easier to hit your goal as you get further out from surgery. It's a learning process to find what works for you. If you hate shakes, find high protein "real" food to hit your goal. The leaner the meat the higher the protein. Not plugging a product: Quest bars are high protein low sugar but 21g carb. Honestly, Meal bars are just as dense as eating real food. This is just an option take it or leave it -- The goal is healthy so, If you have to choke down a shake in order to hit your goal. here are a few recipes to try. coffee mocha shake: Vanilla protein powder. Instant coffee and sugar free chocolate syrup Ice Pumpkin pie: Vanilla protein powder, pureed pumpkin and cinnamon ice Strawberry-Banana Smoothie: Vanilla protein powder, Greek yogurt frozen strawberries frozen banana ice Reese's peanut butter cup shake: Vanilla protein powder, PB2, sugar free chocolate syrup ice Be creative and keep an open mind to try new things. You will find what works for you.
  11. I've had the surgery..No dark or dire warnings from me. Out of curiosity, What were their concerns? Liquid pre op diet is to shrink the liver. Dr's have different requirements. I would always go with professional medical advice over a forum and a co worker of your husband. I never had a liquid pre op diet but my liver looked fine pre op. Each of us have different medical needs that go with this process.
  12. Gas X chewables (check with your Dr) Chewables might not be good right after surgery...or gas X Thin strips on amazon
  13. Healthy_life2

    Weight Loss Stall, Frustrated

    You are doing great with your weight loss. over 100 down is fantastic. It's normal for weight loss to slow down as you get further out from surgery. A few things to try to break the stall. Are you logging your food? It's better than guessing your calories and carbs. (myfitnesspal food log app makes it easy) The amount of food you are able to take in will increase. Try eating protein with as much veggies as you want. The bulk and fiber will make you feel full. I can eat 4 to 5 oz protein with 8 oz of salad. Your weight can slow if you are doing the same exercise or same intensity level over and over. HIIT / High intensity interval training works well. Start a pace that you are comfortable for 5 mins. Increase the speed several numbers for 5 mins. Repeat this process for as long as you are on the treadmill. (hope that made sense) You already know carbs can mess with your weight loss. My dieticians instructions were to add healthy carbs when I lost 75% of my weight to slow or stop my weight loss for maintaining. Your instructions may be different than mine. Follow your dieticians plan. Salty and sweet cravings happen. Be sure to have healthy options on hand to satisfy cravings. Example: Salty Jerky or quest protein chips Sweet yogurt or sugar free pudding with protein powder.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Progress Pic from Halloween Share yours?

    Wear whatever makes you feel good even after Halloween. You look great. Thank goodness we don't wear burkas. Still cracks me up that the professional female golfers are told to cover up. I think we better start complaining about all the men wearing tight pants playing football. On second thought, I would never complain about men in tight clothing...I like the eye candy.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Down 165 lbs since March 28, 2017

    165 pound gone forever! reward yourself for your hard work.
  16. The attention is a bit unnerving. Comments can be complementary, insulting, creepy or flat out hilarious. An example that still sticks in my head after three years...(I wish I could poke it out of my minds eye.) Dinner party with my husband. Guy across the table looks at my husband and say's " you must be having sex all the time now" Holy hell awkward moment. The table went silent. After your body settles, and the shock and awe goes away. Life will be normal again.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Cheating on liquid diet

    My two cents/though for whatever it's worth.... You are doing this for your health. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I was told the pre op liquid diet is to shrink the liver for the surgeon to have better access and view to the stomach for surgery. We are all adults. It's your decision to give in or push through the temptation. Best of luck to you, Jenn
  18. Healthy_life2

    Last 7 pounds is the roughest

    Congrats on only having 7lbs to goal. Frustrating ..Right? Weight loss seems to slow down as you have less body fat to burn. You got this. Just stay consistent. You will hit goal!
  19. Healthy_life2

    How to tell family I want to get a sleeve

    First do your research on bariatrics. I went to an educational seminar put on by my local hospital. It's hard to explain to your family if you don't understand the medical procedures and process. You also need to know If you are a good candidate and if your insurance will cover surgery. You don't need other people to validate your decision. Keep the supportive people around you. Don't bang your head against the wall trying to convince negative people of your choices in life. Best of luck to you, Jenn
  20. Healthy_life2

    No hunger - 5.5yrs

    Congrats on 5.5 years out~! It's funny how each of us experience surgery and hunger differently. Good that you remember to get your meals in. The goal is healthy not malnourished. Glad to hear you are maintaining.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Getting back on track

    You still have your surgery as a tool. You lost the weight before you can do this again. There are many of us here that have had a gain and working on getting the weight back off. . My weight loss is slower at three years out. The scale is moving in my favor again. I am back to basics. logging my food in myfitnespal, I concentrate on my protein goal of 60- to 100g. Drinking lots of water and exercise. Welcome to the getting back on track club
  22. Healthy_life2

    2 months out

    Nummm that looks great!
  23. Healthy_life2

    How do you calculate ideal weight?

    What is a healthy weight to you? Will it be a number? Could it be how your lab work and health looks? You can get out of this whatever you want to put into this. Goals change and evolve with time. I wanted to just have my life back. Now I want to be athletic. Pick a weight in the beginning that you feel comfortable with. When you get close to that weight you can reset your goal higher or lower. Male your height 165 to 190 is the healthy range of the BMI Chart. Body Fat percentage: Lean 7.7 to 14.8 - Ideal is 16.9 to 22.4 - Average is 23.9 to 27.7
  24. Healthy_life2

    Obesity and malnutrition

    I was clueless before surgery. That's why my weight and health were crappy.It's eye opening to go through this process and learn how to fuel your body correctly. Nutrition is key to health. If people ask I will discuss weight loss. Many people don't want weight loss advice from a bariatric patient. The main reason is they don't think anything we say applies to them. Their mind is set that our weight loss is only successful due to surgery. Most want a quick fix. They don't want to know it takes work.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Started Exercising..now exhausted

    Fantastic you are working out! If you are just starting your workout routine, give it some time. Start out slow and build up your endurance and strength. Nothing happens overnight. Muscle is torn in the gym, fed in the kitchen and built in bed. (Nothing wrong with rest days)

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