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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Nobody comments on weight loss?

    Wow girl, 101 pounds down. It's noticeable. Looking great. Political correctness seems to be a big concern after all the sexual harassment and fat shaming in the news. People may be afraid to make comments. I got down fifty pounds and no comments outside my family and close friends. I showed a photo of my before and after. I got a comment keep going..Ouch it stung a bit.
  2. Healthy_life2

    4 Months Out

    Ayy advice on what you are doing for your weight loss plan? Amazing transformation in 4 months!
  3. Weight loss does not happen overnight. 262 and goal 160. Take this one day at a time. The weight will come off. It's a process. It's not how fast the weight comes off. Are you walking for exercise? Have you been released to exercise?
  4. Healthy_life2

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    Yes, we beat this topic into the ground. If I offended you I apologise. You just had a rant..I ranted back. When I'm sarcastic I get myself in trouble. Just bigger things to be offended about in life. Can we all let go of this thread yet? or is the horse going to be beaten more?
  5. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    @bellabloom This post was more that I needed translation..I had no idea what it might have meant...But, I get what Bella is saying. I did use a compliment scale a few months after goal. I didn't know how to take a compliment. I had been invisible because of my weight. Took time to adjust. Compliment appropriate: Say thanks move on Complement hilarious: Makes for a great story and NSV Complement creepy: Walk away..or run lol Honestly this was a rare occurrence. Not all guys are like this. I appreciate men that can give a decent compliment. And yes I mean men not boy's. Age appropriate please.
  6. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    Love the comment back idea. He was a young..He ran away when he realized I caught what he was doing.
  7. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    i'm with you...Dang Im old I need translation...lol
  8. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    Ohh that's what it's called. Yes, it was making it rain gesture. My post is because I seriously had no idea this was a thing.lol I feel like such an old fart.
  9. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    It's actually a great gym. It's large and family friendly. It's tied in with the city's park and recreation programs Very few issues with members.
  10. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    Not offended by the guys posting. You are fine.
  11. Healthy_life2

    It's lose not loose (smh)

    I'm offended by children being abused and trafficked for sex. I'm annoyed that drug dealers do more time in prison than sex offenders. i don't lose /loose any sleep over spelling and grammar. Have you considered you may be bashing and ridiculing people with learning disabilities for spelling and grammar. You might as well kick a puppy while you're at it.
  12. Healthy_life2

    My app timeline has gone bonkers

    just a spam attack. I hope moderators and techs are on it.
  13. Try looking into your bariatric program for your area. Many give information meeting. It's good to research all the options.
  14. (1) You asked "Is it possible to be happy, healthy, and fat, Where does body positivity fit into this?" You can absolutely live a happy life and not hate your body at a high weight. You can also be a healthy weight live a happy life and be not hate your body. (2) You said " have sore knees and I get out of breath a lot I want to feel better and help my fatty liver" The surgery and weight loss will improve health and your quality of life. (3) Has anyone regretted their surgery? You are going to find people with and without regrets that have had any type of surgery. I am three years out happy and no regrets. Here's the thing... You don't need anyone's approval or permission of any decisions in life. The only one that has to be happy with your decision and outcome is you.
  15. Healthy_life2

    People don't recognize me

    Congrats on 114 down. Fantastic work. It's weird to hear people to tell you to stop losing weight ...right? It's hard enough for you to wrap your head around your physical appearance. I think you can understand when people around you struggle with it. Smile and reassure them you are still at a healthy weight/bmi even at your goal.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Started roller derby yesterday...

    Embrace the pain! you're a derby a badass.
  17. Healthy_life2

    One Month Report out on my six week transformation

    Congratulations on finding something that is working for you. I'm so glad you post this experience. I would love to see your meal plan. You are right on the button. Maintaining and weight loss for the long run is a different animal. Being open to try something new is good advice. My third year and the weight loss is seriously different. It's been trial and error to find what calories and macros work to get into weight loss mode. Killing myself at the gym is not sustainable in the long run. I appreciate all you do to support and inspire us, Jenn
  18. Healthy_life2

    I’ve regained ALL the weight back 😢♀️

    You are right. Healthy snacking and grazing are two different things.
  19. Healthy_life2

    School Project - Survey on Bra Design

    Seriously ..Wow, just wow at the stupidity of people.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Do you have take out/Fast food?

    You are an adult you make your own choices. Doesn't matter what people think. The only person who has to be happy with the success of your weight loss surgery is you. In a pinch I have had fast food. I do my best to make good choices. Carl's Jr, I order a low carb(lettuce wrapped) turkey burger. Still high in calories. I have to adjust the rest of my food for the day. I'd rather go to a non - fast food restaurant and sit down to eat. It's higher quality food and it gives me time to myself.
  21. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    No problem to each their own My gym is actually pretty status quo most days. I still feel safe around locker room talk. Headphones are golden. The older guy's usually will put them inline when the women are around. A straight up creeper taking photos and videos of people..Ya, I would tell the trainers at the desk.
  22. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    Loving you guy's...The laughs are making my day! Next to the stage for your viewing pleasure....BigViffer
  23. Healthy_life2

    I believe I was just insulted at my gym.

    Come to think of it, I could be one of the people in the new's being sued for sexual harrasment..lol I was raised when there was no political correctness...lol I think I have harassed a few people in my time. It's my warped sense of humor that gets me in trouble. For me it's not a big deal. Trust me, I have had worse happen.

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