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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Christmas gift ideas?

    Merry Christmas! Upgraded sweat proof workout earbuds. After weight loss you seem to feel the cold more. Anything to help keep warm in the winter is comforting
  2. Healthy_life2

    BariatricPals online reputation

    This sites reputation is unfortunate. Not looking for responses on this post. Sad, but I already know the dramatic post will follow..... Many members here are supportive and do their best to give perspective and advice. Advice that may be bad, good, mean, sugar coated, judgmental, inappropriate, You are adults, You decide what to read and respond to. Take what is useful and leave the rest. Same BS different day - Who said anyone had to like, approve or agree with anything posted in any forum? The different perspectives, advice and personality types seem to shock some of you. How you interpret and respond to posts is your own issue. Some people thrive on negative attention and conflict. Learn to recognise that they are baiting you into an argument or drama. Learn to ignore them and move on. Or set your ignore button. Be aware some people register for this site that are not bariatric patients. They love it when they get you to respond and argue. You are their cheap thrill of entertainment if they can make you angry.
  3. Healthy_life2

    Could Someone 'Splain This To Me?

    Seems to be common to come across patients that have little to no instructions. If they google different reputable bariatric programs. Some will send the pre and post op information and nutrition instructions.
  4. Healthy_life2

    BariatricPals online reputation

    This topic is not new here. I'm not going to rehash that situation. No reason to take this as an insult to your site. I think it has a lot of positives. I'm only suggesting basic 101 on how members can take what is useful and learn not to respond to drama and trolls. There is no way any site can monitor the amount of traffic and control people's behavior. You and your staff do not have the kind of time and resources to monitor 100% of the time. You do your best.
  5. I would get a second opinion from another doctor.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Back for support - nearly 7 years sleeved!

    I hope newbies don't take what I'm posting as a reason not to have surgery. It's all worth it and no regret for me. 3 years out and regain and just got the scale back down. I've been working this program way too hard. I admit my mind is messed up anytime I gain. I'm getting exhausted at the discipline it takes for me to lose weight and maintain. The bariatric basics and successful behaviors to lose and maintain weight. (1)Logging food (2) weighing your food, (3) making healthy choices, (4) weighing yourself to lose or maintain weight. (5) Exercise I have to stop being so regimented with my food. I need to relax. Things for me to change in 2018! I'm walking a thin line between bariatric lifestyle and eating disorder. I'm a food snob. I see foods as good or bad. I feel the need to know how many calories and macros I get in each and every day for the past three years. A few exceptions on vacations etc I automatically can say what calories and macros are in certain foods...Just because I've logged them so often. exercise is my replacement for stress/emotional eating. I have to monitor myself and recognise when working out gets obsessive.
  7. Healthy_life2

    I’ve regained ALL the weight back 😢♀️

    I'm sorry you are feeling buyers remorse with your surgery: Congratulations on twelve pounds. I see that this is your first post in this forum. I'm curious what your surgeon's office gave you for instructions after surgery? Did they inform you that working your surgery includes restricting your calories, eating healthy, and exercise? Did they explain hitting your protein goal is to keep you healthy and not malnourished? I'm not trying to discount what you are feeling right now. But, what you described is working your surgery as a tool. You are correct, You have to work this program by eating restricted calories and exercising. The weight does not come off magically just because you have surgery. Fantastic you started at the gym You can feel the restriction of your sleeve and can no longer eat large portions. Anyone that say's surgery is the easy way out can bite me. All of us here have worked hard for this. Wish you the best, Jenn
  8. Healthy_life2

    Acceptable Low Carb Snack?

    I would buy samples first. I like the BBQ and Cheddar flavors. Salsa does wonders for taste...
  9. Healthy_life2

    Best single app for everything?

    The major things to log is your food. You need to know your calories protein and carbohydrates fats (macronutrients) Hit your protein goal. It's going to help you learn how to fuel your body correctly. I'm not sure about the best. I just goto what works for me over the years. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en Youtube tutorials on how to use the app below. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=myfitnesspal+tutorial
  10. Healthy_life2

    I’ve regained ALL the weight back 😢♀️

    Wow, I wish we had more people respond to thread by youtube videos. Many of the typed responses get lost in translation. Interpreted as harsh and judgemental. Also nice to see you live..lol Keep inspiring! Side note: I also crave peanut butter cups. I have these once in a great while. both cups 240 calories 20g protein 10g carbs (4net carbs) 1g sugar
  11. Healthy_life2

    Acceptable Low Carb Snack?

    Any Food that is nutrient deficient will make you feel hungry. 60MINS high fructose corn syrup and obesity rates.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Im new to all of this

    Ask lots of questions at your appointment. Understand surgery is not a magic pill to lose weight. You will have to learn to eat healthy and exercise. Your food choices you make will make you successful. (1) your medical professional will give you information on the risks. (2) Recovery from surgery? For me I healed and bounced back quickly. Success rates and statistics you can google. Also ask your Dr. I'm three years out and maintaining. (3) You will have a mental health eval as part of the pre surgery screening. They want to make sure you can handle this process and change behaviors to be successful. (4) You have no control of where your body gains, holds or loses weight. (5) This is not a race Each of us lose weight at different rates. It's not how fast it comes off...It's the FACT it's coming off.
  13. Healthy_life2

    Plastics or no plastics ?

    How is your pain level so far? Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Healthy_life2

    Wls body shamers smh

    No problem vent away! Is it just me or are the majority of the people in this world are superficial and judgmental? I can't invest my time and energy in negative people. You said it well. We are having the same struggle mentally and physically. My hope is supportive people will continue on the site. Any forum you goto you get trolls...They are looking to argue and get attention. For them, negative attention is better than no attention at all. I wish people wouldn't take the bait and respond to them.
  15. Give yourself credit for getting back on the horse and putting the focus on your health! We all start out with a basic lifting plan and progress. Weight loss and muscle gains do not happen overnight. Your goal right now is weight loss....right? Did your dietician give you a calorie and protein goal to hit? You will still eat according to your dieticians high protein plan. Weight lifters eat a diet to shred (lose weight to expose muscle) You can't eat a weightlifters bulking diet to gain muscle and expect weight loss. Get fit in the gym lose weight in the kitchen. One pound of muscle burns 50 calories. You are still going to gain strength and build muscle with time. Hypoglycemia is manageable. Get diagnosed and prescribed glucose testing kit. Keep track of your low blood sugars. You will sit down with your dietician and make adjustments to keep your glucose levels in check (I am three years out. I'm a type one diabetic. I have reactive hypoglycemia after surgery) I lift and distance run. I eat protein before and after the gym. I keep healthy snacks in my gym bag. I only eat them if my blood sugar drops below 70, You can reach your dream!!!! Build into a fitness bad ass!
  16. Healthy_life2

    Acceptable Low Carb Snack?

    1g protein but low calorie. I am not the food police. That job belongs to your dietician What stage are you in? What does your plan say about rice? Are you hitting your protein goals at this point? When I make food choices it's based on if it fits into my food plan and macros for the day (calories protein and carbs) I look for high protein alternatives...(that's just my choice) When I crave crunch my go to snacks are veggie tray with ken's light dressing to keep my calories and carbs low. Quest BBQ protein chips, melted mozzarella and salsa. to help hit my protein goal. I admit, I have a quest protein chip addiction (made out of whey isolate protein powder) 120 calories 5 carbs and 21 grams protein.
  17. Healthy_life2

    Training for a 5k

    Look how far you have come and how strong you have become. Keep pushing! Completing a marathon is absolutely possible.
  18. Healthy_life2


    Have you asked your dr?
  19. Healthy_life2

    leggings that make you laugh.

    I just googled them. Many places to buy...Many christmas style ones.
  20. I know you have built a lot of muscle and work out like a beast. How long does it take you to get in that many calories with a bariatric stomach?
  21. Amazing work. Thanks for sticking around the forum to give your support and experience.
  22. Look at you and your bad ass self 3,174 calories.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
