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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Keeping breakfast interesting

    Time can be an issue - My goto items Dannon light n fit greek yogurt jimmy dean turkey sausage (microwave and done) Protein Iced coffee on the run - Vanilla protein powder, Ice, instant coffee (can do decaf if prefered) and hershey's sugar free syrup.
  2. The scale can mess with your head. @Creekimp13 advice is on point. Congratulations on 19.6 down (according to your stats) Real food stage is on the way. Enjoy your Sunday!
  3. Healthy_life2

    Tips for social eating?

    Eating socially and at restaurants becomes normal. It's rare for anyone to comment or care about my eating. If I find a small meal. I make it an option. Seems rare to see places serve small meals unless it the kid or senior menu. If I order a standard size meal. I box the rest to eat later. If people comment, I tell them I ate earlier. Not really hungry. If I can find a decent meal with protein, vegetable and a carb (usually mashed potato or rice) I ask if they can replace the mashed potato it with extra vegetables. Anyone comments, Tell them you are eating low carb. __________________________________________ Restaurant weight staff . Tips for your comfort zone. Weight staff are not used to seeing a customer eat a smaller portions. Some may ask if the food was ok. Tell them everything was great. You ate earlier and your not hungry. or I'm taking it home for later. Water is usually served to each table automatically. Let the staff refill your glass. it's there job to take care of the customers. You don't have to drink it. It gets better..lol
  4. I hid from cameras too. My husband took my starting photos. I had the day of surgery standing front and side. He continued to take the same front and side photo each month of my weight loss.
  5. Healthy_life2

    Need advice...trail half marathon

    Fantastic that you were up and running early on. Thanks for the tip on Carb boom. I'm picking some up to test my tolerance with it. Other gels I've tried didn't have the amount of carb...
  6. Healthy_life2

    Do you feel you did the right thing

    what you are feeling is normal ......It will pass.
  7. Three years and seven months out..I'm absolutely happy I had sleeve surgery. No revision needed. I think you will see people come back to support forums when they are struggling. You don't need support when all is well and you are maintaining your weight.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Veteran's 2+ years out and chasing 10 to 20lb gain.

    just updated what my carb cycle looks like...
  9. Healthy_life2

    Veteran's 2+ years out and chasing 10 to 20lb gain.

    I had seen that you were doing the above on another post. I was wondering how things were working out.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Veteran's 2+ years out and chasing 10 to 20lb gain.

    My disclaimer lol I'm not a dietician...I'm just another struggling patient. High Carbohydrate Day: Protein, healthy carbs, no/low fats Veggies moderate carbohydrate Day: Slight increase in healthy carbs, protein veggies no carbohydrates Days this just means all carbs come from vegetables. protein add healthy fats __________ My week based on my tdee - Female 133 pounds 5'5" high activity level Monday high carb day - Hit my maintenance calories 1400 to 1900 -carbs 230g - protein 143g Tuesday no carb day - Hit my cutting calories 1100 to 1300 -130g protein 55 carbs add avocado, and fats etc Wednesday no carb day- Hit my cutting calories 1100 to 1300 -130g protein 55g carbs add avocado and fats etc Thursday high carb day: Hit my maintenance calories 1400 to 1900 -carbs 230g - protein 143g Friday - no carb day- Hit my cutting calories 1100 to 1300 -130g protein 55g carbs add avocado and fats etc Saturday no carb day- Hit my cutting calories 1100 to 1300 -130g protein 55g carbs add avocado and fats etc Sunday - Moderate carb day 1100 to 1300 calories 75g to 100g carbs 130g protien Here are some links for the basics of how this works...Ignore the trainers muscles ..Yes, he's ripped. https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/par30.htm https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=336012 To calculate your calories and macros specifically by sex, height, weight exercise level https://tdeecalculator.net/
  11. Healthy_life2

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    I was not allowed peanut butter and toast on my plan during the weight loss stage. Your plan does not look like my plan. I'm three years out. Instructions may have changed.
  12. Healthy_life2

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Breakfast this morning. Nothing interesting low carb day 6.4 egg whites 5 asparagus spears. 1 wholly guacamole chunky mini cup. 214 calories 23 protein 12 carbs 9 fats
  13. Healthy_life2

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Is there a dinner thread yet? lol
  14. Healthy_life2

    Vet Search

    Checking in to see how your new program has worked.
  15. 1200 at a year and a half out is in range for weight loss mode. Give it more time at that calorie level. Make sure you are hitting your protein and macro gaol. I hope the scale moves soon.
  16. Healthy_life2

    Need advice...trail half marathon

    I say be brave! Do it! It sounds like you are excited about this race......Runs get addicting. Living the dream my friend..Doing intervals of running and walking is a great. It depends on how much running you plan on getting into. The investment is up to you. (This is long..lol I know I'm a running nerd) I you are not training already..Get a good program going. (1) Shoes shoes are something you should invest in as a runner. They do make trail running shoes. Here is some info to fit shoes to your needs: Look at the wear pattern on the bottom of your shoe. Google Neutral shoes Over pronate shoes under pronate shoes. Link to how to fit shoes by runners world. https://www.runnersworld.com/running-shoes/how-to-buy-the-right-running-shoes/slide/6 (2) Hydration. They do have aid and refill stations along the route. Check to see how far apart each station is. That should give you an idea of how much water you need to carey. Two types of hydration systems. Belts and vests. Vests cary larger amounts of water, they have less bounce. they hold tight to your Make sure they have room to hold things --- car keys, running gels, food for fuel, Nuun tabs,and medical stuff you may need (medication..Diabetic testing etc) Gatorade and water are usually at the aid stations..Gatorade turns my stomach upside down. Not promoting this product but it works well for me to avoid dehydration NUUN tabs easy to cary on your rote http://nuunlife.com/hydration/ (3) what to eat before during and after your run. I used a sports medicine dietician.,,. We all have different needs with this. Always consult the professionals first before, during or after a race. Never eat anything that you have not tested to see if you can tolerate it...This includes running gels. (I can't tolerate running gels) Before - Night before I eat plenty of protein (1g per body weight) healthy carbs sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta or bread steel cut oats. (I can't tolerate rice it bloats me) Morning of the race. I don't like to feel overstuffed - I eat strawberries, yogurt, and oatmeal. I drink in the morning and while driving to the route. Before the run look online or call. Check the event to see what foods will be on hand at aid/refill stations ( Usually bananas apples oranges muffins) I can tolerate a banana..the other stuff does not work for me..sits to heavy when I run. When I'm on a route I try to eat every 1 1/2 hours. OK...Yes I have done the following. Baby food pouches. and protein bars. I have to admit the baby food sat on my stomach better. Some runners have gone as far to by refillable baby food pouches to make their own running fuel mix... https://www.ebay.com/itm/12-Pack-Refillable-Baby-Food-Pouch-great-for-snacks-and-Drinks-USA-seller-/302118806329 After your run..Drink a protein shake for recovery. The rest of your meals as you would normally for the day. If it's a long run might add some carb. Some things I've learned... These items can be found in small sizes to cary on the route. Zantac, Imodium, small ace bandage, small size runners glide/vaseline to stop chafing. moleskin for blisters. small hand wipes after using the porta potty you will thank me!..sunscreen depending on the temp. To keep cool. When you see the aid station volunteers holding out styrofoam cups...Take one and dump it over your head to cool down. Works even better if you wear a baseball cap. (avoid your eyes) lol More info than you probably wanted...Enjoy this run!..I want photos!!!!!
  17. Healthy_life2

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Is there a dinner thread yet? lol
  18. Healthy_life2

    What's for lunch today?

    I'm carb cycling. I'm not eating a bariatric plan 3 years out. 3 thai tuna pouches 1 cup raw veggie tray no dressing 4 large strawberries dipped in hershey's sugar free syrup 14 sweet and spicy chipotle wheat thins
  19. Healthy_life2

    What was for breakfast this morning?

    Please dont follow my program...I dont eat a baritric plan at three years out. Second week of carb cycling. Today is my carb day..6.4oz egg whites. 4 strawberries 1 great grains whole wheat toast. Teaspoon real salted butter Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Healthy_life2

    Able to eat more than I should

    Big debate on if you can stretch your sleeve....Very few surgery revisions are done...Enough said. I am three years. Yes, I can hold more food volume. But it's not like pre surgery. When I go back to weight loss mode to maintain my weight...... I log my food. I eat protein first. I eat all the veggies with each meal to the point where I feel full. I cut carbs and sugar (they leave me craving them more) Stalls and plateaus happen. It's part of the process. Keep plugging away at your plan to get the scale moving again. If you are having a large shall see the link below on how to break it. https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027 Grazing...If you find yourself eating more frequent meals. If you find yourself eating way more calorie to take you out of weight loss. Then evaluate what you are doing, Go back to basics.
  21. Healthy_life2

    Weight stalls

    It's rare to see anyone not have plateaus or stalls. The link below has a lot of tips on stalls https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/#comment-3952027
  22. Healthy_life2

    Water and sleeve stretching

    I have a nathans running hydration vest (favorite running geek accessory) I'm able to sip through the bite straw without sucking in air. They are like camelBaks but hold tighter to your body for less bounce.
  23. Healthy_life2


    Like said before check with your plan. My plan may be out of date..Surgery 3 years and 7 months ago. I always was told carbs were evil. My diet plan was no potato rice breads. All my carbs were vegetable based. (crazy to think of that now). I was allowed two tablespoons healthy carbs after I lost 75% of my weight. This was to slow down or stop my weight loss ( Healthy carbs sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bread) If your dietician gives you a carbohydrate goal just make sure what you eat hits that range. Trust me...My diet does not look like this after goal.
  24. Healthy_life2

    What's for lunch today?

    Bag salad, hard boiled egg, Deli sliced smoked turkey and thick cut bacon 334 calories - 33 protein - 8 carb - 19 fat
  25. Healthy_life2

    My Head Hunger Rant

    It's a learning curve to figure out real and head hunger as you go. We have different perspective when we first start out with WLS. Our views change and evolve with time and our personal experiences. I understand when someone new may not understand that yes! we feel real hunger. Some people believe that hunger completely goes away with surgery. I take what is useful from forum threads. I try to just ignore the rest and move on.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
