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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Healthy_life2

  1. Healthy_life2

    Would you change?

    It is a hard choice. I understand why you feel torn. Think down the road of what is going to make you successful long term.
  2. Healthy_life2

    Would you change?

    I have sleeve 3 years 8 months out. I wouldn't change my choice to have surgery. I don't think it would matter to me wich type I had. I am beyond happy the weight is gone and I have my healthy back. My Dr. suggested sleeve because I'm a type one diabetic. When I have low blood sugar, I can still use my glucose pills With the sleeve you don't get dumping syndrome when you ingest sugar. I also liked that they do not reroute your intestines. I am maintaining. It's still as much work as any other surgery. I have to eat healthy and exercise.
  3. WHEN THE BASICS DON'T WORK ANY MORE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO GET THE WEIGHT BACK DOWN? (Please don't post Going back to basics, TDEE method or the pouch reset . I have tried them all) NO...I'm not eating off plan and YES I exercise 2 hours five days a week like a beast. i have battle the same 15 pounds up and down for a year. Weight loss is painfully slow. ____________________________________________ I started carb cycling and its working well. I'm down 12 pounds as of this morning. My weight loss speed has picked up. So far what I am doing is finally working. But, I'm still waiting to see if I have the dreaded weight gain bounce back. What have you tried and what is actually working?
  4. We are all adults we pick and choose what to read and respond to. If your post was humor...The funny thing is posts eating off plan are posted over and over. Nothing new here. Ever notice the people that love to spin people up and many people take the bate and get emotional......Uggghhh Gets old. Anyhow...@Raffi Ask around about lipstick lady...sarcasm and humor get lost in here.
  5. Healthy_life2


    Ask around about" Lipstick lady" sarcasm and humor.
  6. Healthy_life2

    Calorie Intake for weight loss after weight gain.

    Pizza and Ice cream won't do it for you..lol I'm sure other bypass patients have good advice.You can also check with your bariatric team I'm a sleeve at 1200 to 1300 My protein goal is 100+ I eat 6 times a day. Low carb. Healthy fats ( I still log in myfitnesspal)
  7. I chose not to disclose to certain people. I'm sure it was obvious that I had surgery. I lost over 100 pounds in six months. It's none of their business. I don't owe anyone an explanation. With rapid weight loss they are going to notice. They will speculate and judge. They may even ask if you had surgery...up to you how you want to respond. The same people will find other things to judge about you after goal. All you need is the supportive people around you. Don't invest your time in negative people. (this may not apply to you) Don't lose slow to make negative people feel comfortable. They can get bent..This is your health and your life. Get the most you can out of your surgery.
  8. Healthy_life2

    Large weight gain

    I have the sleeve so I can't speak to the type of surgery you have. Anyone of us can gain if you don't make lifestyle changes. The restriction only does part of the work. With a small pouch you can eat small meals all day long that have high calories. No exercise adds to the mix. On very rare occasions people may have a revision surgery.
  9. (1) How do you all keep yourselves accountable if you don't have too much in the way of in-person support and don't have too much time to spend here on the forums? Other people and this forum don't make me do the work I know I have to do. Some time its not motivation that keeps me going it's having perspective. My perspective is...... anyone that has cancer with only three months to live would gladly trade places with me for my weight loss struggles. We all have struggles in life. It's what we do to overcome them that counts. (2) For those of you who have tightly packed schedules and are making the time for yourselves early in the morning or late at night or whenever to get to the gym, how do you find the energy to get through your whole day without a nap or without a constant stream of caffeine? I feel zapped of energy all the time and all my Vitamins are in good working order (thought it might be Iron deficiency but no). I workout in the evening. I drink a pre workout..I still sleep like a baby. exercise helps shake off the stress of the day. I go when I don't feel like it..I have days I'm zapped.... I've never left the gym saying " I really regret that I worked out today" ___________________________________________ Log your food (myfitnesspal) hit your protein goal cut back carbs. Drink lots of water. Cook in bulk on your days off and freeze them in small batches to eat throughout the week Baraitric recipies http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ Best of luck getting to your goal.
  10. Healthy_life2

    Stretched sleeve at 2 weeks out?

    The amount of revisions due to stretching on this forum seem to be a rare occurrence. US national library of medicine link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4485844/ Conclusion Long-term weight loss in patients following bariatric surgery requires regular and supportive management by qualified health professionals. Based on the literature reviewed, our principal recommendations to optimize long-term weight loss include: ensuring that the patient understands how the procedure works; offering pre- and postoperative education sessions; ensuring the patient utilizes self-monitoring strategies; tailoring nutritional supplements; restraining liquid calories, pureed foods, grazing, and eating out of home; engaging in an average of 60 minutes of physical activity per day; and conducting lifelong annual medical, psychological, and dietary assessments. Stomach stretching? there is a paucity of long-term clinical evidence to describe the rates of occurrence.
  11. Yep, divorce is high percentage for WLS If you don't have a strong marriage during this process. Guaranteed it's going to be a challenge with a big life change. crossover addiction after surgery can be a factor in relationships. Acohol disordered eating sex addiction over exercising drugs shopping I'm sure there are more not listed...
  12. I can tolerate most anything..Exception is running gel and gatorade. I can eat sugar in small amount but It makes me feel sluggish. Only time I have thrown up is from the flu. Love spicy and flavorful stuff.
  13. You are a grown man. You make your own choices. You don't need permission or approval. The only one who has to be happy with your results is you. No judgment from me.. your success is not dependant on anyone of us. you asked for feedback right? Did you only want to hear your own opinion mirrored back? 3 years later let us know how you are doing. I will be curious to know if you brunt muscle at your size and the protein intake you are at.
  14. Healthy_life2

    Need advice...trail half marathon

    Beautiful photos. Your smile says it all!
  15. Healthy_life2

    Before and After Pics

    Things in life may not be easy or pain free. We all have things in life to overcome ..right? I have scoliosis, arthritis and knee issues when I was heavy.... I still have the same issues now. Compared to other people's struggles...my issues are minimal things. Yes there is pain. I reminds me I'm alive! lol I push forward anyway. I work with a physical therapist who is also my running trainer. I train to minimize injury. My goal is to be an old bitty that people see on a race routes! ( the photo of the 50 year old guy..I love his shirt!)
  16. Healthy_life2

    Before and After Pics

    I'm dying to know..Do women get straight up creepy with you? If yes, Do you still take creey as a compliment?
  17. Lately I haven't seen people get pissy when the opposite sex posts in the guys room ...It's way to quiet..lol
  18. Healthy_life2

    Plastic Surgery

  19. Healthy_life2

    Before and After Pics

    Im sure you are like@Bigviffer...got the dudes checking you out as well. Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Healthy_life2

    My Journey

    Keep on inspiring people. Glad to see you are doing well years out.
  21. Healthy_life2

    My Journey

    Nice gym selfie! You have fantastic results. What does your workout look like?
  22. Healthy_life2

    Worried about leakages.

    I changed that statement..Realized it was blunt.. It was intended to not overthink this with worry...Worry is normal. None of us can say or know what our outcomes are. I apologize if I offended.
  23. Healthy_life2

    Are You tubers steering me wrong?

    Look up the product/manufacturer websites may help

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
