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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Salad Dressings & Low Carbing

    I'm back in weight loss mode. Love salad. I don't drown it in dressing. I log to make sure I don't go over my carb goal. im at 1200 calories protein 150 carbs 75g. I use ken's lite sweet vidalia onion dressing 2 tablespoons 80 cal - 11g carb 4.5 fats wholly guacamole chunky avocado minis 100 cal 5g carb fat 9g - (healthy fats) Marinated artichokes by reese - The marinade makes a nice dressing for the salad. 6 artichokes 60 calories 2g carb. 3 fats favorite salads cobb - bacon bits - hard boiled egg - cubed turkey breast - avocado mini taco - 99% lean ground turkey - fajita seasoning - salsa -( small amount of cheese and avocado mini sometimes) Sweet onion chicken - Cubed chicken breast - mild banana peppers - sliced olive - sweet vidalia onion dressing greek - tomato, cucumber, onion, Marinated artichoke ,olives and feta
  2. Healthy_life2

    Loose skin after Gastric Bypass Surgery

    Here is the results if you search the site for loose skin...Many threads to read below. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?&q=loose skin
  3. Healthy_life2

    Sleeved powerlifters?

    After surgery things become routine and a new normal. (1) Eating frequently. There are days I am busy and don't get all my calories in. Normal portions..I feel I eat more normal portions now. Like @BigViffer said. It comes down to what your personal goals are. You can lose weight and have a great fitness level. To get the gains you are looking for....Diet is going to come into play. (2) You see the theme here.....Sipping water all day long. I always have a sports bottle on hand. I get more than enough water in. I don't miss gulping. When you get thirsty, drink! I got dehydrated on run in the summer. I don't recommend it...lol
  4. Healthy_life2

    Sleeved powerlifters?

    It was hard to build muscle while in weight loss mode. I managed to retain it by lifting and increasing my protein goal. I built more after stopped losing weight. After I lost my weight, I used sports medicine dietitian to dial in my diet. My calorie intake and macronutrients are increased to support distance running. It takes all day eating small meals to fuel your body as an athlete. I am competing in a half marathon altitude trail race this April. The starting line is at just above 2,500 feet above sea level, and runners reach an elevation of about 4,700 feet above sea level. I've been competing in distance runs for three years now. Training: My gym sessions are two hours five days a week. In the gym I use a sports bottle with a rubber camelbak bite straw.(I refill it several times) I sip and I don't get air in my stomach. I can't gulp water. Hiking, biking and distance runners hydration vests. They have a straw bite ...You can sip slowly on your route. They hold tight to your body. Less bounce than a camelbak system. I use nuun tabs for hydration. they don't upset my sleeve. Below links to a bodybuilding /powerlifting https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/393377-starting-training-to-be-a-powerlifter/ https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/male-transformation-adam-upton.htm https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/lyss-remaly-from-bariatric-surgery-to-bodybuilding.htm http://weightlosssurgerychannel.com/success-stories/dino-devita-from-bypass-to-body-building.html/
  5. Healthy_life2

    Curious Questions

    (1) your taste for foods may change a bit. For me its in a good way. I prefer healthier foods. Junk makes me feel crappy. I enjoy trying new things and cooking again. I can swallow and tolerate any foods just like before surgery. I just eat slower. (2) Most of the post are honest that that this takes work and dedication. people struggle and overcome. If we have a gain ...we get back on our program. It does not matter how much or how fast your weight comes off. Its the fact it's coming off. The goal is healthy. (my weight loss was fast.) Restriction alone does not get the weight off. If you eat unhealthy and small meals all day long (grazing) you will gain weight. Some gain may be due to medical issues or complications. Head hunger and real hunger will be there. It's not the same as pre surgery ..Its manageable. It's rare that I see anyone that has no hunger for life. Sticking to your dr and dieticians instructions. Log your food, hit your protein and calorie goals hydrate and exercise. Will get you to your weightloss goals. (3) Many debates on if sleeve surgery actually stretches...So I'm not going to comment.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Sleeved powerlifters?

    I would start by asking your bariatics office an insurance if you would be covered and aproved for surgery with your current weight and co morbitities. Many patients are athletes. Weightlifting competitions to triathlons. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. I had surgery at 45 I'm 49 now. I know everyone's pain level is different. Compared to giving birth to a child, Bariatric surgery was easy to bounce back from.
  8. Healthy_life2


    Scratch the advice above - what was I thinking...Do the best you can to lose the weight. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen in 8 days. It's the fact you are loosing not how fast.
  9. Healthy_life2

    Big or Small Victories!

    NSV - realizing all the new years weight loss advertisements promising ridiculous results. No longer apply to me.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Anyone not need plastic surgery?

    I admit when Alex posted about plastics at bariatricpal MX hospital starting at 2400. after three years, I am starting to think about having some work done. https://bariatricpalhospitalmx.com/plastic-surgeries/ It's not a need for me. I'm more than happy with my results. I can live without plastics. A good bra and shapewear hides it well. (see photo) I lift and I'm active. THe muscle fills out the skin but it is still there. I hold my loose skin on midsection, boobs, arms, back, pubic area inner thighs at the top, and my butt. It looks much different in clothing. Plastics would be for vanity, comfort and fitting in clothing, Distance running without the bounce, and letting go of the depressed and struggling person I was in the past.
  11. Healthy_life2


    They asked you to lose eight pounds in one week? Not sure if I'm going to be much help but I will try. Have you been on a six month weight loss requires? How much are you down? I'm three years out from surgery. I can't lose eight pounds in a week. It's more like one to two pounds, I also exercise two hours a day five days a week. one hour cardio one hour lifting. My calorie intake is 1200. My protein goal is 70-130. Low carb lots of water. The only way I know my calories and macronutrients is logging my food in my fitness pal. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en tutorial on how to use myfitnesspal https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tutorial+how+to+use+myfitnesspal
  12. Healthy_life2

    Opinions to stop losing weight

    It's where ever you feel healthy at. The weight fluctuates up and down a bit after goal.
  13. Healthy_life2


    Why is it one week?
  14. My perspective from three years and seven months out from sleeve. My hunger and the way it made me feel was a part of why I had surgery. My health was my number one reason. Imagine having control over your food life. Food no longer controlled you. What would that feel like to you? Surgery will not take away hunger. You may not feel hungry or feel like eating in the first few months. You will have times of head hunger and real hunger. My hunger is not like it was pre surgery. It is manageable. Get in touch with a bariatric program in your area. Find out if they give seminars. Medical facts, risks and statistics are going to help you in your research phase. You are going to read many peoples personal experiences online. Some negative some positive. Your surgery experience is going to be unique to you. Many people are here for support that will be able to relate. It's normal to fear the unknown outcome of surgery. Common fears I hear are... Am I doing the right thing. risks of complications or death with surgery. will I fail another attempt of getting my weight off What if I have loose skin and what will that look like for me Hair shedding/thinning. It will grow back. what happens if I have a weight gain Will food be as good as it was (addiction) will I feel satisfied on smaller portions of food. Can I have discipline and control of food. I couldn't have lost this weight without my sleeve. I'm thankful. For me I have no regrets or complications. I bounced back quickly from surgery. I had to learn to control head hunger and deal with emotional/stress eating. I had a gain after goal and I worked it back down (136 pounds today). This is still work after goal. If you go back to old behaviors you will gain. This is about learning a new lifestyle. This is about getting your health and your life back. You can have this long term if you are willing to change and work for it.
  15. Healthy_life2

    Looking for some guidance!!

    I also bookmarked it. Great information to pass on. Thankyou
  16. Healthy_life2

    Looking for some guidance!!

    Did you have a pre op class or a dietician consultations? If not. Google some reputable bariatric surgeons offices. Call and see if they can email you education and diet progression information/instructions The thread below might give you some other advice that may help https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/408366-could-someone-splain-this-to-me/
  17. I did not have Cigna. I had a supervised 6 month weight loss insurance requirement.
  18. Healthy_life2

    3+ years post op

    Many of us are having the same issue 3 years out. Many threads on here of what people are trying. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?&q=weight gain https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/1205-wls-veterans-forum/
  19. Healthy_life2

    Clarity on "Stats"

    Sleeve I counted pre surgery required weight loss. For me it is the point where I started to get my weight off. High weight 254 Surgery weight 234 June 2014 Goal weight 140 December 2015 from surgery to gaol six months 94 pounds first year hit 125 pounds. total of 109 lost from surgery Three years out I got back up in the 140's. Current weight is 136. (working to settle around 130. This is where I feel comfortable) Sizing is weird..Depends on the designer - I'm 5'5" tall - jeans 2-4 Shirts small to a large.
  20. Healthy_life2

    Checking In- Sleeved in Dec 2014

    Just seen your post. I hope you are still around. Just checking in to see how you are doing. I'm in the same situation. 3rd year and my weight went up 15/20 pounds. I came back to the site for support and ideas of things to try. I've been battling the same 10 pounds up and down for a while. All the tried and true ways stopped working. I gain quickly if I eat off plan for a few days. that same small gain will take me months to get off. I had to dial my diet in to what works for me. I'm ten pounds down. Having this site keeps me more focused and brought back some discipline.
  21. Healthy_life2

    where did you lose the weight?

    We have no control over where we hold weight when we gain it. We also have no control where it comes off. Mine came off my face and lower body first. My lower body was smaller than the top. it took time for the weight to come off my midsection and arms.
  22. Healthy_life2

    I have failed.....I think

    I get how you feel about weight gain after surgery. It messes with your head and negative thoughts and feelings about your weight/yourself creep back into your life. What do you do now? Take care of yourself and start again. Choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. I hate the term fail. This is an opportunity to start over in the new year.Don't beat yourself down. Talk to yourself more positively. We are all a work in progress. None of us are perfect. Focus on each 24 hours. What are going to do today to eat healthy and boost your activity. The sum of small efforts repeated day in day out will get you to your goal. Don't be afraid to ask for help. A consult with your dietician. Might be getting your mind set with weight loss or other issues straightened out. Counseling may help. We are here for the struggle. Be strong and press on!
  23. Hummm helpful? for me no. I'm my own food police..lol People have their own opinions on what foods are correct.. I also noticed people get emotional/passionate about their way to eat to lose weight. It's a political topic..lol
  24. Healthy_life2


    Just wanted to make sure she got the notification of your post. @lindabalsca

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