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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2


    No judgment from me. Stalls and gains are absolutely frustrating. Its hard when you see other people losing weight. Step back from the challenge. Come back if you still want support. Wish you the best, Jenn
  2. Healthy_life2


    1/3/18 Happy new year! We made it through together. todays weight 136
  3. Healthy_life2


    read embrace the stall below https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027
  4. Healthy_life2


    You are in real food stage ...right? You will feel hunger at times. there are some thing to try to manage it. Are you eating three small meals and two snacks throughout the day? Are you able to eat veggies with your protein yet? What does a day of food look like for you?
  5. Healthy_life2

    Exercise After WLS - Friend or Enemy

    Ok here is my ranty two cents... Deep Breath~ I agree, right after of surgery, you cannot consume enough calories to support a high level workout. .no gym. At low calories you can support walking for exercise. After surgery, walking is instructed by surgeons for the healing process. After you heal from surgery, You will be released to goto the gym.. His points on when can you goto the gym I don't agree with. (1) is your head straight? according to his credentials off his website (link below). He has no educational background in psychology. http://www.lovelace.com/duc-vuong-md I disagree with his statement that the gym is a distraction from dealing with your mental headspace, It is where I processed my moms death..And yes, I lost weight. The gym is a great place to process life's issues as you listen to music or self help books. It's replacement for that stress emotional eating. I question why he doesn't promote making the gym a healthy habit and counseling/therapy at the same time? He says the gym is a distraction from working on your issues....Is therapy a distaction on working on your health? Both can be done concurrently. therapist/counselors want you to exercise to help with depression/mental issues. He contradicts this..I'm not sure why? (2) Don't go to the gym if your head is not seeing your weight loss correctly? According to him I should have never stepped in a gym for a year. My weight loss was rapid. There is no way to look at myself correctly when I changed physically month to month,... I had to wait until goal to see myself correctly. My mind needed to catch up with the weight loss. (3) he says don't go to the gym expecting weight loss. The statement should have been: dont go to the gym expecting weight loss if you eat a crappy diet. Weight Loss is 70% kitchen 30% gym. Again, just my opinion..I'm no expert
  6. Happy new year! I hope this is the year you heal and move past all the surgeries. Are you working with the Boise St Luke's bariatric surgeons? I'm also in Idaho.
  7. Healthy_life2

    Always hungry

    I logged your food in MyfitnessPAL (free food log app) Download food log here I hope you choose to log. It is the best tool ever. Logging helps to see if you are fueling your body correctly. It's also a motivator. At the end of the day it will tell you....If every day was like today you will weigh X amount in 5 weeks. this is an estimate i don't have your exact amounts of food, what you ate for supper or food brands. 1 breakfast sausage link winco 95 calories .5g carbs 1 large egg fried 120 calories .4g carbs 1 oz cheddar cheese 110 calories 0. carbs 1 pop tart toaster pastry 200 calories 37g carbs 1/2 white bread . 70 calories 14.g carbs 1 tablespoon olive oil mayo kraft 35 calories 2g carb3 4 oz winco deli turkey 90 calories 1.5 carbs 10 potato chips 150 calories 14 carbs SUPPER GUESSTIMATE: 2 0z grilled chicken breast 120 calories 0 carbs 2 oz french green beans 13 calories 2 g carbs 1 dinner roll 176 calories 29.5 carbs 1 jello sugar free pudding cup 60 calories 10g carb total of 795 calories 61g protein 58g carbohydrates 34 fats 21 sugars I'm saying this because I care and I want to see you successful long term. (If you don't change over to healthy foods you are going to feel regret when you don't see the results you want) I'm not sure what your bariatric diet instructions are. You might want to check with your dietician. This is what I see that is making you hungry: Carbohydrates and sugar will slow or stop your weight loss. Once you eat carbs and sugar you crave them more. Time to detox off them. My dieticians instructions that may help with your hunger and to fuel your body for weight loss. Exercise, water, protein 60 to 100 grams. Plant based carbs. Keep carbs low (no potato bread, baked goods, crackers, chips, fries ) 3 meals with 2 snacks for the day. Spreading your food out 6 meals a day will help with hunger. 4 oz Lean meats, (protein shakes, bars, quest chips) sugar substitute (no sugar) Vegetables are your carb source eat as much as you want with your protein. the fiber will help you feel full longer.cheese and sugar free yogurt. fruit in small amounts (avoid apples and bananas for now they are high in carbs) Getting your water in will help with weight loss. Drink 30 mins after your meal. This will help with hunger. After you lose 75% of your weight you will add healthy low glycemic carbs to slow /stop weight loss for maintaining your weight. healthy low glycemic carbs: two tablespoons brown rice, sweet potato, whole wheat pasta and bread If I have left out anything I hope others will add more suggestions.
  8. The goal should be healthy at whatever that weight might be for you. Here is my issue with statistics. Per my surgeon's office : St Luke's for the state Idaho follow patients for five years at each check up. The problem is that many bariatric patients stop coming to follow up appointments. Surgeons offices see a drop off of participants in the first to second year. St. Luke's is still required to send in the statistic even when they know for fact they are not accurate. These are factored into the national average. St lukes also says its normal to gain around fifteen after goal. Your body naturally wants to settle at a certain weight. I don't judge people that have lost 100% of weight, Lost below the norm or have weight gain. I also don't judge " if your body does not want to put up with a diet and calorie restriction" Things that I see when I talk to local patient in my area: (not saying all these issues will cause weight gain either) Gains can be small or a major for many reasons...Healthy issues, wrong type of surgery for the individual, not properly screened by the mental health process, muscle mass gain, eating/exercise disorders, mobility issues, hormone issues, Pregnancies, complications from surgery and going back to poor choices/behaviors (I'm sure I missed more examples) Personally, I never wanted to be considered a statist in this process. Each of us have different goals. it's a choice of what weight makes you comfortable for goal and maintenance. I hate the word failure. It might be you cannot lose weight due to the examples listed above. Could be a set back gain. What my life looks like at 3.7 years out for life I live on protein, sugar substitute, dairy,vegetables, healthy carbs and fruit.( I eat all food groups) At goal I indulge once in a while. When I have a weight gain. I go back to basics and get back down to where I am comfortable. Maintaining for me is chasing the same 10 to 15 pounds.Weight loss is slow.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Always hungry

    What does a day of food look like for you? It will give us a better idea of suggestions to give.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Waking up in The Binder

    never had one. Did fine without it
  11. Healthy_life2

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    You will get the information from your surgeons team on what your eating plan will look like. My plan for weight loss phase: high protein 60 to 100 grams. Low carbs. Carbs will be from vegetables. No potato, rice, breads pasta. When I lost 75% of my weight I could have two tablespoons of healthy carbs...Nothing white or processed. Whole wheat, brown rice and sweet potato. Adding carbs was to slow down and stop weight loss.
  12. Healthy_life2

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    At three years out. I can eat 5 to 6oz of protien with a cup of salad. First stages, Took me forever to eat 4oz of meat for a meal. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Healthy_life2

    Weight loss

    What foods have you tried? Beef, turkey, pork, fish, dairy, eggs, vegetables, fruits? It's all trial and error to see what you can tolerate.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    My restriction is still there. As you get further out from surgery you will be able to hold more food volume. I maintained pretty effortlessly for my first two years. Even when I indulged, I could go to the gym and work it off quickly. My third year and the weight loss has changed. I can gain 5 pounds if I eat off plan for a few days. That same 5 pounds will take me months to lose. The weight loss is slow. Yes, it is the food choices for me. I also think this is my reality for maintaining. I will be gaining and working off 10 to 15 pounds for life..lol
  15. Healthy_life2

    Vet Search

    Sip chew..And GO HAWKS!
  16. My friend and I are three years out. Love him to death! Know that you can't make anyone stick to things. They have to do the work. You can't make everything better for other people. Just be there for the good, bad and ugly..lol Good that you have her going to group and getting the information she needs to be successful.
  17. Exercise..Most of us were given instructions to walk for the healing process. I could not imagine trying to weight lift or do zumba after a surgery. What kind of exercise did your Dr have in mind? Hope you feel better as your diet progresses. Hang in there!
  18. Healthy_life2

    Weight Regain After Gastric Sleeve

    Glad to see you back, I also came back due to a gain in my third year. The important thing is we are working on getting the weight back off. It's a new year and a new start. Tip's The weight loss is definitely slower at three years out. I miss the days when it came off rapidly. Get back to basics. Starting all over again having the same discipline. Log your food drink plenty of water exercise hit your calories and protein goals. If the basics are not working ..Get back to me about the TDEE calculator...
  19. Healthy_life2


    I waited for the real food stage for bacon. the debate on pork or turkey bacon. (don't forget sausage) Nummmmm The leaner the meat - lower in calories and usually higher protein grams. 2 slices Walmart turkey bacon 5g protein 70 calories - 80 calories and 5g protein. I use 1 slice of real bacon because the macos are pretty comparable. I love it on cobb salad and crumble it in scrambled eggs. Two jimmy dean turkey sausage links 67 calories 8g protein - pork sausage link 113 calories - 6 g protein I tolerate turkey sausage better it has less grease/fat.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Only down 22lbs since surgery. Help!

    I love that you are open to the loving slap upside the head from us. Makes me giggle inside. You are not failing, You slipped ..Get back on the horse. (or your waggon) Beating yourself down is not productive. Start building yourself up. You will overcome this. Much of this process is the mental side of wight loss. Just because my tummy can handle/tolerate anything doesn't mean it's the correct choice. Giving myself permission to eat bad choices/graze was something I had to work on. Might want to try getting rid of the temptation foods in your home...Or ask family to hide them from you..lol Yes, I have to do this when my willpower is weak.
  21. Healthy_life2


    Walking is going to help your body heal from surgery. If you have any health concerns...Call your team. I like the advice from @Creekimp13 three set of ten. Make this your first surgery small goal to obtain. Reward yourself when you hit that small goal. Best of luck to you! Jenn
  22. Healthy_life2

    why do people assume

    It's ok for people around you to be concerned about any major surgery. Reassure them you are going to be ok and health is your priority. Yep, the easy way out is a common comment when people think bariatric surgery. Just rise above any negativity and press on with your decisions in life. Any major change in life takes work. I weighed and log my food, learn how to properly fuel my body, got serious about exercise, Most of the work I have done is the mental/ behavioral side of weight loss. I had overcome my negative self talk. deal with poor body image about my weight and stress/emotional eating. All of the work was absolutely worth getting my health and my life back.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Excess skin

    Sorry, I see that this is in the guy's room. Hope you don't mind if I post. loose skin seems to be a fear for many people. I get it, loose skin issue is an unknown outcome of surgery. You will not know what your skin will look like until you hit goal. Some insurance companies will assist in plastics if you have rashes or mobility issues. Plastics are expensive. Some of the men have been courageous enough to post photos of their plastics...See below https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/395422-male-plastics/?tab=comments#comment-4448300 https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/405911-plastics-or-no-plastics/?tab=comments#comment-4556298
  24. Healthy_life2

    4 days post op, sugar crashing

    Glad you have a meter to monitor what's going on. I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia. (complication from surgery) I worked with my bariatric, sports medicine and diabetes dietitians to get better control over my blood sugars. Here is an article: If you are diagnosed, Work with your team to find what foods and meal frequency work for your body specifically. June 2015 Issue CPE Monthly: Nutrition Tips for Reactive Hypoglycemia After Bariatric Surgery Reactive hypoglycemia (also called postprandial hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, or noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia) is characterized by recurrent episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia occurring two to four hours after a high-carbohydrate meal (or oral glucose load). Patients who have undergone bariatric surgery, especially those in whom the pylorus is bypassed (gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch), may experience reactive hypoglycemia. The dietitian is key to helping these patients manage symptoms. Symptoms Patients may experience any of these symptoms one to three hours after a meal high in carbohydrates: hunger, feeling shaky, dizziness, sleepiness, sweating, anxiety, feeling weak, confusion, heart palpitations, fatigue, aggression, tremors, fainting, or loss of consciousness. Dietary Modifications Work with your patients to help them identify and eliminate from their diets simple sugars, concentrated sweets, high-fat foods, alcohol, caffeine, and lactose (possibly). They also should avoid skipping meals or consuming meals comprised only of carbohydrates. Focus on how you can help patients modify their diets, including the following: plan mini meals spaced equally throughout the day (three to four hours); make low-volume choices; consume high-protein levels at each eating occasion, pairing protein choices with complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables; choose healthful fats; and separate food and fluid intake by 30 to 60 minutes. Soluble fiber from guar gum, glucomannan, and pectin and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, (eg, acarbose) or somatostatin analogs (eg, octreotide) can help delay gastric emptying, increase small intestine transit time, and slow glucose absorption. Patient-Specific Tips Acknowledge that everyone may have different triggers for low blood sugar or reactive hypoglycemia. Advise patients to keep detailed food journals that you can review to identify patterns (eg, timing and amount eaten as snacks, meals, and drinks; blood sugar levels; feelings). Encourage patients not to use foods or drinks with added sugar to boost low blood sugar levels, as this can cause blood sugar crashes and spikes.
  25. Healthy_life2

    4 days post op, sugar crashing

    You might want to make an appointment with your Dr. Let the professionals diagnose what is going on and how to treat it. Do you have a glucose meter to test your blood sugar levels? Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

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