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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Feeling full?

    You will have a new sensations of full after surgery. First stages will be a small amount of food. (Progression liquid, puree, soft then real food stages) As you get further out from surgery, you will be able to eat more food volume. Up to 1200 to 1500 depending on your plan. I still have times I feel hunger but it's manageable. Not the same type of hunger as pre surgery. You will still have restriction, but it's not like the first months out. Take advantage of your first months of tight restriction. It's your best weight loss period. Follow your meal plan/instructions from your dietician. It will keep you on track.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Surgery is TOMORROW

    Hope you sleep well tonight. Update us when you feel up to it.
  3. Meal prepping ahead of time helps. ......Just some options Cook larger amounts of food. Example-Bake or grill a full package of marinated chicken breasts, White bean chili (on the website above), Porkloin. Place food in freezer bags or freezer microwave safe sealed containers. Easy heat up quick meals. Portion some for family meals. Others for you to grab and take to work etc. For some people meal prepping sunday is a religion lol It takes work. One meal sized container for each meal for a week. Each meal box is measured and portioned to hit your calorie and protein macros for the day.
  4. Healthy_life2

    Hunger at 1 Year Post Surgery

    Goal is almost there. Hope you have celebration plans or a goal reward.
  5. Portion suggestions: 3 to 4 oz lean protein 3 meals (goal 60-100 grams) Vegetables until you reach the point of full then stop. two small snacks throughout the day. My instructions were add carbs after I lost 75% of my weight to slow or stop weight loss for maintaining. I still ate plant based carbs. If you are instructed healthy carbs (whole wheat, brown rice sweet potato...Nothing white or proceed) two table spoons. Recipe and menu ideas below http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/
  6. Healthy_life2

    Hunger at 1 Year Post Surgery

    85 pounds gone forever Great advice from@Berry78. Hunger changes and weight loss slows down as you get further out from surgery. Seems to be a normal experience. You still have restriction, but, you can also take in more volume. It will take a bit of trial and error to find what fills you up and what macronutrient ratios (protein, fats , carbs) keep you in weight loss mode. Volume for me at three years is a bit over 8oz of food. I just had a salad 4.2 oz peppered turkey, half a piece of bacon, 4oz dole salad and lite dressing. I ate half of it..took a break..then finished the rest. I agree, The fiber and bulk of your vegetables will help you feel more satisfied. Changing foods to have more variety may help quite hunger. Keep healthy salty sweet snack options on hand. Something to try for exercise, rotate what you do. Don't do the same workout over and over. You are right. increase the intensity. Try intervals. Walk a song five mins. push the intensity five mins repeat the process for the whole workout. You will get stronger and your pace will increase over time. Hope you find what works for you.
  7. Healthy_life2

    1 Year Ago Today

    80 pounds on your own is amazing! four pounds left. You got this. Congratulations on all the hard work of hitting your goals.
  8. Healthy_life2

    I really need some support and help

    We have the same surgery time period! June 2nd 2014 for me. I have gained and working my weight back down. Guilt and shame over weight gain are unproductive and useless emotions. Don't let yourself wallow in the negative head space. Get up and fight for this! Make this the year you will be healthier, stronger, brave and fierce! Some things to try: Once you eat carbs and sugar you will crave them more. Time to detox off carbs. (get them out of the house) Acknowledge your triggers that take you back to bad habits : Could be depression, emotional/stress eating or boredom. Get back to basics. 80-100 grams protein. Drink plenty water hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! (if you're not doing this already) Be sure to log your food. (food logging apps makes it easy) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/mobile/android Yes, even if you have to force yourself. Get out and walk or find some activity for exercise. It's winter. Treadmill in your home, workout videos, walk a mall or gym. Keep busy and find things to distract yourself from food. Bariatric pal has a great holiday weight loss challenge. Join us to keep motivated. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/405183-holiday-challenge-time-lets-do-this/
  9. Healthy_life2

    Stress eating

    Even though we are not walking in your shoes right now, Know we care and wish you and your family the best. I'm also a stress/emotional eater. Like @Sosewsue61 suggested keep healthy snacks on hand. Counseling is a great thing to help with life's stresses. We can't avoid stresses in life. Find new coping skills to replace comfort eating. Some thing to try: Keep your home clear of unhealthy comfort foods. Ask family to hide the things that are tempting you until this passes. Try activities for distraction from the temptation to eat., Leave the house take time for yourself. Being alone also may give you time to process thing in life. Walking a mall or public place, or a gym (since it's winter). Exercise is going to help with weight loss and emotions. Anger can be a great motivator. Get aggressive and break a sweat in your workout. I use my music playlist for therapy. I find music that is positive. speaks to what you're dealing with, or aggressive to get your anger out. You can also download self help books and listen to them as you walk. I used this song to process my mother's death. May not be your taste in music. But be open to give it a try. Go to the library to read. It's a quiet non food environment. Self help or something you enjoy for distraction- A book that can give you a laugh. Book title to look up: The Emotional First + Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery, Second Edition A coffee shop by yourself. (choose healthy item to drin). Sit with your phone. Read and post on Bariatric pal. We are here for you. Google ted talks -titles that speak to what you are going through .Catch up on emails. Notice and enjoy your surroundings. Winter is coming, hopefully you can watch the snowfall and smile. I hope this might help.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    You are not lazy. You're not alone with your struggle with weight loss attempts of the past.. This is about getting your health and life back. I don't bang my head against the wall trying to change the minds of negative people. You have no control of his attitude or behavior. Doing all this, shows you are strong enough to do this on your own. you deserve to enjoy this process. Surround yourself with positive people. The only validation you need in life comes from within. Make no apology for taking care of yourself. Does your office have a local support group?
  11. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    Awesome that you are doing well. Glad you enjoyed your soup. Your food choices will get better.lol Fell in love? Feel free to explain more if want..lol
  12. Healthy_life2

    Why am I hungry?!

    What food stage are you in? Still liquids?
  13. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    October 28th. How are you doing so far? Diet:i stuck with the diet instructions from my surgeon's office. Liquids, soft and real food stage. Protein 60-100 grams per day.The goal is not to be dependant on shakes for nutrition. Learning to eat healthy real food was eye opening. I found I love to cook again. Exercise:Check with your Dr. Google exercise and activities to try out. You never know what you will find enjoyable. You may have to push yourself to workout. But, you will never regret day's that you pushed through and did this for yourself. It gets easier as you make exercise a habit. I was up walking the day after surgery. It helps with the healing process. Took it slow and built up as I healed from surgery. My surgeons office had patients sign an agreement before surgery. It was a commitment to a half hour to an hour of exercise. Starting out some patients workedout two 15 min sessions a day. then built up to a full hour Exercise replaced my stress/emotional eating. I was a couch potato before surgery. I would have never guessed I liked working out or how far I could take this as an old fart...lol
  14. Healthy_life2

    Open to be a mentor

    Congratulations on your surgery date. Relationships are a tricky thing. You don't need anyone's negativity. Know that you will get positive support from us here. I hope his attitude will change in time as you get healthy.
  15. I get many things can be misunderstood in a chat forum. You are confusing my opinion as a personal attack. It's only a debate on this subject. I have no anger or ill feelings here. I'm simply questioning why people would be getting medical advice from a celebrity or a complete stranger? Why aren't they researching and getting straight medical advice?
  16. Label this an overreaction or a response to your and other posted opinions. This is a forum right??? Absolutely, Celebrities have less privacy, You wrote: leaving out that surgery part makes you hiding a very essential part of the truth. leaving out that little detail makes you quite a bit of an impostor who's hiding a very powerful tool that helped her achieve her goals. There is no reason that celebrities should be held to a different standard. Why would it be wrong for them not to disclose any medical conditions or surgery?
  17. Healthy_life2

    Skin ... what to do

    The fear of the unknown outcome Loose skin is a normal topic in here. Pre op I googled what weight loss loose skin looked like. I looked at best case and worst case scenarios to prepare myself of what my results might be. The only thing that will remove loose skin is plastics. If you have documented rashes, infections or mobility issues some insurance companies will help pay for plastics. Self pay is expensive. Research your options. Lotions are the same as all the weight loss pills promised quick weight loss...Lotions my soften but if the damage is done they will not make your skin snap back or prevent loose skin. I never thought I'd be a bikini model after surgery. Lost over 100 pounds. I have lose skin. Honestly it's not as bad as I thought it would be. For me, shapewear helps hide the skin and makes clothing fit better.
  18. We will just agree to not agree. I believe everyone has the right to medical privacy HIPAA Law. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/laws-regulations/index.html You can label people how ever you want. I still deserve privacy of my medical choices and procedures like anyone else in life. Same argument: leaving out that you had half of your brain removed to treat cancer is an essential part of the truth. No one can force you to tell about your cancer procedure, but leaving it out makes you a bit of imposter hiding a powerful surgery/tool that may have help achieve your goal of improving health. Is this hiding the truth or choosing not to disclose your private medical situation?
  19. You can label people how ever you want. I still deserve privacy of my medical choices and procedures like anyone else in life. Same argument: leaving out that you had half of your brain removed to treat cancer is an essential part of the truth. No one can force you to tell about your cancer procedure, but leaving it out makes you a bit of imposter hiding a powerful surgery/tool that may have help achieve your goal of improving health. Is this hiding the truth or not disclosing your private medical situation.
  20. Mirah chose to share this information. I'm ok with people sharing that they had surgery or if they choose not to disclose medical procedures. It's choice we all should have. What are your thoughts on HIPAA medical privacy and practice law? HIPAA Medical privacy act laws click here So you are saying no one has the right to medical privacy? That it comes with our job's? We should share and trade anyones medical records online or the media is fine? I get that the media will dig and find out that they had surgery. Does that make it right? Should they be able to share anyones medical information with the world.?
  21. Healthy_life2

    Waist training

    I posted on this thread quite a while ago. Honestly, my waistline changed with weight loss not the corsets. looking back it was a waste of money. Your body will look fantastic just with weight loss.
  22. Oh yes, surgery will bring up emotions for some of us. Fear of the unknown can cause anxiety. Over thinking, going back in forth second guessing your decision, questioning if you are doing the right thing, worrying that you won't be successful and struggling with the idea of having complications. know that your feelings are normal pre surgery. If you are still undecided you can cancel and back out. If you change your mind in the future, you can start this long process all over again. Think of the the reasons why you wanted surgery. you said "I became so hopeless and desperate enough to attend a seminar August 2017" this is about getting your health back. This will not be like the weight loss attempts in your past. Know that you can and will be successful with your weight loss long term. Best of luck with whatever decision you make, Jenn By the way, I'm three years out and still doing fine. I had no complications. I bounced back from surgery quickly. Off many medications, I have no regrets.
  23. Healthy_life2

    BEST body weight scale?

    Name brand is beurer. I don't remember the model
  24. Healthy_life2

    BEST body weight scale?

    All scales are off a few pounds. I upgraded to a scale that has more bells and whistles. Got it at bed bath and beyond. It gives, weight, body fat, muscle mass, water weight and bone density. I admit, I bit scale crazy. I'm trying to weigh myself each week not everyday.
  25. Healthy_life2

    Protein Cookie?

    love pickles!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
